National Missing Persons Framework for Scotland
Document providing a focus for all agencies with an interest in missing people to work together.
Objectives - Prevent, Respond, Support and Protect
As indicated above, the shared objectives of this Framework are as follows:
Aim | To prevent people going missing and limit the harm to those who have gone missing | |||
Objectives | Objective 1: To introduce preventative measures to reduce the number of missing persons episodes. | Objective 2: To respond consistently and appropriately to missing persons episodes. | Objective 3: To provide the best possible support to both missing people and their families. | Objective 4: To protect vulnerable missing people and reduce the risks of harm. |
Commitments | 1) Agencies toensure thatpreventionplanning takesplace locally forvulnerableindividuals andgroups. 2) Agencies toensure thatpeople most atrisk of goingmissing aretreated as apriority at alocal |
3) Agencies toexchangeproportionateinformation toensure thatmissing peopleare locatedquickly. 4) Agencies toadopt aconsistentapproach to riskassessmentwhen someonegoes missing. |
5) Agencies tohold returndiscussionswith youngpeople andadults after theyhave beenmissing. 6) Agencies toensure thatspecialistsupport is madeavailable topeople whohave beenmissing andtheir families. |
7) ScottishGovernment tooversee aprogramme ofactivity to raiseawareness ofmissing people. 8) ScottishGovernment toensure thatrisks of harmare highlightedin all trainingand guidance. |
These objectives are interlinking and support the overall aim of this Framework.
The commitments require action both nationally and locally. However, it is important to note that most - if not all - of this local activity should already be taking place through multi-agency partnerships. No new requirements are being placed on local authorities and their partners. Through this Framework, partnerships will be provided with a national focus for this activity and a means to share best practice.
Progress toward the objectives will be assessed one year after the publication of the Framework.
Email: Stephen Coulter
Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit
The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
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