National Innovation Strategy: Scorecard (2024 Update)

The National Innovation Strategy first published an Innovation Scorecard in 2023, tracking Scotland's performance against key metrics compiled from publicly available data. In the first annual update to the Scorecard, Scotland’s innovation performance is compared to UK and global peers.

9. Innovation Active Businesses

9.1 Ecosystem

  • Adoption

9.2 Performance Assessment

  • Performance Worsening

9.3 Description

  • Innovation Active Businesses is a measure of the percentage of Scottish businesses (with 10 or more employees) that meet the OECD definition of being “Innovation Active" over a three-year period.
  • A Scottish business is classified as “Innovation Active" if it conducts one of the following activities in the survey period:

1) Introduces a new or improved product (goods or services)

2) Initiates a business processes used to produce or supply goods or services that the business has introduced, regardless of origin; these innovations may be new to business or new to the market

3) Engages in innovation projects not yet completed or abandoned

9.4 Timeseries

  • Like trends across the UK, the share of Scottish firms Innovation Active is broadly down since 2012-14, with a part recovery in the share of business Innovation Active in 2018-20, before falling back again.
Chart 22: Innovation Active Business (%), Scotland
A bar chart showing that the percentage of Innovation Active business fell in 2020-22 to 32.4%
Chart 23: Innovation Active Business (%), UK Regions
A line chart showing that Scotland tends to be below England and Wales since 2008-10 in terms of percentage of Innovation Active Businesses

9.5 Current Performance

  • In the latest Scotland results for the UK Innovation Survey (2020-22), 32.4% of Scottish businesses report they are Innovation Active.
  • The only other survey period since 2008 to report a lower share of Scottish businesses Innovation Active was 2016-18.

9.6 Previous Year Performance

  • During the 2018-20 innovation survey period, 39.0% of Scottish businesses were Innovation Active.
  • The share of Scottish firms reporting there were innovation active fell by 6.6 percentage points to the latest survey period: 2020-22.

9.7 UK Regional Benchmark

  • Scotland ranks 10th for share of business Innovation Active.
Chart 24: Innovation Active Businesses (%)
A bar chart showing Scotland ranks 10th of the 12 regions in terms of percentage of Innovation Active businesses.

9.8 International Benchmark

  • Comparing to lagged OECD comparable data, Scotland ranks 25th out of 40 nations.
Chart 25: % of Innovation Active Firms (2018-2020)
A bar chart showing Scotland ranks 25th and the UK 22nd out of the OECD nations in terms of percentage of Innovation Active firms

9.9 About the Data



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