
National Review of Eating Disorder Services Implementation Group minutes: September 2021

Minutes from the second meeting of the group on 24 September 2021.

Attendees and apologies


  • Dennis Robertson and
  • Dr Charlotte Oakley


  • Dr Stephen Anderson
  • Dr Annabel Ross
  • Johnathan Maclellan
  • Mirin Craig
  • Dr Fiona Duffy
  • Dr Joy Olver
  • Dr Karen McMahon
  • Dr Paula Collin
  • Susan Hynes
  • Dr Lesley Pillans
  • Fiona Huffer
  • officials from the Scottish Government (SG) were also in attendance


  • Dr Fiona Calder
  • Gerard Donnelly
  • Diane Kane
  • Dr Helen Smith

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions from co-chairs

The chairs opened the second meeting of the National Review of Eating Disorder Services Implementation Group and welcomed members to the meeting.

Apologies for the meeting were noted.

The chairs confirmed that NHS board funding has been issued and we are waiting for plans on how this funding will be spent. Updates will be provided on how this funding is being spent in due course. The chairs asked members to feed this back to their organisations and networks.

Discussion on working groups

Members discussed the proposed membership of the working groups. It was noted that members had some other suggestions to include in membership of the working groups. The chairs suggested that, rather than having a large members list for working groups, the groups can bring key experts and professionals into each meeting as and when appropriate.

Clarity was sought from members on confirmation of working group leads and membership. Leads were keen that communication was put out to members confirming working group leads and membership of working groups.

Members made recommendation that each working group should be co-chaired/led by someone with lived experience. As the lived experience panel may take longer to establish, it was agreed that working group leads could begin to contact lived experience representatives to support/co-Lead their working group. It was also noted that third sector representation on the working groups is critical.

Members were clear that there needed to be a variety of representation on each working group e.g. remote and rural, lived experience, child and adult perspective.

Members also highlighted the need to involve healthcare improvement Scotland (HIS) in the working groups to lead on issues around quality improvement. 

The chairs asked members to send contact details of any additional members they would like to add to working groups to SG.

It was noted that the data working group is very clinicians-focused. There is a key need for analysts and statisticians to be involved in this group, possibly from public health Scotland (PHS).

Fiona Huffer offered to lead the data working group.

Annabel Ross offered to engage with all of the working groups from a GP/primary care input perspective. It was agreed that Annabel could be flexible and be on the communication list for each working group and be available to advise on relevant issues of the working groups as, and when, appropriate.

In terms of frequency and timeframes of working group meetings, it was agreed that working group Leads and members should adjust and decide on frequency of meetings dependent on actions and progress being made. Clarity is required on purpose and scope of working groups.

The chairs noted it would be helpful if working groups could structure meetings in a way that could feed into implementation group meetings. Chairs asked that first meeting of working groups take place ahead of the next implementation group meeting, working groups should meet, confirm membership and have general idea of key actions and elements of work to progress. Members asked chairs to give direction on timeframes and output of working groups.

Public Health Strategy

It was agreed that a working group should be established to lead the development of a public health strategy. Members provided some suggestions on key professionals to link into this work:

  • Suzanne Connelly – Senior health improvement manager in PHS and is linked in with weight stigma public health campaigns and healthy weight initiatives
  • Dr Ashley Goodfellow – Public health consultant at NHS Lothian
  • Dr Helen Smith – Current member of group and is completing a masters in public health
  • Susan Webb – is looking at public health issues generally in NHS Grampian
  • SG public health division – Annabel has good links and will speak to colleagues in SG public health
  • Rachel Smith – from NHS Grampian has good links to sports bodies re body image etc
  • Gerry Donnelly – Current member of group and has links to fashion industry
  • Sports psychiatrists and psychologist – Stephen provided contact details. Callum Munro suggested by Paula Collin
  • Education representative

Costings and workforce

Chairs gave overview and asked members for suggestions in terms of experience of workforce planning approaches etc. It was highlighted that this work will be key in seeking minister’s support for future years’ funding and priority.

It was mentioned that the Royal College developed a paper on what an eating disorders team should look like however this was developed in 2012 and is now out of date. Members agreed this could be a useful starting resource to build on.

Members provided some details of colleagues that have experience in workforce planning. It was suggested that we recruit someone to lead on workforce planning.

It was also noted that every board is currently looking at their 3-year workforce plan so would be good to link into these at this stage.

Members raised the issue of remote/rural/island boards and asked how they will be supported, suggesting a regional approach. SG noted that regional work was being taken forward through CAMHS Improvement and should link to this.

Lived experience panel

Chairs provided overview of plans to establish lived experience panel (LEP). All members agreed to proceed with grant competition for LEP however it was noted that other lived experience organisation should have equal opportunity to lead this work.

As noted above, due to time it will take to establish LEP, working group leads should contact known people with lived experience to be part of their working groups.

There was discussion about the vast number of people with lived experience who would be keen to be involved in the LEP and working groups. It was noted that there may be option to have a smaller LEP (with diverse representation e.g. geographical spread, adult/child, carers etc.) with wider communication/consultation routes to people with lived experience to ensure that their views and experiences are heard and taken into account as work progresses.

It was noted that working groups should be linking into existing voluntary support groups for LEP members - NEEDS, etc.

Any other business and close

Chairs highlighted the need to keep ‘transitions between Scotland and England e.g. in university’ in mind as work progresses.

Chairs provided summary of meeting, thanked members for their input and time, and closed meeting.

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