National scoping exercise of advocacy services for victims of violence against women and girls

Report on the national scoping exercise of advocacy services relating to the criminal justice system for victims of violence against women and girls.

Appendix 2: Interview Schedules

Interview schedule for national stakeholder interviews


1. In your view how well served are victims of gender-based violence (including the range of crimes indicated in our introduction above), in accessing advocacy services linked to the criminal justice system, across Scotland?

2. In your view what are the essential elements of an advocacy service for victims of gender-based violence? (explore issues to do with safety planning within this)

3. Do you perceive any particular gaps in advocacy services either:

a) geographically

b) the types of victim group/crime committed served (for example are those who are victims of domestic abuse more likely to be able to access advocacy services than those who are victims of sexual violence?)

c) are there particular groups who are not well served? For example young people, LGBTI, people with disability, BME communities

d) other?

4. In your view how well linked in are advocacy services to the other support systems/facilities and organisations that support victims of gender-based violence?

5. As far as you are aware is there enough capacity within advocacy services to deal with demand for such services?

6. In your view are the advocacy services available offered by trained staff? Are there issues around this you would like to comment on?

7. Is there any duplication of advocacy services?

8. Are there models of advocacy which you think work particularly well for victims of gender-based violence and which you would consider good practice?

9. How would you like to see advocacy services developed/changed/improved in the future?

10. Any other comments?

Service managers: interview schedule

Introduction (as before, they will be more aware of the research having completed the survey).

The purpose of this interview is to explore in more depth your views on the service you provide, the capacity and resources you have available to provide the service, and any gaps you see in service provision.

(Note to interviewers: read over their survey answers before the interview)

1. How well does the definition of advocacy we are using (remind them of it) link with what you actually offer?

2. What are the main challenges for your advocacy service?

3. How exactly does your advocacy service link to the justice system?

4. Given your experience of providing advocacy, how well does the system work for victims of VAWG In general

5. Are there particular aspects of the criminal justice system which advocates routinely express concerns about

6. Which organisations does your advocacy service link with beyond the justice system? For example health/housing/the local multi-agency context?

7. How is the effectiveness of your advocacy service measured? (Ask for copies of any external evaluation as noted in their survey response).

8. What are the key gaps in services for victims of VAWG in your area?

9. What sort of capacity/resource is needed for the advocacy service you offer/would like to offer? [probe for whether what they currently have is adequate]

10. Explore any other specific issue that has emerged in their survey response.

11. Any other comments?


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