National Mission on Drugs: annual monitoring report 2022-2023

Provides an analysis of the progress made against the National Mission on Drugs between April 2022 and March 2023. This is aimed at reducing the number of drug-related deaths and improving the lives of people affected by drugs in Scotland.

13. Annex A: List of abbreviations

ADP: Alcohol and Drug Partnership

DAISy: Drug and Alcohol Information System

HBSC: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children

HWBC: Health and Wellbeing Census

IEP: Injecting equipment provision

MAT: Medication Assisted Treatment

NESI: Needle exchange surveillance initiative

NFO: Near-fatal overdose

NRS: National Records of Scotland

OST: Opioid substitution therapy

PHS: Public Health Scotland

SALSUS: Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey

SAS: Scottish Ambulance Service

WEMWBS: Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale



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