
A National Mission with Local Impact - draft infrastructure investment plan 2021‑2022 to 2025‑2026: consultation

We are consulting on this Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan which covers the financial years 2021-2022 to 2025-2026 and outlines a coherent approach to delivering our National Infrastructure Mission and demonstrates the vital role infrastructure has to play in enabling inclusive, net zero and sustainable growth.

The Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan sets out a clear vision for our future infrastructure - to support Scotland's resilience and enable an inclusive, net zero emissions society. The plan focusses on adopting and building on the recommendations of the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland's Phase 1 report. It sets out our long term vision for Scottish infrastructure, shows how we will choose the right future investments, and sets out a 5 year programme of further improvements in our approach.

To ensure the right approach, we are taking a consultative approach. We are seeking views on the ways we plan to implement the Commission’s recommendations in the following areas:

  • The inclusion of natural infrastructure
  • How we prioritise - the common investment hierarchy approach
  • How we best assess the impact of proposed infrastructure
  • How we might best assess the carbon impact of future Plans.

The consultation is open until 19 November 2020.


An errata was published on Monday 28/09/2020 as a result of text changes to pages 7 and 38



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