
Primary care: national monitoring and evaluation strategy

Our approach to Scotland's national monitoring and evaluation of primary care reform up to 2028.


Our anticipation is that the approach, principles, priorities, and the roles and responsibilities laid out in this Strategy provide direction for telling the story of how we reform primary care over the next decade – for patients and communities, for a diverse multi-disciplinary workforce, and for the health and social care system. While the Scottish Government will lead on national evaluation of primary care, at the heart of our approach lie partnership and collaboration across public sector organisations and the wider research community represented on the Primary Care Evidence Collaborative. We hope that others will find the evaluation approach described in this publication, the national indicator set and the Outcomes Framework useful for planning and prioritising their own data collection, analysis and research, and for better understanding the contribution their policies, practice and service redesign are making to the changes we need to see in primary care across Scotland. 



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