National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2022

Details how we will deliver our priorities over the lifetime of the National Islands Plan. It identifies the methods to monitor progress towards fulfilling the many commitments in the Plan and sets out timescales for delivery of our work.

Measuring Our Progress

Our Annual Report to Parliament includes progress made, through the commitments listed under each Strategic Objective.

We had hoped to launch a virtual National Islands Plan Progress Dashboard in 2021 but paused this work until the revision of the Implementation Route Map had been completed to ensure consistency in approach. Following publication of the 2022 Implementation Route Map, we will now continue the development on the Dashboard, ensuring it also aligns with the 2021 Annual Report. The Dashboard will present real time progress towards both our Strategic Objectives and commitments and will be displayed online in an accessible and transparent manner. It will be reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis.


On the following pages you will find the as yet unfulfilled commitments from the National Islands Plan with specific actions assigned to each of them, demonstrating how Scottish Government envisage they will be met over the lifetime of the Plan.

Each action has been given an indicative timescale for delivery where appropriate as follows:

Short: One-two years

Medium: Two-five years

Long: Over five years

Many of the commitments within the National Islands Plan have an ongoing nature to them, and therefore assigning a timescale for fulfilment is not always appropriate. For these commitments, they are marked as ‘ongoing’. Each year in the Annual Report, we will update on what work has taken place during the year for these commitments.



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