
National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022

The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.


Strategic Objective 3 – To improve transport services

We committed to ensure that existing and future transport-related policies, strategies and services are fully island-proofed so that they truly meet the needs of island communities.

Implementation Route Map action

We will do an Island Communities Impact Assessment for any relevant actions which we are considering including in future strategies and policies and will undertake further consultation with Highlands and Islands stakeholders on specific topics where required.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

On 5 December 2022 we published the final Island Communities Impact Assessment report, setting out the findings of the impact assessments on island communities for the strategic policies within the National Transport Strategy's Delivery Plan (2020‑2022).

The final recommendations of the second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) were published on 8 December 2022, alongside the STPR2's Island Communities Impact Assessment report. Recommendations related to island communities include:

  • Recommendation 18: Supporting integrated journeys at ferry terminals
  • Recommendation 22: Framework for the delivery of mobility hubs
  • Recommendation 24: Ferry vessel renewal and replacement, and progressive decarbonisation
  • Recommendation 28: Zero emission vehicles and infrastructure transition
  • Recommendation 41: Potential Sound of Harris, Sound of Barra fixed link and fixed link between Mull and Scottish mainland
  • Recommendation 42: Investment in port infrastructure to support vessel renewal and replacement, and progressive decarbonisation

The Project Neptune report, setting out the strategic framework of options for the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services network, was published on 8 September 2022. Community engagement across Scotland will be undertaken in early 2023.

The Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP) will consider island transport connectivity more broadly having regard to aviation, ferries and fixed links, and to connecting and onward travel. An advance copy of the draft of the first element of the ICP – the Long-Term plan for vessels and ports on the Clyde and Hebrides and Northern Isles networks (2023-2045) – was shared with key stakeholders and published on 30 December 2022. We intend to commence a formal public consultation in early 2023 and we will continue to work and engage on other elements of the ICP this year.

Our Fair Fares Review is considering both the availability of services and the range of discounts and concessionary schemes which are available on all modes, including bus, rail and ferry. The review is expected to conclude in early 2023.

Ferry fares will be reviewed as part of the ICP. We have also frozen fares on the Northern Isles and Clyde & Hebrides ferry networks at current levels from April until the end of September 2023 to help people and businesses from Scotland's remote rural and island communities.

Extending free bus travel to all children and young people under twenty-two is making public transport more affordable, helping to improve access to education, leisure, and work, while enabling them to travel sustainably early in their lives. This may also help to increase patronage on rural services, enhancing their viability in the longer term.

In April 2022, we published the analysis of consultation responses on the Aviation Strategy which ran from October 2021 to January 2022. Outcomes of the four stakeholder workshops are included within the analysis report.

We committed to engage with local authorities, island communities and transport operators in developing regulations and guidance for the bus services provisions of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, which aim to enable local authorities to better respond to local needs.

Implementation Route Map action

Following the completion of consultation late 2021, Transport Scotland will continue working with partners on the implementation of the bus provisions in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. The consultation analysis was published 11 March 2022.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

Since the publication of the consultation analysis report in March 2022, we have introduced and implemented half of the bus powers (section 34 – local authority run services and section 39 – information for bus service reductions and cancellations) contained within the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.

Work is now progressing on the development of secondary legislation for partnership and franchising powers, which will be introduced before the end of this year. We are working with our partners on the development and implementation of this measures to ensure that all local transport authorities have a range of tools available to them to improve bus service provision regardless of where they are in Scotland.

We committed to produce a long-term plan and investment programme for new ferries and development at ports to improve resilience, reliability, capacity and reduce emissions to give confidence to island communities on our ongoing commitment.

Implementation Route Map action

The Scottish Government's Infrastructure Investment Plan (February 2021) reinforced the National Islands Plan commitment to a 'long term plan and investment programme' which will be taken forward in 2022 with the aim of publication by the end of the year.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

The Scottish Government's Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) 2021/22 to 2025/26 committed to the production and maintenance of a long-term plan and investment programme for new ferries and development at ports. The long-term plan would help address and improve resilience, reliability, capacity, accessibility, increase standardisation, and reduce emissions across the Clyde and Hebrides ferry service (CHFS) and Northern Isles ferry service (NIFS) network, to meet the needs of island communities. This measure is supported by investment of at least £580 million during those five years.

During 2022, work has been undertaken on producing a draft of the Long-Term Plan for Vessels and Ports on the CHFS and NIFS networks through engagement with key stakeholders. An advance copy of this draft Plan was shared with key stakeholders and published on the Transport Scotland website on 30 December 2022. The intention is to consult on this draft Plan in early 2023 and complete it by the end of the year as an element of the Islands Connectivity Plan.

During 2022, Scottish Minister approved the funding to enable Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) to award shipbuilding contracts for two new vessels for Islay and to commence the procurement of two additional vessels of the same design for deployment on the CHFS network; CMAL has now completed the awards of shipbuilding contracts for all four new vessels. 2022 also saw the deployment of the MV Loch Frisa to the Craignure-Oban route, enabling the enhancement of services to Skye and South Uist via vessel cascades.

We committed to develop a new Ferries Plan that will meaningfully contribute to delivering the outcomes of wider Scottish Government strategies as set out in the National Transport Strategy and this National Islands Plan.

Implementation Route Map action

We will prepare the Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP) as the successor to the Ferries Plan 2013-22. We will develop objectives based on supporting delivery of NTS2 and the National Islands Plan and develop proposals to meet those objectives which represent value for money. This work is currently programmed for 2022.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

The Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP) will replace the Ferries Plan and consider island transport connectivity more broadly having regard to aviation, ferries and fixed links, and to connecting and onward travel. Work in 2022 has focused on the preparation of the Long-Term Plan for Vessels and Ports (see above), a key element of the ICP.

As part of the next Ferries Plan, we committed to review the impacts of Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) and consider future ferry fares policy options that will meet the needs of islanders and support island economies.

Implementation Route Map action

The RET Evaluation report published in March 2021 will inform the upcoming fares review being conducted as part of the Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP) that will be set in the context of NTS2 and NIP. This work is currently programmed for 2022.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

Fares policy work in 2022 has focused on addressing the high rate of inflation and cost of living crisis. As a result, on 15 January 2023 the Scottish Government announced that ferry fares would remain frozen until October 2023 to help people and businesses from Scotland's remote rural and island communities and in recognition of recent disruption, particularly on Clyde and Hebrides services.

Ferry fares policy will be reviewed as part of the Islands Connectivity Plan and Fair Fares Review, with further stakeholder consultation on future fares policy options taking place in 2023.

Also, as part of the Ferries Plan, we committed to review and promote integration between ferries and other modes of transport on the mainland and islands, with a view to better facilitating the use of active, public or shared transport for all or part of journeys to and from islands in an affordable and accessible manner.

Implementation Route Map action

This will be a strand of work undertaken as part of the Islands Connectivity Plan and the Strategic Transport Projects Review. This work is currently programmed for 2022.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

This element of the Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP), which will replace the Ferries Plan, will be commenced in 2023.

For the Clyde and Hebrides ferry services, we committed to develop and introduce a new booking, reservation and ticketing system, with Smart Ticketing capability, to replace the existing system.

Implementation Route Map action

The first of three phases of this project are expected to go live in October 2022. A second phase of functionality delivery will start immediately after, and a third phase which will include smart and integrated ticketing will follow.

Delivery of the Action is in three phases, with the first phase delivering around the start of March. Timing for the other phases is not yet clear.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

The procurement phase for a new booking and ticketing system for the Clyde and Hebrides ferry services was completed and a contract awarded in 2021. Since then, CalMac Ferries Limited have been working with the supplier on Implementation.

Known as "Ar Turas," this work being taken forward by CalMac Ferries will see a modern ticketing and booking system, (funded by Transport Scotland). The implementation of the new system is for Spring 2023 and will offer customers an improved booking and travel experience, maximising the use of car deck capacity and improving communications with customers.

We committed to use the feedback from the NTS consultation to inform the NTS Delivery Plan which will seek to address the different transport challenges faced across Scotland's different areas and regions including islands.

Commitment Fulfilled

This commitment was fulfilled in 2020. Please see the National Islands Plan Annual Report 2020 for further details.

We committed to determine strategic transport investments from our island communities through STPR2 – which will also inform Transport Scotland's Ferries Plan 2.

Implementation Route Map action

  • STPR2 will inform transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years. Due to Covid-19 we revised the STPR2 programme and are now taking forward a two-phase approach to the reporting of recommendations for future transport investment opportunities. Phase 1 recommendations and associated impact assessment progress reports were published in February 2021. Phase two will contain further recommendations and will complete STPR2. These will be reported in Autumn 2022.
  • We launched a consultation on the second draft Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Summary Report, which sets out draft transport recommendations for the next 20 years, on 20 January 2022. Consultation responses will inform the final STPR2 Report, which will be the evidence base for future spending decisions on strategic transport investment by Scottish Ministers up to 2042 and will inform the development of future transport investment delivery plans.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

The final recommendations of the second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) were published on 8 December 2022, alongside the STPR2's Island Communities Impact Assessment report. Recommendations related to island communities include:

  • Recommendation 18: Supporting integrated journeys at ferry terminals
  • Recommendation 22: Framework for the delivery of mobility hubs
  • Recommendation 24: Ferry vessel renewal and replacement, and progressive decarbonisation
  • Recommendation 28: Zero emission vehicles and infrastructure transition
  • Recommendation 41: Potential Sound of Harris, Sound of Barra fixed link and fixed link between Mull and Scottish mainland
  • Recommendation 42: Investment in port infrastructure to support vessel renewal and replacement, and progressive decarbonisation.

We remained committed to working in partnership with local authorities and communities to improve walking and cycling infrastructure, the design of place and access to bikes, facilities, promotion and education to make walking and cycling the most popular choice for shorter everyday journeys including as part of multi-modal journeys.

Implementation Route Map action

  • TS and Paths for All colleagues will work with Cycling UK to agree further grants for the Rural Connections Project through the Paths for All Open Fund Grant.
  • Work with Sustrans to re-open the Places for Everyone on-line portal in 2022 to allow Island communities to make applications for walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure.
  • We will work with Sustrans to agree that they provide embedded officers for both Orkney and Dumfries and Galloway to support those local authorities with active travel strategies and projects.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

Transport Scotland funds a range of infrastructure, behaviour change and access to bike schemes that all island authorities and community groups can bid into for delivery of active travel schemes that enable and encourage sustainable travel choices.

Sustrans Scotland receive over £50 million each year to deliver the Places for Everyone active travel infrastructure programme, where several projects are being delivered in the islands ranging from the £21 million Skye network to smaller schemes across the Western Isles, Orkney, Jura and Islay. The programme has again reopened for further applications following a short closure.

The Island authorities also received a direct Cycling Walking Safer Routes grant of over £450,000 in 2022-23 from Transport Scotland (along with a proportion of Argyll and Bute Council and The Highland Council funding) to deliver active travel schemes in the Islands; projects delivered this year include 20mph zones around 10 Orkney schools and a footway linking Habost and Lional in Lewis.

Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council also now benefit from additional funding from Sustrans for embedded officers who support the local teams to develop active travel strategies, plans and bids for funding of these.

Our free Bikes for Children Who Cannot Afford One pilot continues to run in Shetland. It is supported by a number of groups, has provided eight cycles to eligible children to date, and is funded to continue the programme until March 2023. A national scheme will be put in place thereafter and will ensure that all island communities are covered, and that all eligible children of school age receive a free bike.

We continue to deliver a variety of behavioural change programmes in the islands, including increasing the uptake of child and adult cycle training. The new Rural Connections project has reached thousands of residents of rural Scotland to enable them to walk, wheel and cycle more. Since 2021, Rural Connections has operated in seven locations across Scotland including two island communities where the project contributes to connectivity by providing individuals with the equipment and support to cycle for everyday journeys as well as fitness and adventure. Rural Connections has also provided more than twenty cycle fleet loans to local businesses and organisations, supporting the development of innovative and efficient services and economic opportunities in rural communities.

We also grant fund Cycling UK £656,000 to run the Rural Connections programme which supports people in Shetland, Orkney, Western Isles, Argyll and Bute and other rural mainland areas to cycle, walk and wheel for everyday journeys, leisure and adventure. The programme offers a wide range of cycling and walking activities for all abilities.

Transport Scotland also funds the Smarter Choices Smarter Places LA programme, managed by Paths for All, where almost £600k in grants was awarded for sustainable travel behaviour change projects across the Islands. A further £5 million Open Fund is open to all third sector organisations and community groups across Scotland for grants of between £5,000 and £100,000.

We continued to explore the potential to reduce the need to travel by using the planning system to promote places which bring people and services together.

Implementation Route Map action

The draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) includes a new policy on local living including the principle of 20-minute neighbourhoods which connect people to a range of amenities and services close to home and recognises that it is a flexible approach that can vary across the country and settlements to suit the context. We are working towards laying a final version of NPF4 for the Scottish Parliament's approval in 2022.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) was approved by the Scottish Parliament on 11 January 2023. Once adopted by Scottish Ministers it will form part of the development plan for day-to-day decision making in the planning system. It will also inform the preparation of local development plans by planning authorities across Scotland, including the islands.

NPF4 sets out six spatial principles that apply across Scotland and form the basis of the national spatial strategy and planning policies: just transition, conserving and recycling assets, local living, compact urban growth, rebalanced development and rural revitalisation.

NPF4 spatial strategy addresses the Northwest Coast and Islands. It reflects the National Islands Plan priorities including growing the population and economy, improving transport and housing, and ensuring island communities are served by the facilities, jobs, education and services they need to flourish.

The strategy aims to build long-term resilience and self-reliance by minimising the need to travel whilst sustaining dispersed communities and rural patterns of development. This recognises that in certain rural areas, where the top three tiers of the sustainable transport hierarchy have been judged as unfeasible, electric vehicles and shared transport options will play a key role. Digital connectivity can crucially influence travel demand and plays a role in in sustaining businesses and communities through service provision.

NPF4 policies support development in locations accessible by sustainable modes of transport and place-based approaches that look to reduce car dependence. The policies also support an early understanding of the infrastructure needs and impacts of a place. In addition, the policies and strategy support a flexible application of the 20-minute neighbourhood and local living approach in the Northwest Coast and Islands so that communities can access key local infrastructure and services more sustainably.

NPF4 also takes cognisance of National Transport Strategy 2, with both documents aiming to better integrate transport and land use planning and ensuring transport access and a reduction in the need to travel are integral factors to the location of development. NPF4 embeds, for the first time, the NTS2 Sustainable Travel Hierarchy and Sustainable Investment Hierarchy into planning decision making and development planning. NPF4 was also developed alongside the newly published Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 which sets out forty-five recommendations which will help to deliver the vision, priorities and outcomes for transport set out in the National Transport Strategy 2. Many of the recommendations are applicable within the Island regions.

Local Development Plan Guidance

Local development plan regulations and guidance are being prepared to enact the new style development plan system. This promotes a plan-led system whereby plans are place-based, people centred and delivery focused. New style plans increase the focus on community engagement and responding to the local context which is particularly relevant for island communities with their specific set of circumstances.

Subject to requirements as set out in the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Service and the Northern Isles Ferry Service contracts, we will always strive to improve, where necessary and possible, issues relating to freight and will engage proactively with operators, communities and stakeholders as appropriate.

Implementation Route Map action

We intend to undertake a full review of general fares policy (including freight fares) through the Islands Connectivity Plan, which will set out the long-term ferries strategy from 2023. This will allow for a holistic view of fares across all services and networks.

Work is ongoing in relation to this commitment.

We have commissioned two new vessels for Islay and announced additional funding of £115 million to allow CMAL to procure two further major vessels for deployment on the "Little Minch" services – these new vessel deployments will bring significant increases in the freight carrying capacity of services to Islay and the Western Isles. The MV Arrow has been chartered to provide additional capacity.

We continue to progress investment in key ports and harbours including the completion of substantial upgrade works at Tarbert (Harris) that will enable a wider range of vessels to access the port.

In December 2022, the Minister for Transport also announced that freight fares on the Northern Isles would be frozen for the period Jan 2023 – March 2023. Furthermore, our ferry operators also continue to work very closely with the freight sector to manage demand and utilise capacity as effectively as possible.



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