
National Planning Framework for Scotland 2

Long term spatial strategy for Scotland's development.


John Swinney, MSP photograph

The Scottish Government is committed to creating a more successful Scotland by increasing sustainable economic growth. The second National Planning Framework ( NPF2) takes forward the spatial aspects of that commitment, setting out a strategy for long-term development. It is concerned with how we want Scotland to develop over the next 20 to 25 years and where things need to happen to make that possible.

NPF2 articulates the spatial consequences of policies for economic development, climate change, transport, energy, housing and regeneration, waste management, water and drainage, catchment management and the protection of the environment. It identifies key strategic infrastructure projects as national developments and reflects the ambitious emissions targets which will see us move to a low carbon economy. It embodies the Scottish Government's continuing commitment to realising the potential of places, highlighting economic and environmental opportunities in each and every part of Scotland.

NPF2 marks the beginning of a step change in the way that we undertake territorial planning in Scotland. It is a key part of the modernised planning system, providing a national policy context for the new generation of development plans and the determination of planning applications. The strategy it sets out will inform decisions on Government spending and the ongoing programmes of public agencies and local authorities. The NPF is supported by an Action Programme setting out key milestones for implementation and identifying lead partners and delivery bodies. Progress will be closely monitored and regularly reviewed, with a view to updating the Framework strategy within 5 years.

John Swinney, MSP signature

John Swinney, MSP
Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth

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