
National Planning Framework 4 - lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions: assessment findings

Findings of a research project on lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of proposed national developments in the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4).

Version control

First published - Date: October 2021

Changes: First published

Revision 1.0 - Date: October 2022

Changes: As per changes detailed below

This report has been updated to align with the amended National Developments as set out in the Revised Draft NPF4 submitted to the Scottish Parliament in November 2022. Where references are to the 'draft NPF4' or to 'NPF4' these should be read as referring to the Revised Draft NPF4 and the proposed National Developments referred to therein. Changes in the main report are listed first in the below table. Changes in the Annex are briefly summarised in this table, as changes have been initially described in the preceding description of changes to the main report text.

Change Location Description
1.1 Executive summary, paragraph 1 Clarifies status of report
1.2 Executive summary, paragraph 9 Clarifies national development presented in alphabetical order
1.3 Throughout report Names of national developments updated to reflect name changes
1.4 Executive summary Order of national developments updated to reflect name changes and alphabetical order
1.5 Chapter 1 (paragraph 1.2) Clarifies status of report
1.6 Chapter 2 (paragraph 2.3) Amendment to text describing which national developments refer to low carbon and renewable hydrogen. All national developments which refer to hydrogen now include both in scope
1.7 Chapter 2 (paragraph 2.6) Minor amendments to text to reflect the above change
1.8 Chapter 2, (paragraphs 2.9 to 2.12) Text added on carbon footprint of water use in hydrogen production comparing low carbon and renewable hydrogen production
1.9 Chapter 2 (paragraph 2.13) Reference added to associated water use in hydrogen production
1.10 Chapter 2 (paragraph 2.16) Reference to renewable hydrogen changed to reflect both low carbon and renewable hydrogen
1.11 Chapter 2, Aberdeen Harbour Table 2.4 Indirect effects for transport updated to minor positive Reference to renewable hydrogen changed to reflect both low carbon and renewable hydrogen Addition of text on uncertainty over the energy requirements of the hydrogen production and CCUS processes.
1.12 Chapter 2, Circular economy materials management facility: Change of word in description from 're-processing' to 'circulation'
1.13 Chapter 2, Clyde Mission Change of wording in description from 'vacant and derelict' to 'brownfield'
1.14 Chapter 2, Digital Fibre Network Minor clarity change to assumption wording
1.15 Chapter 2, Dundee Waterfront Change of wording in description from 'expansion to' to 'improvement of facilities at'
1.16 Chapter 2, Dundee Waterfront Minor change of wording in assumption for clarity Deletion of 'and land reclamation for port expansion'
1.17 Chapter 2, Industrial Green Transition Zones Deletion of wording in description 'as well as further industrial transition sites that are expected to emerge in the longer term'.
1.18 Chapter 2, Industrial Green Transition Zones Change of wording of assumption to reflect inclusion of renewable hydrogen Change of wording of assumption from 'near shore' to 'off shore' Change of wording of assumption to delete reference to 'passenger'
1.19 Chapter 2, Industrial Green Transition Zones Table 2.24 change of indirect effects for electricity to minor positive, national, enabling, long term
1.20 Chapter 2, Industrial Green Transition Zones Table 2.24 addition of wording in summary of GHG balance (direct effects) to reflect hydrogen production for use for heat
1.21 Chapter 2, Industrial Green Transition Zones Table 2.24 addition of wording in summary of lifecycle GHG balance (indirect effects) and overall summary of effects to reflect renewable hydrogen
1.22 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Name change from Islands Hub for Net Zero in all relevant locations
1.23 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Addition of 'low carbon' hydrogen to description and assumptions for clarity
1.24 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Addition of 'This is aligned with low carbon energy projects within the Islands Growth Deal that have been developed with local partners such as the Islands Centre for Net Zero, and encompasses other projects that can facilitate net zero aims.'
1.25 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Deletion of 'in particular at the proposed Orkney Research and Innovation Campus' in the description Deletion of 'There may also be opportunity for ports in the islands'
1.26 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Addition of word 'expertise' to description
1.27 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Deletion of 'There may also be opportunity for ports in the islands.'
1.28 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Addition of new assumption 'Assuming carbon capture and storage facilitates carbon capture from a range of processes and locations.'
1.29 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Table 2.26 change to GHG balance (direct effects) for industrial, manufacture and construction processes from moderate negative to minor positive
1.30 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Table 2.26 summary of GHG balance (direct effects) change from low to medium level of confidence in minor positive effects for electricity and addition of wording Change to minor positive effects from industrial processes and inclusion of text
1.31 Chapter 2, Energy innovation Development on the Islands Table 2.26 summary of lifecycle GHG balance (indirect effects) addition of text
1.32 Chapter 2, National Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Network Change to description to include 'infrastructure'
1.33 Chapter 2, Pumped hydro storage Minor amendment to assumption
1.34 Chapter 2, Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure Addition of wording in description 'on and' to off shore renewables
1.35 Chapter 2, paragraph 2.37 Additional wording to clarify location
1.36 Chapter 3, paragraph 3.14 Addition of text on carbon capture
1.37 Annex A, Table A.3 Aberdeen Harbour Addition of new assessment row for low carbon hydrogen
1.38 Annex A, Table A.4 Aberdeen Harbour Update of effects for transport, electricity and industrial, manufacture and construction processes.
1.39 Annex A, Table A.7 Chapelcross Power Station Redevelopment Minor edit of wording for consistency with sentence structure in other table cells.
1.40 Annex A, Table A.9 Circular Economy Materials Management Facilities Change of development description to match edited text
1.41 Annex A, Table A.15 Dundee Waterfront Change of development description to match edited text
1.42 Annex A, Table A.17 Edinburgh Waterfront Change of text to reflect change in ND description
1.43 Annex A, Table A.19 High Speed Rail Change to development sub category description to match edited text
1.44 Annex A, Table A.22 Hunterston Strategic Asset Addition of text on confidence of indirect effects for consistency with structure of other tables.
1.45 Annex A, Table A.23 Industrial Green Transition Zone Amendment to table for consistency
1.46 Annex A, Table A.24 Industrial Green Transition Zone Minor edits to text
1.47 Annex A, Table A.25 Energy Innovation Development on the Islands Addition of low carbon hydrogen Addition of carbon capture and storage
1.48 Annex A, Table A.26 Energy Innovation Development on the Islands Amendment of table for consistency
1.49 Annex A, Table A.31 Stranraer Gateway Change to development sub category description to match edited text
1.50 Annex A, Table A.33 Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure Change to development sub category description to match edited text



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