National litter and flytipping: consultation

This consultation proposes potential actions to tackle litter and flytipping in Scotland. Responses to this consultation will inform the development of the final National Litter and Flytipping Strategy which will be published in early 2022.

Annex C: Summary of actions on flytipping

8. Understand behaviours that lead to flytipping to allow targeted approaches to be developed

8.1 Conduct research to understand the full range of influences that result in flytipping behaviour across various contexts and audience groups and use this to design effective policy interventions

Timeline[27] - S

9. Develop and adopt a shared approach between stakeholders to flytipping prevention and behaviour change across Scotland

9.1 Develop a sustained national anti-flytipping campaign and deliver consistently and collaboratively across Scotland

Timeline[27] - M

9.2 Create a single information point containing advice on commonly flytipped materials

Timeline[27] - M

10. Improve our understanding of the sources, levels and composition of flytipping

10.1 Create a data sharing agreement to support gathering of data and work with stakeholders to improve consistency of data collected in Scotland

Timeline[27] - S

10.2 Explore incorporating data into a national database

Timeline[27] - S

10.3 Review the Dumb Dumpers system and ensure that a fit for purpose mechanism for citizen reporting of flytipping exists in Scotland

Timeline[27] - M

10.4 Explore the development of a live picture of flytipping across Scotland

Timeline[27] - M

11. Support development of consistent, innovative and effective waste services and infrastructure

11.1 Support and encourage information and resource sharing between stakeholders through the flytipping forum

Timeline[27] - S

11.2 Explore how to support and encourage more reuse and repair of products that are commonly flytipped

Timeline[27] - M

11.3 Explore a flexible approach to waste disposal (such as mobile HWRCs and targeted amnesties), and targeted interventions, with a view to trial these.

Timeline[27] - M

12. Provide support to private landowners and land managers

12.1 Explore role of technology in assisting private landowners to deter flytipping

Timeline[27] - S

12.2 Produce update guidance for private landowners and land managers to deter flytipping on their land

Timeline[27] - S

12.3 Explore alternative financial support mechanisms available to private landowners and land managers

Timeline[27] - S

13. Develop a more effective enforcement model

13.1 Conduct an evidence review of barriers to enforcement

Timeline[27] - S

13.2 Raise current fixed penalties issued by Local Authorities, Police and Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park to the maximum (£500) and explore raising further

Timeline[27] - S

13.3 Explore the possibility and benefits of enabling local authorities and national parks to use civil penalties to enforce flytipping offences

Timeline[27] - S

13.4 Explore raising current fixed penalties that can be issued by SEPA to the maximum (£1000) and explore raising further

Timeline[27] - S

13.5 Explore the ability to remove or deny waste carriers license to individuals/companies fined for flytipping

Timeline[27] - M

13.6 Review existing powers for enforcing flytipping offences

Timeline[27] - M

13.7 Take powers to enable seizure of vehicles used in flytipping

Timeline[27] - L

14. Improve consistency of enforcement practices across Scotland

14.1 Come to an agreement and develop guidance on roles and responsibility of SEPA, local authorities, national parks and Police Scotland in enforcing flytipping offences

Timeline[27] - S

14.2 Develop guidance on enforcement best practices and seek for this to be voluntarily adopted by statuatory bodies

Timeline[27] - L



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