
Litter and flytipping strategy: strategic environment assessment - post adoption statement

A strategic environmental assessment post adoption statement setting out how responses to the assessment have been taken into account for the national litter and flytipping strategy.

3 Strategic Environmental Assessment

To help inform the Scottish Government's decisions on the introduction of the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy in Scotland, screening of the strategy proposals against the requirements of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 (the '2005 Act') and identified that, as they are likely to have significant environmental effects, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was required. The SEA was carried out to assess the likely significant environmental effects of the actions proposed to combat litter and flytipping, and to identify ways in which any adverse effects could be avoided, minimised or mitigated. The SEA also explored how any positive effects could be enhanced. The findings were presented in an Environmental Report.[5] This document (the Post Adoption Statement) is the final output of the SEA process.



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