National Mission Oversight Group minutes: 20 June 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 20 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • David Strang, NMOG Chair
  • Kirsten Horsburgh, Scottish Drugs Forum
  • Justina Murray, Scottish Families affected by Alcohol and Drugs
  • Emma Crawshaw, Crew 2000 Scotland
  • Chris Williams, Royal College of GPs
  • Laura Wilson, Royal Pharmaceutical Society
  • Stephen McCutcheon, Lived and Living Experience Representative
  • Sally Amor, Lived and Living Experience Representative
  • Professor Andrew McAuley, Glasgow Caledonian University / HPS
  • Tracey McFall, Scottish Recovery Consortium 
  • Iain Smith, Keegan Smith Law

Also attended

  • Graeme Callander, With You (deputising for Louise Stewart)
  • Joke Devalux, Public Health Scotland, Evaluator
  • Alison Byrne, Scottish Government
  • Maggie Page, Scottish Government
  • Morris Fraser, Scottish Government
  • Alison Crocket, Scottish Government
  • Chloe Poole, Scottish Government
  • Anniek Sluiman, Scottish Government 
  • John McLaughlin, Scottish Government


Georgie Alford, Scottish Government


  • Ms McKelvie, Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy
  • ACC Paton, Police Scotland
  • Susanna Galea-Singer, Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Nicholas Phin, Public Health Scotland
  • Valerie White, Public Health Scotland
  • Richard Foggo, Scottish Government
  • Paul Johnston, Chief Executive, PHS
  • Prof. Hannah Carver, University of Stirling
  • Billy Watson, SAMH
  • Sandra Holmes, LLE Representative
  • Lorraine McGrath, Simon Community Scotland 
  • Eddie Follan, COSLA

Items and actions

Welcome and board governance

The Chair welcomed members and attendees to the ninth meeting of the National Mission Oversight Group (NMOG). Apologies were noted.

The Chair welcomed new Deputy Director for Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Alison Byrne, who made a brief introduction to the group.

The Chair reiterated the meeting focus on Finance, Strategy, Governance and Evaluation, taking stock of where we have got to so far in the National Mission, and where we still need to go. 

The minute of the previous meeting on 21 March 2024 was formally approved. The summary minute for the previous meeting has been published on the website.

SG update since last meeting

The Chair handed to AB for the SG Update.

AB referenced the SG update paper, which was provided in advance of the meeting, highlighting preference to discuss and take any questions and summarised content. The key areas included: 

  • achievements since the last meeting (in particular noting recent naloxone and residential rehab stats, work on synthetic drugs and Planet Youth)
  • actions for the coming months
  • suspected Drug Death statistics

The Chair welcomed questions on the SG update from the group. 


Members raised concerns over journeys through Residential Rehab and the sustainability of funding after the National Mission. MP confirmed that Residential Rehab is focused on pathways and the principles for Resi Rehab work is underway. AS added that an evidence review is underway focusing on recovery housing as a follow on to Resi Rehab. 

Cross government update

MP provided an update to the meeting on the cross-government work, referencing the RAG Status Report and Cross Government Update paper and changes to action rationale. MP also flagged ongoing work to prioritise key cross-government areas for greater engagement at a Ministerial level. 

The Chair welcomed comments and discussion on the Cross Government Update. 


Members queried why actions on education lacked progress. AC responded, highlighting the work of the Multiple Complex Needs team, including Planet Youth and the prevention consensus statement. AC agreed to provide a fuller written update on education work. 

Deep dive – finance, strategy and governance

MP and JM from the Scottish Government Drugs Policy Division attended the meeting to present on Finance, Strategy and Governance. 

The focus of the presentation was on:

  • Summarising funding data
  • Explaining current governance structures 
  • Setting out current challenges with ADP governance and accountability 

Deep dive – evaluation and initial findings  

JD from Public Health Scotland attended the meeting to present on the National Mission Evaluation and Initial Findings. 

The focus of the presentation was on: 

  • the overall approach of the National Mission evaluation 
  • early evidence of positive impact 
  • early evidence of unintended negative consequences 

Deep dive discussion

The chair welcomed comments and discussion on MP, DM, JD’s presentations.

Members were interested in the initial findings of the evaluation and keen to see that these were integrated into policy decisions. There was also an appetite for additional aspects to be incorporated into the evaluation such as risk, the experience of families, pharmacy, and primary care. 

On governance, members acknowledged challenges and pressures ADPs face and the variation between them. Members agreed that greater financial transparency from ADPs is essential going forward. It was noted that the weight of holistic support (for example housing and mental health) often falls on drug service providers. 

It was agreed that the role of ADPs in public protection leadership at a national level and plans for transition post National Mission will be a future topic at the NMOG. 

AOB and close

The Chair thanked attendees for attending the meeting.

The Chair reminded attendees that, should they have any items they would like to add to the agenda for future meetings, they should let the steering group know.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 19 September 2024 in St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh. The proposed focus will be on the National Collaborative and MAT Standards. 

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