
Primary care: national monitoring and evaluation strategy

Our approach to Scotland's national monitoring and evaluation of primary care reform up to 2028.

Annex 3: Who will contribute evidence and analysis for monitoring and evaluating primary care reform? 

Support agency


Scottish Government Health and Social Care Analysis Division (SG HSCA)


  • Report to, and be core member of, the PC Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Group.
  • Report to the SG Primary Care Programme Board on the Strategy.
  • Develop and manage an annual monitoring and evaluation Workplan, with evaluation support from Health Scotland, data and data analysis support from ISD and improvement and evaluation input/intelligence from HIS.
  • Produce short annual update reports in collaboration with Health Scotland.
  • Design, commission and manage research and evaluation for SG.
  • Manage and deliver the national care experience surveys.
  • Quality assure and critically appraise evidence.
  • Identify and advise on the implications of research and evaluation for national policy-making and delivery.
  • Identify gaps in the evidence - and how to fill those.
  • Manage and prioritise SG analytical resources.

Health Scotland/ New Public Health Body

  • Coordinate the Collaborative.
  • Be a core member of, the PC Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Group.
  • Produce short annual update reports in collaboration with SG HSCA.
  • Collate and synthesise results from research and data analysis relevant to primary care.
  • Populate and test the Outcomes Framework.
  • Support decision-making by Integration Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships and SG by providing them with the best available evidence about what does and does not work in different primary care contexts 
  • Identify gaps in the evidence - and how to fill those.
  • Support, commission and undertake evaluation

Information Services Division/New Public Health Body

  • Be a core member of, the PC Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Group.
  • Lead on NHS primary care data collation and reporting
  • Help to populate and develop the Outcomes Framework with data
  • Produce short annual update reports
  • Support decision-making by Health and Social Care Partnerships, Integration Authorities and SG by providing them with the best available evidence about what does and does not work in different primary care contexts 
  • Identify gaps in the evidence and how to fill those 

Local Intelligence Support Team (LIST) analysts (ISD)

  • Provide analytical support to GP Clusters and Health and Social Care Partnerships to help them source, link and interpret data.
  • Support local areas to understand and assess population needs.
  • Champion the use of data and intelligence in local decision-making, resource allocation and service delivery.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland, including Improvement Advisors

  • Be a core member of the PC Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Group.
  • Support organisations’ evidence, quality assurance and improvement functions at the local level.
  • Sharing and translating lessons from the local to the national level.
  • Provide improvement support to GP Clusters and Tests of Change sites.
  • Help build analytical/evaluation capacity in Clusters and Health and Social Care Partnerships 
  • Communication and liaison strategy for sharing evidence with Health and Social Care Partnerships, across the Collaborative member organisations, and more widely.
  • Support patient and public participation through the Our Voice framework

Primary Care Evidence Collaborative (see below) 

  • A champion for evidence-based practice and service delivery across the primary care sector
  • Communication, liaison and co-ordination across generators and users of primary care evidence
  • Support decision-making by Integration Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships and SG by providing them with the best available evidence about what does and does not work in different primary care contexts
  • Identify gaps in the evidence and how to fill those
  • Deliver or facilitate delivery of evaluation activities
  • Help to populate, test and develop the Outcomes Framework
  • Leverage for capacity and resources for evaluation, research and other evidence-generation 
  • Build capacity for primary care research and analysis in Scotland

SG Professional Advisers

  • Provide profession-specific/clinical guidance and advice to Scottish Government 
  • Lead/support for national and local interventions specific to their profession
  • Communication and liaison with policy, national boards and members of their professions

The Primary Care Evidence Collaborative

An important element of the national approach to co-ordination of research and the generation of evidence relevant to Primary Care has been the formation of the Primary Care Evidence Collaborative, instigated and co-ordinated by Health Scotland. The Collaborative is a network of organisations and institutions in Scotland who have a responsibility and a shared commitment to improve the quality, relevance, timeliness, and use of evidence relevant to primary care policy and practice. 

It is the intention that subgroups of the Collaborative will focus on particular challenges or questions for evidencing primary care, which will include work that supports the delivery of this strategy. For example, a data subgroup of the Collaborative has been looking at how to use routine data, surveys and bespoke data collection to monitor the outcomes articulated in the Primary Care Outcomes Framework alongside the development of the Primary Care Indicators. 

The Collaborative’s emphasis is on outward-facing and bottom-up co-operation and support, looking towards working with and for Integration Authorities and Health and Social Care Partnerships, with LIST analysts and improvement advisers, and with research peers and colleagues in Scotland and beyond. It currently includes NHS Health Scotland (NHS HS), the Scottish School of Primary Care (SSPC), Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE), the International Centre for Integrated Care, the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Analysis Division, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, and NSS Information Services Division.



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