National Planning Framework for Scotland 2
Long term spatial strategy for Scotland's development.
239. The Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 requires the National Planning Framework to be taken into account in the preparation of strategic and local development plans. This means that the four Strategic Development Plan Authorities must reflect the NPF strategy and the national developments it identifies in the strategies they prepare. Local Development Plans should reflect the strategy and projects designated as national developments in their vision statements, policies and proposals maps.
240. Planning applications for projects designated as national developments will be determined in accordance with the procedures set out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedures) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 and Circular 4/2009: Development Management Procedures.
241. New national developments can only be designated through the process of reviewing the National Planning Framework. Nationally important infrastructure projects which emerge between review periods will be processed in accordance with their status in the development hierarchy.
242. Where the NPF strategy is at variance with an earlier development plan, the statement of policy in the NPF will take precedence.
243. To ensure effective delivery, NPF2 is supported by an Action Programme setting out how and by whom the national developments and other key elements of the NPF strategy will be implemented. It identifies actions, milestones, lead partners and delivery bodies, and includes a section on progress to allow effective monitoring. Where appropriate, it also identifies measures necessary to avoid, minimise, mitigate or compensate for adverse environmental effects. The Action Programme sets the high level context for the more detailed action programmes to be taken forward for development plans and the strategic policies, programmes and projects of the Scottish Government and key agencies.
244. It is intended that the Action Programme should be a working document, posted and regularly updated on the NPF website. The Scottish Government will engage regularly with lead partners and other delivery bodies on its content and progress. The Action Programme will be formally reviewed annually in liaison with lead partners and delivery bodies. The 2011 National Planning Framework Monitoring Report will report on the progress made in delivering the strategy, helping to inform preparation of NPF3.
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