
The National Plan for Scotland's Islands

The National Islands Plan provides a framework for action in order to meaningfully improve outcomes for island communities. This replaces the proposed plan published in October 2019.

Summary of Strategic Objectives

Population Levels

Strategic Objective 1 To address population decline and ensure a healthy, balanced population profile

Sustainable Economic Development

Strategic Objective 2 To improve and promote sustainable economic development


Strategic Objective 3 To improve transport services


Strategic Objective 4 To improve housing

Fuel Poverty

Strategic Objective 5 To reduce levels of fuel poverty 

Digital Connectivity

Strategic Objective 6 To improve digital connectivity 

Health, Social Care and Well-being

Strategic Objective 7 To improve and promote health, social care and wellbeing

Environmental Wellbeing and Biosecurity

Strategic Objective 8 To improve and promote environmental wellbeing and deal with biosecurity

Climate Change and Energy

Strategic Objective 9 To contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and promote clean, affordable and secure energy

Empowered Island Communities and Strong Local Partnership

Strategic Objective 10 To empower diverse communities and different places

Arts, Culture and Language

Strategic Objective 11 To support arts, culture and language


Strategic Objective 12 To promote and improve education for all throughout life


Strategic Objective 13 To support effective implementation of the National Islands Plan



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