
National Review of Eating Disorder Services Implementation Group meeting minutes: September 2022

Minutes from the eighth and final meeting of the group on 16 September 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Dr Charlotte Oakley
  • Dennis Robertson


  • Fiona Calder
  • Dr Stephen Anderson
  • Maria Dale
  • Fiona Duffy
  • Susan Hynes
  • Dr Lesley Pillans
  • Dr Joy Olver
  • Karen McMahon
  • Ellen Maloney
  • Officials from the Scottish Government


  • Fiona Huffer
  • Gerald Donnelly
  • Ailsa Stein
  • Johnathan Maclennan
  • Diane Kane
  • Helen Smith
  • Annabel Ross
  • Johnathan Maclennan
  • Diane Kane
  • Paula Collin

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions from co-chairs

The chairs opened the eighth and last meeting of the national review of eating disorder services implementation group and welcomed members to the meeting. Apologies for the meeting were noted.

Approval of previous meeting minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting in July were shared by email and are confirmed. Members confirmed they were happy for the minutes to be published online.

Updates from chairs

The chairs, welcomed and thanked the members of the implementation group (IG) and commented on the outstanding work and dedication of the subgroups. It was emphasised that the work from the IG is the “building block” in the process of delivering a more supportive and robust eating disorder service fit for purpose for at least the next ten years. Reassurance was provided that the minister continues to support the IG throughout the transition to the next phase.

Lived experience panel

The minister has provided approval for beat to establish and facilitate the lived experience panel (LEP). SG officials have completed the associated paperwork for this and issued a grant letter to beat for the project. Once beat have signed and returned this, SG officials will arrange an initial meeting with them to discuss next steps, including recruitment and timescales. We have received a number of expressions of interest in being a member of the panel which we will share with beat during our initial meetings with them. SG officials will keep members up to date as the panel is established.

National network

In August 2022 we provided an update to outline that we had been engaging regularly with the NSS sponsorship team who sit in SG about the establishment of the ED network. They have advised that NSS/NSD are also being impacted by the budget issues and the wider funding issues that are impacting NHS Boards. Due to this funding issue, they are currently reviewing all MCNs and networks that are currently live, and also those that applications are being developed for (such as the ED network), to understand if they can make any savings. The sponsorship team has asked us to hold off on submitting the ED application at the moment due to current discussions around this review, but also as there are ongoing discussions about the establishment of a wider strategic network that covers mental health as a whole, which would then include an ED strand to it. Although we are still currently reviewing all 2022-23 budget plans in light of recent developments. Taken in conjunction with the known conclusion of in-year covid consequentials, this has placed unprecedented pressure on existing health and social care budgets.

As the deputy first minister announced, we are currently going through an emergency budget review. SG officials had a discussion with the deputy director who has been involved with discussions about a wider MH strategic network to understand the thinking around this and have been told to continue to work towards establishing the national eating disorder network. SG officials will provide a further update as soon as possible on how to progress the establishment of the network.

SG officials thanked everyone for their hard work and the progress of the group over the last year. It was acknowledged that there is some uncertainty around the network development, but emphasised the need to focus on determining what are the priorities to facilitate its development. Additionally, it was emphasised that even though budgets are not finalised, the funding for the LEP was approved, reflecting that eating disorders are in the ministers top priorities.

The co-chairs are pleased that the LEP was funded and emphasised that there needs to be ongoing work for the panel before the network is set up. This will allow the panel to serve a purpose whilst waiting for the network to be set up and thus meaningfully and constructively feed into the network’s activities. SG officials mentioned that the mental health strategy consultation along with the panel could also feed into the strategy during the transition phase.

Public health scoping

Draft paper was shared and no comments were received. Paper is to be finalised and shared along with the final report of the IG to the network.

Transition from the implementation group to the network

Co-chairs to work with SG officials to scope what needs to be done in order to develop a platform for the network to work efficiently. Additionally, working group leads were invited to be part of the scoping process and advised to contact SG officials or the co-chairs to express their interests. Stephen Anderson and Fiona Calder are happy to remain involved and take part in the scoping.

Updates from the working groups

Training and skills working group reported there are no further updates. SG officials are drafting the final report.

Beat’s event on the 27 September

Presentations: beat event organisers have requested all presentations to be sent as one document.

Workshops: it was hoped that a LEP workshop could be delivered at the event. However, because of funding-related delays in its development it is no longer possible. The aim is to plan a workshop in relation to lived experience with beat partners. It was suggested that in order to improve participation of people with lived experience, the event could be delivered online or outside working hours. It was proposed to explore the possibility of hybrid delivery.

At the event, a quality standards workshop will not take place but it is aimed to announce the consultation. 
A data workshop is going ahead and it is requested if people could attend to support it.

Close of the final meeting and AOB

Co-chairs thanked everyone involved in the IG Meeting and aim for the improvement work to be continued until the establishment of the network.
Meeting closed at 13:00.

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