National Innovation Strategy: Scorecard (2024 Update)

The National Innovation Strategy first published an Innovation Scorecard in 2023, tracking Scotland's performance against key metrics compiled from publicly available data. In the first annual update to the Scorecard, Scotland’s innovation performance is compared to UK and global peers.

1. Overview

Table 1: Metrics Dashboard
Ecosystem Latest Available Data Performance Assessment Relative Performance (Compared to UK regions) Relative Performance (Compared to EU27Ȝ or OECDɸ
R&D Spending Investment 2022 Performance to be Confirmed¥ 2nd Quartile 2nd Quartileɸ
Patents Applications Granted Concept 2023 Performance Worsening 2nd Quartile 2nd QuartileȜ
Academic Income from Business & Community Interactions Concept 2022/23 Performance Worsening 1st Quartile No Data
Risk Capital (Deals Under £10 million) Convert 2023 Performance Worsening 2nd Quartile* No Data
Business Enterprise R&D (BERD) Jobs Convert 2022 Performance to be Confirmed¥ 4th Quartile 1st QuartileȜ
High Growth Businesses Commercialise 2022 Performance Improving 4th Quartile 4th QuartileȜ
Later-Stage Equity (Deals £10 million and Above) Commercialise 2023 Performance Worsening 2nd Quartile* No Data
Innovation Active Businesses Adoption 2020-2022 Performance Worsening 4th Quartile 3rd Quartileɸ

* Data available for overall risk capital relative performance only (compared to UK regions)

¥ ONS have developed a new methodology for BERD estimates, which introduces a break to GERD time series.



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