National public bodies: directory

Directory providing a summary of key information on Scotland's national devolved public bodies.

Additional Notes

  • Public Bodies and Commissioners who are accountable to Parliament are normally funded from the Parliament's budget. The funding information relating to each will be updated annually.
  • Staffing – The numbers shown against ‘Staff’ for each public body is the total headcount from the organisations payroll (i.e. not secondments or contract workers). These numbers come from returns for the public sector employment statistics to the Scottish Government or the Office for National Statistics. These figures are updated quarterly through the year (hence "Q1" "Q2" etc). Read .Labour market statistics - (
  • NHS staffing figures are permanent headcount and are sourced from Official Statistics on the workforce of NHS Scotland NHS figures are also published as part of the quarterly Public Sector Employment (PSE) series.
  • The person named as Chief Executive against each public body is the current postholder.
  • Chief Executive salary information (except for NHS Health Boards and Special Health Boards) reflects the salary paid in the stated financial year and includes any relevant bonus, performance or back pay paid at that time. Bonus/performance awards may relate to previous financial years and in some cases may cover more than one previous financial year. Where the current Chief Executive was not in place during the stated financial year, this has been identified. The information will be updated annually.

  • From October 2010 the Scottish Government asked NDPBs and Public Corporations to list on their respective websites the name and annual salary of members of their senior leadership team. The Public Sector Pay Policy webpages Public sector pay - (  provide links to the salary information on public body's respective websites.  It is important to note that the Directory provides information on total salary paid (including bonus and performance pay) in the previous financial year for the Chief Executive as opposed to current annual base salary (listed in £5,000 bands) for the senior leadership team.




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