
National Mission on Drugs: annual report

Sets out the progress made between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 by national government, local government and third sector partners towards reducing drug deaths and improving the lives of those impacted by drugs in Scotland.

7. Outcome 6: Children, families and communities affected by substance use are supported

7.1 Overview

Families require dedicated support to empower them and allow them to support the recovery of their loved one. They also need access to services to enable their own recovery.

7.2 Progress in 2023-24

7.2.1 Whole Family Approach Framework

We continued to support the implementation of our framework for holistic family approaches and family inclusive practice. The framework is supported by investing totalling £6.5 million per year over the life of the Parliament.

We have provided ADPs with an additional £3.5 million per year over the life of the Parliament to implement the framework locally.

Through our Children and Families Fund, we are also supporting vital front-line and third-sector organisations who support children and families affected by drug use. This provides grant funding worth £3 million each year. In 2023-24, eighteen new projects have grant funding agreed to support families. For example, Circle in North Lanarkshire will receive up to £399,496 to deliver intensive whole family support, therapeutic counselling and children’s resilience service, in response to the complex health and social care needs experienced by children and their families due to experiences of substance use, domestic abuse and poor mental health.

We are now working with local areas to improve their family support and implement family inclusive practice across alcohol and drug services. This is supported by an expert national working group. This, alongside our work to support young people affected by substance use, will support the delivery of The Promise by making significant change in the way services work with families. We are focusing on valuing families, promoting support and building trusting relationships.

We have asked Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs to work with local areas to develop Family Inclusive Practice at an operational level, and in 2023 we funded recruitment of a Family Inclusive Practice Development Officer.

A rapid evidence review on Whole Family Approaches to family support was published in July 2023. This review focused on examples of best practice to better understand existing interventions and the development needs of substance use practitioners and the wider workforce. The evidence from this rapid review has been shared with Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and underpins the implementation support of our Families Framework through our national working group.



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