National Standardised Assessments for Scotland: national report 2022 to 2023

Summary of outcomes at a national level on the 'Scottish National Standardised Assessments' (SNSA) and ‘Measaidhean Coitcheann Nàiseanta airson Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig’ (MCNG) (collectively known as NSA) in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.


1 Up to an additional 5 items may be encountered in some learners’ assessments. These are items being trialled and calibrated for future use. These trial items are not included in the learner’s score, but are used to check that the measurement characteristics inherent in the item are functioning as expected.

2 These figures do not include any assessments that were started but not completed.

3 These learner numbers are accurate as of the start of the 2022/23 academic year and are subject to slight fluctuations due to learners moving in and out of the Scottish Education System and/or schools that are eligible for the NSA over the course of the academic year

4 These figures do not include any assessments that were started but not completed.

5 These learner numbers are accurate as of the start of the 2022/23 academic year and are subject to slight fluctuations due to learners moving in and out of the Scottish Education System and/or schools that are eligible for the NSA over the course of the academic year

6 Also, reporting statistical results on very small samples is not recommended.

7 NB: Please see Section 2.4 for MCNG National outcomes for numeracy.

8 NB: Please see Section 3.4 for MCNG National outcomes for reading/literacy.

9 NB: Please see Section 4.4 for MCNG National outcomes for writing.

10 NB: This does not include trial items required for calibration purposes for use in future assessments.

11 Please note that whilst there were 413 eligible Gaelic learners for S3 Numeracy, not all learners receive Numeracy in the medium of Gaelic."



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