
National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland: statement of intent

This document confirms the commitment of partners to work together in developing and delivering a National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland.

National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland: Statement of Intent

This document confirms the commitment of partners to work together in developing and delivering a National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland.

National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland; Background

The February 2016 Manufacturing Action Plan, A Manufacturing Future for Scotland, reiterated the importance of manufacturing for Scotland's future economic prosperity. It set out a plan to boost productivity, stimulate innovation and encourage investment to support manufacturing firms in Scotland to better compete globally while providing well paid, highly skilled employment opportunities across the country. A key action fundamental to the Plan's overall success was to establish a centre of manufacturing excellence and skills academy, now known as the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland.

National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland; Vision

The vision of for a National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland, shared by key delivery partners agreeing this document, is:

The National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland is an industry-led international centre of manufacturing expertise where research, industry and the public sector work together to transform skills, productivity and innovation to attract investment and make Scotland a global leader in advanced manufacturing.

National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland: Objectives

This vision is underpinned by five objectives which will guide detailed planning activity:

i. Increase the productivity and innovation performance of manufacturing businesses based in Scotland and reduce the perceived individual company risk associated with innovation:

ii. Stimulate manufacturing investment, both inward and from businesses already located in Scotland, to increase the competitiveness of Scotland's manufacturing base over the medium to longer term in a highly advanced manufacturing environment.

iii. Catalyse job creation and strengthen supply chain linkages, increasing the relative manufacturing contribution to Scotland's overall economy:

iv. Inspire and attract a diverse talent pool to work in manufacturing, equipping existing and future employees with the skills, both technical and practical, to prosper in an increasingly digital and automated manufacturing environment:

v. Minimise displacement of companies and jobs, including through outreach initiatives which spread benefits and impact across Scotland and beyond.

National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland: Partner Commitments

The immediate focus for all partners is to complete the detailed planning and site preparation work required to enable onsite work to begin in 2018. To achieve this partners are committed to:

  • Develop and deliver the facilities, services and the overall offering necessary to realise the programme's vision and objectives as set out above.
  • Fully engage with industry in shaping the operation of NMIS to ensure it meets actual manufacturing needs and priorities.
  • Leverage Scotland's full research capabilities and assets, while drawing on UK and international expertise as relevant, to build a globally recognised centre of excellence.
  • Facilitate physical and virtual access opportunities to the core facilities for all areas of Scotland.
  • Ensure that the project achieves a high degree of additionality, establishing an appropriate reporting framework to evidence impact.
  • Identify and connect with relevant complimentary projects, particularly within Scotland, to maximise the cumulative impact of initiatives stimulating productivity growth in manufacturing.


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