
National Improvement Framework: Parent Communication Plan

A parent communication plan for the National Improvement Framework.

Annex A: Membership of the National Parental Engagement Steering Group [1]

The Scottish Government would like to thank the members of the national Parental Engagement Steering Group for their involvement in an initial workshop session to develop the key principles that should underpin this plan. We would also like to thank the National Parent Forum of Scotland and Scottish Parent Teacher Council for contributing to the final development of the plan. We will work with the national Parental Engagement Steering
Group to monitor the delivery of this plan, and to adjust and improve the plan over time.

ADES [2] National Transitions Officer for Service Children and Young People
Parenting Across Scotland
Families Need Fathers
National Parent Forum of Scotland
Scottish Traveller Education Programme
BEMIS Scotland
Families Outside - organisation offering support and information to families affected by imprisonment.
Scottish Parent Teacher Council
Comann nam Pàrant - the national organisation which offers advice and support on Gaelic medium education to parents
Parent Network Scotland
Al Qalam School
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Skills Development Scotland
respectme - Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service
Scottish Parental Involvement Officers Network - the local authority network of officers with a lead responsibility around involving and engaging parents
Save the Children
Scottish Catholic Education Service


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