
National Outcomes review 2023: consultation information pack

We want to hear from people and communities across Scotland about whether our National Outcomes continue to reflect the kind of Scotland we want to see. We would also like to hear about how the National Performance Framework could have a bigger impact.

Ministerial foreword

The National Outcomes set out the kind of Scotland we all want to see. It is therefore vital that we hear from communities in Scotland about what matters most to them, so that we can ensure the National Outcomes reflect our shared priorities. Our collective wellbeing is a matter for all of us – government, charities, communities, businesses and people – working together to make these National Outcomes a reality.

As part of our National Performance Framework, the National Outcomes describe what 'living well together' means for us, from protecting our environment, to being healthy and active; with communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe, to tackling poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally.

The National Performance Framework also helps us to measure what matters. Our National Indicators track progress on the National Outcomes, allowing us celebrate success and to invest in areas where we need to unlock greater momentum.

The current set of National Outcomes were published in 2018, and much has happened since then. Scotland has been taken out of the European Union; the climate crisis has worsened; we have faced the challenge of a global health pandemic, which aggravated existing inequality and brought to light ways in which people across Scotland experience different outcomes; and now we face a cost of living crisis which is impacting us all.

And so, the Scottish Government wants to hear from people and communities across Scotland about whether our National Outcomes continue to reflect the kind of Scotland we want to see. We are asking in this consultation and call for evidence for you to give us your views on the existing National Outcomes, and whether there are additional National Outcomes that we should consider. We would also like to hear about how the National Performance Framework could have a bigger impact.

We welcome your views, and I invite you to add your voice by 5 June 2023.

John Swinney MSP

Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery



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