National public bodies: directory
Directory providing a summary of key information on Scotland's national devolved public bodies.
Public sector organisations not recorded on the directory
Additional public sector organisations which are not shown on the national directory as they do not match the criteria used for inclusion on the directory.
Scottish Government directorates (6)
Constitution and External Affairs
Education, Communities and Justice
Health and Social Care
Organisational Development and Operations
Scottish Exchequer
Scottish Parliament (1)
Scottish Parliament Corporate Body
Other Scottish bodies (13)
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route SPVs
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal
General Teaching Council Scotland (as a regulator)
Improvement Service
Inverness Airport Business Park Ltd (controlled by HIAL)
Local Authorities and their associated bodies
MG Alba
Orkney Research and Innovation Campus (JV between HIE and Orkney Council)
Queen’s Lord Treasurer Remembrancer
Scottish Growth Scheme equity fund managers (5 bodies)
This is Remarkable Ltd (formerly Investors in People)
Further Education colleges (21 colleges)
Ayrshire College
Borders College
Dumfries & Galloway College
Dundee & Angus College
Edinburgh College
Fife College
Forth Valley College of further and higher education
North East Scotland College
City of Glasgow College
Glasgow Clyde College
Glasgow Kelvin College
Inverness College
Lews Castle College
Moray College
New College Lanarkshire
North Highland College
Perth College
Regional Board for Glasgow College
South Lanarkshire College
West College Scotland
West Lothian College
Integrated joint boards by health board (31 IJBs)
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
East Ayrshire
North Ayrshire
South Ayrshire
NHS Borders
Scottish Borders
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Dumfries and Galloway
NHS Fife
NHS Forth Valley
Clackmannanshire and Stirling
NHS Grampian
Aberdeen City
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
East Dunbartonshire
East Renfrewshire
Glasgow City
West Dunbartonshire
NHS Highland
Argyll and Bute
NHS Lanarkshire
North Lanarkshire
South Lanarkshire
NHS Lothian
City of Edinburgh
East Lothian
West Lothian
NHS Orkney
Orkney Islands
NHS Shetland
Shetland Islands
NHS Tayside
Dundee City
Perth and Kinross
NHS Western Isles
NHS Eileanan Siar
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