
Litter and flytipping strategy: strategic environment assessment - post adoption statement

A strategic environmental assessment post adoption statement setting out how responses to the assessment have been taken into account for the national litter and flytipping strategy.

9 The measures decided concerning monitoring

Section 19 of the 2005 Act requires the Scottish Government, as the responsible authority, to monitor significant environmental effects of the implementation of the Plan.

It is not necessary to monitor everything or monitor an effect indefinitely. Instead, as noted in the SEA guidance,[28] it is "practical to make a clear link between the significant effects predicted within an assessment and the indicators selected to monitor the likely environmental effects".

The Environmental Report identified that subject to the practical implementation of what are recognised to be high level visions, aims and actions for preventing litter and flytipping, the proposals in the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy have the potential to produce positive environmental effects across all of the environmental topics assessed.

  • It is anticipated that the measures will assist in preventing the presence of litter and flytipped material, thus helping to break the link between the adverse effects of these wastes on each of the environmental topics.
  • Where incidents of litter and flytipping do occur the measures are expected to limit the duration that uncontrolled waste is present in the environment and improve the onward management of these materials.
  • A significant level of cumulative positive effects is determined for the measures related to data and research for material assets, where there are considered to be benefits in recouping the resource value of materials in litter that would otherwise be lost, which may also support a reduction in carbon emissions and reduce pressure on landfill capacity.

Whilst the actions on littering and flytipping are expected to deliver positive impacts, the Scottish Government should undertake ongoing monitoring exercises to assess the response to the proposed measures. Monitoring of these aspects can help to answer questions such as:

  • Were the Environmental Report assessments of effects accurate?
  • Are the prevention measures contributing to the achievement of the Scottish Government objectives?
  • Are mitigation measures performing as well as expected?
  • Are there any unforeseen adverse effects? Are these within acceptable limits, or is remedial action desirable?

The Environmental Report proposed a monitoring framework to ensure that the intended benefits of the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy are realised. For the six environmental topics considered, monitoring of the aspects will be critical to assess the success of the measures to prevent litter and flytipping, and, to allow for the identification of unexpected challenges that require further intervention to ensure the effective realisation of the aims and objectives of the prevention measures.

The Environmental Report reflected the understanding of the proposed policy at the point of consultation. Following further review and in response to the public consultation the proposed monitoring measures have been revised.

The Strategy itself will have a mid-point and end of strategy reviews, in year 3 and 6, to evaluate the overall approach adopted and ensure sufficient progress is being achieved against the aim of preventing litter and flytipping but also the individual objectives within the document. This will include evaluation of the six environmental topics considered by the Environmental Report. This will be supported by a number of actions in the Year 1 Action Plan that aim to improve existing sources of data or investigate opportunities for new sources of data to support development, delivery and monitoring of litter and flytipping prevention and associated activities.



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