
National Marine Plan 2 Steering Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the group.


Effectively managing how we use our marine space is critical in our transition to net zero by 2045, the achievement of our national and international biodiversity commitments and to maximise the opportunities a blue economy approach can deliver for our environment and communities. 

In Programme for Government 2022-2023, Scottish Ministers announced their intention to start the process of developing a new National Marine Plan (NMP), to address the global climate and nature crises by carefully managing increased competition for space and resources in the marine environment”.

The statutory process for the development of a National Marine Plan requires detailed assessments and extensive stakeholder engagement, estimated to take approximately three years, with adoption by late 2025.

Widespread stakeholder participation and engagement with the general public is essential if we are to successfully deliver a new National Marine Plan for Scotland that helps us:

  • deliver our priorities in line with our statutory targets
  • support sustainable economic recovery
  • protect and enhance the natural goods and services our marine environment provides
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