National Standardised Assessments for Scotland: national report - academic year 2023-2024
Summary of outcomes at a national level on the 'Scottish National Standardised Assessments' (SNSA) and ‘Measaidhean Coitcheann Nàiseanta airson Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig’ (MCNG) (collectively known as NSA) in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.
Appendix 8: Band descriptions from the 2023 to 2024 Individual reports
In the 2023 to 2024 academic year, performance in each curricular area was reported on a single long scale, which is split into 12 capacity bands. The exception to this is writing for which there are only nine bands, since P1 literacy is included on the reading scale. Six of the capacity bands are included in the reports for each stage, with the reported bands being chosen to best reflect the capacity range demonstrated by each stage. P1 covers bands 1 to 6; P4 covers bands 4 to 9, P7 covers bands 6 to 11 and S3 covers bands 7 to 12.
Each capacity band for the National Standardised Assessments for the 2023 to 2024 academic year had an accompanying 'region description'. These descriptions were based on a summary of the skills, knowledge and understanding assessed in the items included in the 2021 to 2022 assessments or trialled in the 2021 to 2022 academic year, which, in turn, were aligned with CfE Benchmarks. The region descriptions for each stage are shown in the band descriptors below.
SNSA Numeracy band descriptions
Band descriptions for P1 Numeracy
Band 6 and above
Solve missing number problems where the total is less than 20 and identify missing numbers when counting in 2s or 5s.
They can use place value to order 2-digit numbers and match times on digital and analogue clocks (o’clock and half past).
They can interpret bar graphs to find the total of all categories.
Band 5
Order groups of different numbers of objects and recognise doubles facts to a total of 20.
They can identify a missing number in a backwards counting sequence and identify half of a group of objects in an array or a random arrangement.
They can apply number skills to calculate an exact amount of money.
Band 4
Solve word problems involving addition of two single digit numbers, and identify a number sentence which represents a picture.
They can find half of a group of objects when sharing.
They can interpret everyday positional language and visually compare lengths and capacities.
They can interpret column graphs to find the value for a given category.
Band 3
Connect a numeral to a quantity below 20 and use ordinal numbers in real life contexts.
They can share a group of items equally into smaller groups, sort objects by length and identify a triangle or rectangle from a set of shapes. Learners can read values from simple pictographs.
Band 2
Connect number names, their quantities and the numerals up to 10.
They can understand ‘zero’ means none of something and identify which group contains most objects.
Learners are typically able compare lengths to identify shortest and interpret a simple map to identify the longest distance travelled on a curved path.
Band 1 and under
Use one to one correspondence to count up to 10.
Learners can compare heights or lengths of objects to identify the tallest or longest of a given group and can identify an empty container.
They can sort objects using a given criterion.
Band descriptions for P4 Numeracy
Band 9 and above
Identify the correct operation to solve a simple scenario and solve simple word problems to find a fraction of a single digit number.
They can identify the area of a shaded shape on a grid and read a volume from a scale.
They can interpret pictographs where symbols represent more than one.
Band 8
Solve problems that involve linking repeated addition with multiplication and partitioning and identify a number of items as a fraction of a group of items.
They can read times to the minute using an analogue clock and compare the areas of rectangles on a grid.
They can calculate missing entries in tables and bar graphs.
Band 7
Choose the correct operations to solve a simple problem, including multiplication or division with simple numbers.
They can identify one item as a fraction of a group of items.
They can work out the difference (in hours) between two analogue clock times and interpret a column graph to identify and compare frequencies of given categories.
Band 6
Solve simple multi-step word problems requiring addition or subtraction of 2-digit numbers, and apply understanding of place value to partition numbers.
They can tell time to the quarter hour using analogue clocks and identify the most appropriate unit of measurement for a familiar context.
Learners can compare sizes of segments in a pie chart.
Band 5
Understand place value in 3-digit numbers, e.g. they can express a 3-digit number in expanded form, and can solve multi-step word problems involving single-digit numbers.
They can read the time to the half hour on analogue and digital clocks and are able to read information from tables.
Band 4 and under
Continue number sequences, e.g. counting 5s, and add numbers to reach a single digit total.
They can identify half of a group or object.
They are able to read information from charts and graphs, such as identifying the most popular category from a column graph.
Band descriptions for P7 Numeracy
Band 11 and above
Interpret problems and apply the correct operations to complete calculations involving estimation, the multiplication of 2-digit numbers.
They can solve problems involving a fraction of a fraction and can calculate a percentage of a given value.
They can solve problems involving the areas of rectangles and convert units of mass.
Band 10
Solve word problems involving proportional reasoning to find fractions of a group and can also add fractions and decimal fractions.
They can calculate durations and convert between units, e.g. for length or volume, and read scales for values between labelled marks.
They can interpret pie charts and determine the probability of outcomes on a simple spinner.
Band 9
Apply all four operations to solve problems involving whole numbers up to 1,000,000 and with money.
They can order fractions and decimal fractions.
They can convert time in fractions of an hour to minutes, use coins to show change from £20 or £30.
They can interpret Venn diagrams with three overlapping sets of data
Band 8
Solve a multi-step word problem, use place value in numbers with up to 6 digits and identify and order 3-digit numbers represented in words.
They can calculate durations across hours, minutes and seconds within a day and identify the group that makes up a population for a particular kind of survey.
Band 7
Solve single-step word problems involving any of the four operations and understand that negative integers are less than zero.
They can convert between 24- and 12- hour time and interpret a timetable. Learners can typically read a simple line graph and choose the tally chart that matches a given column graph.
Band 6 and under
Solve simple multi-step word problems requiring addition or subtraction of 2-digit numbers, and can recognise the hundreds digit in a 3-digit number.
They can tell time to the quarter hour using analogue clocks.
Learners can compare sizes of segments in a pie chart and interpret tally charts.
Band descriptions for S3 Numeracy
Band 12 and above
Apply the correct operations to complete calculations involving 3-digit numbers, fractions and ratios.
They are typically able to solve speed distance time problems involving conversion of units of time and length.
Learners can also interpret two-way tables and Venn diagrams to find the probabilities of events and complementary events.
Band 11
Interpret problems and apply the correct operations to complete calculations.
They can interpret rates and proportions to solve problems and can find areas and perimeters of shapes using limited given information.
Learners can interpret two way tables, segmented column graphs and line graphs and calculate probabilities of complementary events and express these as decimal fractions.
Band 10
Perform calculations involving negative numbers and the subtraction and multiplication of decimal fractions.
They can solve word problems involving proportion. Learners are able to solve problems involving duration, conversion of units of time and the unitary method.
They can interpret pie charts and two-column graphs to find unknown values.
Band 9
Round whole numbers and decimal fractions to given accuracy levels and compare and order fractions with different denominators.
They can calculate volumes of cuboids and compare masses to 3-decimal places.
They can typically match pie charts and tables showing the same information, and can calculate the expected value given the percentage probability of an event.
Band 8
Identify an appropriate number sentence to represent a problem.
They can calculate durations across hours, minutes and seconds, and calculate the probability of an event, expressing it as a decimal fraction.
They can also identify the most appropriate sample selection for a given survey question.
Band 7 and under
Solve single-step word problems involving any of the four operations.
They can convert between 24- and 12- hour time.
They can also use interpret a pictograph that uses symbols and part symbols to represent multiple units.
They can interpret statements describing probabilities and match these to probabilities expressed as percentages.
SNSA Reading band descriptions (including P1 Literacy)
Band descriptions for P1 Literacy
Band 6 and above
Read independently to link simple details within a short information text.
They can make straightforward inferences and interpret directly stated information.
These learners can keep track of characters and the sequencing of actions in short narrative texts, and can track pronoun references across sentences without audio support.
Band 5
Retrieve directly stated prominent information in short narrative texts.
They can link across these texts to identify the reason for a character's actions when there are several explicit clues.
They can match a word to a picture without audio support when the images have similar sounds. These learners can track simple pronoun references in short sentences.
Band 4
Identify common synonyms for high frequency words with audio support.
They can identify common digraphs at the start or end of a word, and can identify rhyming words in an audio-based short poem.
They can also retrieve prominent information from audio-based texts.
Band 3
Understand that a word is made up of letters with different sounds.
They can replace a letter in a 3-letter, phonetically regular word to create a new word.
These learners can match a lower case letter to its upper case form, and are beginning to match simple, familiar words to pictures.
Band 2
Distinguish letters from numbers and symbols.
They are able to match up a range of letters with their sounds and identify the first or last sounds in words.
Band 1 and under
Match a highly familiar letter (such as the letter ‘s’) to its sound.
They are also able to distinguish a word from a picture.
Band descriptions for P4 Reading
Band 9 and above
Read a wide range of straightforward texts with a comprehensive understanding.
They can link unfamiliar ideas and can locate embedded details when there is competing information.
When reading narrative texts, they can interpret clues dotted across the text to make inferences about characters’ feelings, attitudes and motivations.
Band 8
Locate key pieces of information, and link ideas within and across sentences and paragraphs.
They can identify the main idea and purpose of different types of text.
These learners are able to understand instructions in instructional texts, and can locate and interpret information presented in tabular form.
Band 7
Read a range of short familiar texts, understanding the main ideas.
They can interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words, and can recognise paraphrases and synonyms to support their understanding.
These learners can locate directly stated information across a range of genres where the text is simple.
Band 6
Locate details that are explicitly stated in a range of straightforward texts, and infer key ideas that are prominent.
They can use obvious contextual support to interpret the meaning of less familiar words and phrases.
These learners can link pictures to information in simple texts, and identify the purpose of an instructional text.
Band 5
Read a range of short, familiar texts with limited, mainly literal understanding.
They can locate prominent, directly stated information in simple texts when there is little competing information.
They make straightforward generalisations about characters in narrative texts when there are several explicit clues.
Band 4 and under
Locate directly stated information in very short, simple texts where the information is explicit and presented in a very clear way.
These texts will often be separated into sections with prominent headings and supported with pictures.
Band descriptions for P7 Reading
Band 11 and above
Read closely to interpret unfamiliar content and metaphors in nuanced narrative texts.
They are able to link complex ideas across paragraphs to form understandings and interpret conclusions.
They can locate multiple pieces of information in dense descriptions and complex sentences when there is strongly competing information.
Band 10
Make inferences about the narrator’s viewpoint and a character’s changeable or complex feelings in a narrative text.
They can locate details embedded in complex sentences when there is competing information.
They can interpret arguments of some complexity, and recognise the main points and justifications for ideas in persuasive texts.
Band 9
Read a wide range of texts with a good understanding where the meaning is relatively straightforward.
When reading narrative texts, they can interpret clues to make inferences about characters’ feelings, attitudes and motivations.
These learners are able to identify the implied opinion of a writer of a persuasive text.
Band 8
Locate key pieces of information, and link ideas within and across paragraphs of text.
They can summarise the writer’s view in persuasive texts and can interpret the main ideas from and the purposes of instructional and persuasive texts.
These learners can interpret a diagram to locate directly stated details.
Band 7
Read a range of familiar texts, understanding the main ideas.
They can locate directly stated information in narrative, information, persuasive and instructional texts.
When reading narrative texts they can make straightforward inferences about characters’ motivations.
They are able to track pronoun references and make links across texts when the connections are clear.
Band 6 and under
Locate directly stated details in a range of straightforward texts.
They can use obvious contextual clues to interpret the meaning of less familiar words and phrases.
They are able to interpret simple information that is in a prominent position within the text.
Band descriptions for S3 Reading
Band 12 and above
Read a wide range of texts with a high level of understanding of several, substantial complexities.
They can analyse tone, style and writer’s purpose in complex persuasive texts.
These learners can identify the main idea of a complex argument, interpret opposing points of view, and make justifiable deductions, while navigating complex vocabulary.
Band 11
Read closely to locate and interpret details about unfamiliar content when there is highly plausible competing information.
From narrative texts they make inferences about a character’s behaviour and attitude when there are challenging elements such as contradictory emotions.
They are able to link complex ideas across many paragraphs of a text.
Band 10
Combine evidence from different parts of a text to identify main ideas, understand counter-intuitive information and interpret complex language.
They can locate details embedded in complex sentences when there is much competing information.
These learners can evaluate the credibility of statements in texts, and interpret persuasive techniques and the writer’s point of view.
Band 9
Read a wide range of texts with reasonable understanding of a complex element.
They are able to interpret tone, mood, and authorial intent of narratives, making inferences about a character’s emotions.
They are able to read closely to identify key ideas in texts and can locate and interpret detailed information presented in a table.
Band 8
Read a wide range of straightforward texts with comprehensive understanding.
From narrative texts they can make fine inferences about a main character’s emotions.
They can locate and sort key ideas and details across information tables to make connections.
They are able to interpret language, e.g. idioms, and can recognise paraphrased details in information texts.
Band 7 and under
Recognise a character’s motivation in a nuanced narrative text.
They can locate and combine multiple pieces of information in simple tables in an information text.
They can use context to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words. They are also able to identify the likely audience for a text.
SNSA Writing band descriptions
Band descriptions for P4 Writing
Band 9 and above
Spell common words where there is a medial silent letter or a letter sound that is pronounced differently to the spelling.
They can use the correct verb forms, and can appropriately select articles for common nouns in sentences with simple structures.
They can identify a missing possessive apostrophe in a complex sentence.
Band 8
Spell common words where letters can be confused, and can spell simple words with common digraphs (ch, ck, gh, th).
They can select the appropriate preposition to complete a complex phrase, and can identify a common conjunction to link simple clauses.
They identify the need for capital letters for proper nouns but not common nouns.
Band 7
Spell common words of up to three syllables with a range of consonant blends, and some words with phonemically irregular endings.
They recognise the correct verb forms to use in simple sentences, and can use determiners and adverbs in short, simple sentences.
They identify the need for apostrophes in contractions.
Band 6
Spell common words of one or two syllables beginning and ending in two-consonant blends (ch, nk), and simple words with phonemically regular endings.
They can identify the correct verb form to use in present simple, present continuous and past tense sentences.
They can correctly use question marks and exclamation marks in simple sentences.
Band 5
Spell short, familiar words with a few common digraphs (th, wh, gh).
They can identify the correct prepositions and pronouns to use in simple sentences, and can recognise where an adjective is needed in a short sentence.
They can identify that a simple sentence requires a full stop.
Band 4 and under
Spell simple, familiar words of up to four letters with regular phonetic patterns.
They can identify the correct pronoun to use in simple sentences.
They are beginning to understand that words group together to form a sentence.
Band descriptions for P7 Writing
Band 11 and above
Spell less common words with up to two challenging features, such as middle consonants that could be double or single, middle letters of sc, or words ending in se.
They demonstrate technical accuracy in their use of indefinite pronouns and conjunctions in sentences.
They can identify the correct punctuation for possessive pronouns.
Band 10
Spell common words with a challenging spelling feature, such as tricky vowel combinations or a silent letter.
They can use a range of prepositions and verb forms in complex sentences and can apply a range of prefixes appropriately.
They can recognise where parentheses or commas should be used to separate short clauses or phrases.
Band 9
Spell common words where a middle consonant could be double or single, or words with less familiar middle digraphs (sh, mb).
They can use a range of appropriate verb forms, including the correct use of conditional forms in sentences with some structural complexity.
They can identify a missing possessive apostrophe in a complex sentence.
Band 8
Spell common words of up to four syllables, and some less common, short words where j and g can be confused.
They can identify the correct conjunction to use to link clauses in complex sentences, and identify a redundant word in a simple sentence.
They identify the appropriate placement of commas in complex sentences.
Band 7
Spell common words of up to three syllables with a range of consonant blends, or with potentially ambiguous endings (c not ck).
They recognise the correct articles and verb forms to use in simple sentences, and can link sentences using simple conjunctions.
They can identify when a possessive apostrophe is needed after a name.
Band 6 and under
Spell words where the o sounds like a u, and familiar words with one pair of common combined vowels (ui, ie).
They can identify the correct preposition to use, and can select the basic verb form to correctly complete a sentence.
They identify that a question mark is needed after a question.
Band descriptions for S3 Writing
Band 12 and above
Spell relatively unfamiliar words of up to six syllables with multiple combined vowels (iai, au, ou, oi, ea, io, ua) and/or silent letters.
They correctly apply a wide range of grammatical conventions, and can select the appropriate punctuation, including colons and semi-colons, for a range of complex sentences.
Band 11
Spell less common words with several challenging features, such as middle consonants (c, l) that could be double or single.
They demonstrate accuracy in their usage of clauses and conjunctions.
They can correctly use singular and plural possessive apostrophes and can select the correct punctuation to break up a sentence.
Band 10
Spell common words with a challenging spelling feature, such as several combined vowels or less familiar endings (ce, sque).
They can identify the correct conjunction to use in complex sentences and can identify redundant words in simple sentences.
They are able to identify the appropriate placement of commas to separate short clauses.
Band 9
Spell common words where a letter sound is pronounced differently to the spelling, and commonly spoken words where one syllable has a homonym.
They use a range of verb forms, including the correct use of conditional forms in complex sentences.
They can punctuate direct speech in a simple sentence and can correctly use parentheses.
Band 8
Spell common words of up to four syllables, and some less common, short words where there is a single middle consonant that could be double (r, l).
They use a range of verb forms and correctly use prefixes and suffixes to form words.
They identify the appropriate placement of commas in complex sentences.
Band 7 and under
Spell words with a range of consonant blends and digraphs (ie, gh) and common endings (ate, tion).
They recognise the correct adverbs, pronouns and verb forms to use in simple sentences.
They understand the purpose of a comma and can identify the correct use of an apostrophe in a contraction.
MCNG Numeracy band descriptions
Band descriptions for P1 Numeracy
Band 6 and above
Solve missing number problems where the total is less than 20 and identify missing numbers when counting in 2s or 5s. Use place value to order 2-digit numbers. Match times on digital and analogue clocks (o’clock) and use appropriate language relating to time. Interpret straightforward bar graphs and charts to find the total of all given categories. Use a combination of coins to £2 and calculate change to 10p and beyond. Identify half of a group of objects in a random arrangement and use ordinal numbers appropriately.
Band 5
Identify a missing number in a backwards counting sequence to 20 and complete subtraction problems involving two single digit numbers to 10. Understand the language of before, after and between to identify numbers to 20 without a number line. Order groups of different numbers of objects and recognise doubles facts to a total of 20. Identify half of a group of objects in an array. Read the time on an analogue clock (o’clock). Demonstrate an understanding of language used to compare weights and capacities.
Band 4
Identify the missing number in forwards counting sequence to 20. Complete addition problems involving two single digit numbers to 10 and simple subtraction problems with supporting images. Demonstrate an understanding of simple positional language. Sort objects by length and demonstrate an understanding of language used to compare lengths and capacities. Interpret a bar graph to find the value of a given category and identify coins to £2.
Band 3
Use one to one correspondence to count to 10 and beyond. Identify the missing number in a backwards counting sequence from 10 and beyond. Understand the language of after to identify a number. Understand language used to identify an empty or full container, and identify which group contains the most objects. Identify half of something and recognise common shapes such as a triangle or rectangle. Identify the missing day of the week within a sequence.
Band 2
Connect number names, their quantities and the numerals up to 10. Complete simple addition problems up to 10 using images for support and understand that ‘zero’ means none of something. Interpret information displayed in a simple pictograph. Identify half of a simple shape and coins to £1. Understand familiar vocabulary used to identify heights or lengths of objects e.g. tall, short, long etc.
Band 1 and under
Use one to one correspondence to count up to 5. Identify the missing number in a forwards counting sequence to 10 and beyond. Understand simple vocabulary used to identify a big or small group. Sort objects using a given criterion.
Band descriptions for P4 Numeracy
Band 9 and above
Identify the correct operation to solve a simple word problem. Solve simple word problems to find a unit fraction of a whole number. Round to the nearest 10 and 100 in 3-digit numbers and beyond. Identify the area of a shaded shape on a grid and read a volume from a scale. Interpret pictographs where symbols represent more than one. Identify appropriate measurement units and convert between units. Calculate total spend and change to £10 and beyond. Solve multi-step problems with three digit whole numbers and beyond. Use appropriate vocabulary to describe probability and interpret key information from various sets of data. Use estimation and rounding appropriately to solve number problems.
Band 8
Identify and order whole numbers to 1 000 and beyond. Solve problems that involve linking repeated addition with multiplication and partitioning, and demonstrate basic understanding of the commutative law and inverse operations. Apply understanding of place value of 3-digit numbers and beyond. Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 and 100. Identify number of items as a fraction of a group and/or number. Identify times accurately to the quarter hour using an analogue clock and digital 12 hour clocks. Compare the areas of shapes on a grid and convert between different units. Interpret and extract more complex information from data sets. Solve problems involving 2 and 3-digit numbers including two-step calculations.
Band 7
Choose the correct operations to solve a simple problem, including multiplication or division with simple numbers. Identify one item as a simple fraction of a group of items and work out the difference (in hours) between two analogue clock times. Interpret a column graph to identify and compare frequencies of given categories. Round to the nearest 10 and 100 in 3-digit numbers. Calculate accurately money addition and subtraction to £10 and beyond. Make simple conversions between units of measure such as meters and centimetres. Accurately interpret a calendar.
Band 6
Solve simple word problems requiring addition and/or subtraction and use repeated addition for some multiplication problems. Multiply and divide straightforward whole numbers by 10 and some by 100. Demonstrate an understanding of ‘zero’ as a place–holder. Tell time to the quarter hour using analogue clocks and identify the most appropriate unit of measurement for a familiar context. Interpret information in a pie chart and order common fractions in sequence. Solve simple word problems using fractions. Round most 3-digit whole numbers to the nearest 10 and some to 100.
Band 5
Understand place value up to 3-digit numbers and solve simple word problems up to three digit whole numbers. Read the time to the hour and half hour on analogue and digital clocks and extract and interpret information from tables and other simple data sets. Identify and use coins to £20 and calculate change within £10. Compare simple fractions to identify the biggest or smallest in a group. Demonstrate an understanding of straightforward repeated addition.
Band 4 and under
Continue to read and order whole numbers in sequences, for example counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. Solve simple three digit addition problems involving 100s. Identify simple common fractions with a supporting image. Interpret simple information from charts and graphs, such as identifying the most popular category from a column graph or straightforward table. Demonstrate some understanding of place value and work out simple time durations in hours. Identify common units of measurement and carry out straightforward measurements using standard units.
Band descriptions for P7 Numeracy
Band 11 and above
Interpret problems and apply the correct operations to complete calculations involving estimation and the multiplication and division by 2-digit numbers and beyond. Solve problems involving common fractions, decimal fractions and calculate a percentage of a given value. Solve problems involving the measurement of the area of squares, rectangles and right-angle triangles and convert between a range of units. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between common units of time and solve calculations using hours and minutes
Band 10
Order numbers to 1 000 000 and decimal fractions up to three decimal places, and carry out calculations including rounding, involving whole numbers and decimal fractions to two decimal places. Solve word problems involving proportional reasoning to find fractions of a group and add fractions and decimal fractions. Calculate durations of time and convert between units of measure e.g. for length or volume. Solve straightforward problems involving volume. Interpret information from a variety of data sets. Use the language of probability when determining an outcome.
Band 9
Apply all four operations to solve problems involving whole numbers up to 1 000 000 and with money. Order fractions and decimal fractions and convert time in fractions of an hour to minutes. Solve straightforward problems involving measure including some related to perimeter, area and volume. Carry out money calculations involving the four operations. Solve calculations involving whole numbers and decimal fractions to two decimal places. Read scales for values between labelled marks.
Band 8
Order and identify numbers to 1 000 000 and most decimal fractions up to two decimal places. Solve a multi-step word problem, use place value in numbers with up to 6 digits and identify and order 3-digit numbers represented in words. Round whole numbers to the nearest 1 000 and beyond. Solve straightforward problems involving measure including some related to perimeter. Calculate durations which bridge across hours and parts of hours, minutes and seconds within a day and interpret and draw conclusions from a variety of data.
Band 7
Solve straightforward word problems involving any of the four operations. Convert between 24 and 12 hour time and convert between some equivalent fractions, decimal fractions and percentages. Use and interpret information from a variety of straightforward data sets. Interpret statements describing probabilities and match these to some probabilities expressed as percentages. Apply strategies to consider best value and complete simple conversions between different currencies.
Band 6 and under
Recognise the hundreds digit in a 3-digit number. Add and subtract whole numbers and some decimal fractions to two decimal places. Order most numbers to 1 000 and beyond, and round decimal fractions to the nearest whole number. Tell time to the quarter hour using analogue clocks and calculate simple time durations. Compare sizes of segments in a pie chart and interpret a variety of straightforward charts and graphs.
Band descriptions for S3 Numeracy
Band 12 and above
Apply the correct operations to complete calculations involving 3-digit numbers, fractions and ratios. Solve speed distance time problems involving conversion of units of time and length. Interpret accurately more complex information from a range of data, describing trends using appropriate language. Calculate the probability of simple event happening and can express this as a fraction, decimal fraction or percentage.
Band 11
Interpret problems and apply the correct operations to complete calculations. Convert accurately between almost all given equivalent fractions, decimal fractions and percentages to solve complex problems. Interpret rates and proportions to solve problems and solve problems by finding areas and perimeters of a range shapes. Demonstrate understanding of best value and convert between currencies. Interpret more complex information from a range of data and calculate probabilities of complementary events and express these as decimal fractions.
Band 10
Solve calculations involving negative numbers in context and the subtraction and multiplication of decimal fractions. Use strategies to determine best value in calculations in the context of money and complete simple conversions between a range of currencies. Demonstrate understanding of proportion through solving word problems. Solve problems involving time duration and conversion of units of time. Interpret a range of data sets to find unknown values and describe straightforward trends.
Band 9
Round whole numbers and decimal fractions to given accuracy levels and carry out calculations involving fractions, decimal fractions and percentages. Solve most problems using the four operations. Solve problems relating to volume. Apply knowledge of the relationship between distance, speed and time to solve straightforward calculations. Solve some calculations relating to ratio and calculate the expected value given the percentage probability of an event.
Band 8
Solve some problems involving the four operations with whole numbers and decimal fractions to one decimal place and beyond. Identify an appropriate number sentence to represent a problem. Calculate durations across days, hours, minutes and seconds, and calculate the probability of an event, expressing it as a decimal fraction. Demonstrate some understanding of best value from straightforward information in the context of money. Respond accurately to problems relating to extracting and interpreting information from a variety of straightforward data sets.
Band 7 and under
Solve straightforward word problems involving any of the four operations. Convert between 24 and 12 hour time and convert between some equivalent fractions, decimal fractions and percentages. Use and interpret information from a variety of straightforward data sets. Interpret statements describing probabilities and match these to some probabilities expressed as percentages. Apply strategies to consider best value and complete simple conversions between different currencies.
MCNG Reading band descriptions (including P1 Literacy)
Band descriptions for P1 Literacy
Band 6 and above
Identify less familiar vowel blends and use knowledge of phonics to begin to sound out and read more challenging and unfamiliar words. Read with understanding some common high frequency words. Respond to literal questions and find simple information in an image. Recognise simple punctuation within a sentence such as a full stop, capital letter and question mark.
Band 5
Identify a digraph within a word, with audio support. Use knowledge of phonics to read and understand familiar CVC and other three letter words. Identify the missing letter in words containing an increasing number of letters. Demonstrate an understanding of less familiar nouns, verbs and adjectives within longer sentences.
Band 4
Identify a common digraph. Read a familiar two letter word, matching it to its corresponding image and, some simple common words. Interpret an image and identify the missing letter in a CVC word. Demonstrate an increased understanding of nouns, verbs and adjectives within longer sentences. Identify basic punctuation within a short sentence such as a full stop and capital letter.
Band 3
Identify the middle and final sound in a word with audio support. Demonstrate an understanding of more complex nouns, verbs and adjectives within short sentences, using context clues, images and audio to support understanding. Recognise a full stop at the end of a sentence.
Band 2
Identify the initial sound in a word and match a lower case letter to the corresponding uppercase letter.
Sequence a simple event using images. Match short sentences containing common nouns, simple verbs and adjectives to a corresponding image, with audio support.
Band 1 and below
Identify most individual sounds and their letter formations. Demonstrate an understanding of common nouns and some adjectives by matching them to a corresponding image, with audio support.
Band descriptions for P4 Reading
Band 9 and above
Read with understanding a broad range of unfamiliar texts. Identify the main ideas and purpose of different types of text. Locate and link unfamiliar ideas and comment appropriately on embedded details. Respond appropriately to literal, inferential and evaluative questions about characters and settings. Recognise the difference between fact and opinion and the genre of a text.
Band 8
Understand a range of unfamiliar texts, identifying the main ideas and purpose of different types of text. Recognise key features of fiction and non-fiction texts. Locate key pieces of information and paraphrased detail. Link ideas within and across sentences and paragraphs. Respond appropriately to literal, inferential and evaluative questions. Recognise the difference between fact and opinion.
Band 7
Understand a range of unfamiliar texts of increasing length using some context clues. Locate paraphrased detail within sentences and identify features of fiction and non-fiction texts. Make appropriate suggestions about the main ideas and purpose of a text. Use some reading strategies to work out the meaning of less familiar words and phrases. Recognise the writer’s opinion. Respond appropriately to literal and some inferential and evaluative questions.
Band 6
Understand unfamiliar texts of increasing length using some context clues. Locate information and identify features of fiction and non-fiction texts. Interpret the purpose and main ideas of a text. Use some reading strategies to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. Respond appropriately to literal and some inferential questions.
Band 5
Understand short straightforward unfamiliar texts. Locate directly stated information using context clues and some images to support understanding. Interpret the purpose and main ideas within a text. Use some reading strategies to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words. Respond appropriately to literal and some inferential questions.
Band 4 and under
Understand short straightforward unfamiliar texts. Locate directly stated information using context clues and images to support understanding. Interpret the purpose and main ideas within a text. Use reading strategies to understand the meaning of common words and less familiar phrases. Respond to literal questions.
Band descriptions for P7 Reading
Band 11 and above
Understand a wide range of unfamiliar texts with clear understanding. Identify and interpret varied content and link complex ideas across paragraphs. Use knowledge of language to respond to a range of literal, influential and evaluative questions, making appropriate comment on information in more complex sentences. Link information across paragraphs and identify the implied opinion of a writer of a complex persuasive text. Begin to recognise and demonstrate an understanding of some writing styles and techniques.
Band 10
Use a range of strategies to read a wide range of unfamiliar texts with understanding. Identify and interpret purpose and key information embedded in more complex sentences within the text. Use knowledge of language to respond to a range of literal, influential and evaluative questions, demonstrating a clear understanding of the text. Link information across paragraphs and identify the implied opinion of a writer of a more complex persuasive text.
Band 9
Understand a range of unfamiliar texts, using knowledge of contextual clues and reading strategies. Respond to a range of literal, inferential and evaluative questions about characters’ feelings and motivations, setting and plot. Interpret meaning of some features of language such as word choice and sentence structure. Link information within and across paragraphs and identify the implied opinion of a writer of a straightforward persuasive text.
Band 8
Use knowledge of contextual clues and reading strategies to locate and understand a range of information within unfamiliar texts. Identify and sort relevant information and link ideas within and across paragraphs. Summarise the writer’s view and respond with increasing accuracy to a range of literal, inferential and some evaluative questions about characters, setting and plot.
Band 7
Understand a range of straightforward unfamiliar texts, using some contextual clues to identify the main ideas and purpose. Interpret the meaning of less familiar words and phrases. Locate directly stated information and detail in narrative, informative, persuasive and instructional texts. Respond to literal and straightforward inferential questions about characters and settings.
Band 6 and under
Understand straightforward unfamiliar texts, using contextual clues and layout. Locate and sort directly stated details and respond to literal and some inferential questions. Interpret the meaning of less familiar words and phrases and simple information that is in a prominent position within a text.
Band descriptions for S3 Reading
Band 12 and above
Read a wide range of complex unfamiliar texts with a high level of understanding. Navigate a broad range of complex and specialist vocabulary. Identify in detail, the purpose, main concerns and concepts of texts. Respond accurately to a broad range of questions types. Recognise and demonstrate a detailed understating of a wide range of writing styles and techniques, analysing features which enhance texts. Make accurate deductions with appropriate justification and link complex ideas across many paragraphs of a text. Comment on language choice.
Band 11
Read a range of complex unfamiliar texts with a high level of understanding. Navigate a wider range of complex vocabulary. Securely identify purpose, main concerns and concepts of texts. Respond accurately to a wide range of questions and make inferences from key statements. Recognise and demonstrate a detailed understating of a range of writing styles and techniques. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of persuasive and emotive language. Make deductions and link complex ideas across many paragraphs of a text.
Band 10
Read a range of complex unfamiliar texts with a good level of understanding. Navigate a range of complex vocabulary. Locate details embedded in fairly complex sentences when there is much competing information from a range of sources. Identify the purpose, main concerns and concepts of texts. Respond accurately to a range of literal and evaluative questions and make inferences from key statements. Increasingly recognise and demonstrate a detailed understating of a wide range of writing styles including persuasive techniques and the writer’s point of view. Interpret language including idioms and paraphrasing and the intended audience for a text.
Band 9
Read a range of complex unfamiliar texts with reasonable understanding. Navigate a range of complex vocabulary with less reliance on context clues. Locate information and interpret the mood, tone and authorial intent of the narratives. Respond accurately to a range of literal, inferential and some evaluative questions relating to texts. Recognise the main purpose of texts and identify key ideas. Demonstrate an understating of an increased range of writing styles and techniques, interpreting language including straightforward idioms and paraphrasing. Identify the audience for a text.
Band 8
Understand a range of straightforward unfamiliar texts with a good level of understanding. Navigate specialist vocabulary using context clues. Locate multiple pieces of information and interpret meaning from a variety of genres. Suggest the purpose and main concerns of texts. Respond accurately to a range of literal questions and make inferences from key statements. Demonstrate an understating of an increased range of writing styles and techniques. Demonstrate an understanding of obvious persuasive and emotive language. Interpret language including idioms and paraphrasing.
Band 7 and under
Read straightforward unfamiliar texts with a fairly good level of understanding. Navigate specialist vocabulary using context clues. Locate information and interpret meaning from a variety of genres. Suggest the purpose and main concerns of texts. Respond accurately to a range of literal questions and begin to make inferences from key statements. Recognise and demonstrate an understanding of a narrow range of writing styles and techniques. Demonstrate an understanding of obvious persuasive and emotive language. Identify the likely audience for a text.
MCNG Writing band descriptions
Band descriptions for P4 writing
Band 9 and above
Demonstrate an understanding of the use of tenses to convey meaning. Recognise an increasing range of verb forms to use in sentences and use adjectives appropriately. Use a range of punctuation accurately including question marks, exclamation marks and commas. Use a broader range of common conjunctions to link longer sentences, ensuring meaning is clear. Spell a broader range of commonly used words with accuracy and use spelling strategies and rules to spell an increased range of less familiar and specialist vocabulary correctly.
Band 8
Demonstrate an understanding of the simple use of tenses. Recognise correct verb forms to use in sentences and use a range of adjectives appropriately. Use a wider range of punctuation accurately including question marks, exclamation marks and simple use of commas. Recognise the need for capital letters for proper nouns. Use a range of common conjunctions to link sentences ensuring meaning is clear. Spell a range of commonly used words with accuracy and use strategies and rules to spell a variety of less familiar and specialist vocabulary correctly.
Band 7
Demonstrate an understanding of past tense sentences. Recognise correct verb forms to use in simple sentences and use adjectives appropriately. Use an increasing range of punctuation including question marks and simple use of commas. Link sentences using an increasing range of common conjunctions. Spell commonly used words with accuracy and use spelling strategies and rules to spell less familiar and some specialist vocabulary correctly.
Band 6
Identify the correct verb form to use in the present simple, present continuous and some past tenses. Correctly use question marks and exclamation marks in simple sentences. Link sentences using common conjunctions ensuring they make sense. Spell common words with increasing accuracy and use some spelling strategies and rules to spell some less familiar and some specialist vocabulary correctly.
Band 5
Identify the correct prepositions and pronouns to use in simple sentences, and recognise adjectives. Demonstrate understanding of the correct use of capital letters, full stops and the purpose of a question mark. Recognise synonyms for simple phrases. Use knowledge of phonics to spell short, familiar and less familiar words with increasing accuracy.
Band 4 and under
Understand words grouped together to form a sentence. Identify the correct simple pronouns to use in sentences. Demonstrate understanding of the correct use of capital letters and the need for full stops. Use a simple conjunction to link two short sentences. Spell familiar words using knowledge of phonics.
Band descriptions for P7 Writing
Band 11 and above
Demonstrate a clear understanding of the correct use of a range of punctuation including capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, inverted commas and apostrophes. Use a range of verb forms accurately and recognise grammatical accuracy in more complex sentences. Demonstrate understanding of specialist vocabulary and use a range of strategies to spell less common words and words containing lenition correctly.
Band 10
Demonstrate an understanding of the correct use of a range of punctuation including capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and inverted commas. Use a range of simple verb forms accurately and recognise grammatical accuracy in more complex sentences. Demonstrate an understanding of specialist vocabulary. Apply knowledge of a range of strategies to spell most words correctly.
Band 9
Use appropriate verb forms in sentences with some structural complexity. Identify appropriate conjunctions to use to link more complex sentences together. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of punctuation points including capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks, identifying grammatically accurate sentences. Spell an increasing number of common words and some words containing lenition correctly.
Band 8
Identify the correct conjunction to use to link sentences together. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of a few punctuation points including capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks, identifying some grammatically accurate sentences. Spell common words and some familiar words that do not follow a particular rule correctly. Demonstrate the correct use of tenses to convey meaning.
Band 7
Identify simple conjunctions to link sentences together. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of a few punctuation points such as capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas and exclamation marks. Use strategies, knowledge of spelling patterns and rules such as consonant and vowel blends, impact of silent letters to spell more complex common words correctly including words of up to three syllables. Use simple pronouns in sentences with accuracy.
Band 6 and under
Identify simple conjunctions to link two sentences together. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of a few punctuation points such as capital letters, full stops and question marks. Identify the correct preposition to use and select the basic verb form correctly to complete a sentence. Use strategies, knowledge of spelling patterns and some rules such as consonant and vowel blends to spell some more complex common words correctly.
Band descriptions for S3 Writing
Band 12 and above
Spell relatively unfamiliar words and specialist vocabulary with accuracy. Correctly apply a wide range of grammatical conventions, and select the appropriate punctuation, including colons and semi-colons, for a range of complex sentences. Correctly use singular and plural forms and identify idiomatic language.
Band 11
Spell less common words and an increasing range of specialist vocabulary with several challenging features. Demonstrate accuracy in their usage of clauses and conjunctions. Correctly use singular and many plural forms and select the correct punctuation to break up a sentence. Demonstrate understanding of some other language features such as direct speech, parentheses, ellipsis and the use of apostrophes.
Band 10
Spell common words and unfamiliar vocabulary, including some specialist, with a challenging spelling feature. Identify the correct conjunction to use in complex sentences and recognise a range of sentences written in a grammatically correct way. Identify the appropriate placement of commas to separate short clauses. Demonstrate understanding of some other language features such as direct speech, parentheses and ellipsis.
Band 9
Spell common words where a letter sound is pronounced differently to the spelling. Demonstrate an understanding of some homonyms and use a grave accent accurately. Use a range of verb forms, including the correct use of conditional forms in increasingly complex sentences. Punctuate direct speech in a simple sentence and correctly use parentheses.
Band 8
Spell common words, including unfamiliar vocabulary, with a range of consonant blends and digraphs, and common endings correctly. Recognise the correct adverbs, pronouns and verb forms to use in longer sentences. Identify the appropriate placement of commas in complex sentences and identify the correct use of some apostrophes. Identify some sentences written in a grammatically accurate way and recognise the use of some punctuation features.
Band 7 and under
Spell some common words, including some unfamiliar vocabulary, with a range of consonant blends and digraphs, and common endings correctly. Recognise the correct adverbs, pronouns and verb forms to use in simple sentences. Understand the purpose of a comma and identify the correct use of some apostrophes.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan Àireamhachd MCNG (Gàidhlig)
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C1 Àireamhachd
Cuanal 6 agus nas àirde
A’ fuasgladh cheistean le àireamh a dhìth far a bheil an t-iomlan nas lugha na 20 agus ag aithneachadh àireamhan a dhìth a’ cunntadh ann an 2an no 5an. A’ cleachdadh luach àite gus àireamhan le 2 fhigear òrdachadh. A’ maidseadh uair air cloc didseatach agus analog, agus a’ cleachdadh cànan iomchaidh a thaobh uair. A’ mìneachadh ghrafan-cholbhan agus clàran sìmplidh gus an t-iomlan de na roinnean-seòrsa gu lèir a lorg. A’ cleachdadh co-mheasgachadh de bhuinn gu £2 agus ag obrachadh a-mach iomlaid gu 10sg agus barrachd. Ag aithneachadh leth buidheann de nithean ann an òrdugh tuaireamach agus a’ cleachdadh àireamhan òrdail ann an dòigh iomchaidh.
Cuanal 5
Ag aithneachadh na h-àireimh a tha a dhìth ann an òrdugh cunntaidh air ais suas gu 20 agus a’ cur crìoch air ceistean toirt-air-falbh anns a bheil dà àireamh le figear singilte gu 10. A’ tuigsinn cànan ro, às dèidh agus eadar gus àireamhan gu 20 aithneachadh gun loidhne-àireamhan. A’ cur bhuidhnean le diofar àireamh nithean ann an òrdugh agus ag aithneachadh fìrinn dùblachaidh gu iomlan de 20. Ag aithneachadh leth de bhuidheann nithean ann an clàr. A’ leughadh na h-uair (air an uair) air cloc analog. A’ sealltainn tuigse air a’ chànan a thathar a’ cleachdadh airson cuideaman agus tomhasan a choimeas.
Cuanal 4
Ag aithneachadh àireamh a dhìth ann an òrdugh cunntaidh air adhart suas gu 20. A’ freagairt cheistean cuir-ris anns a bheil dà àireamh le figear singilte gu 10 agus ceistean sìmplidh toirt-air-falbh le dealbhan mar thaic. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cànan sìmplidh suidheachail. A’ seòrsachadh nithean a thaobh faid agus a’ dearbhadh tuigse air cànan air a chleachdadh gus faid agus tomhas-lìonaidh a choimeas. A’ mìneachadh graf-cholbhan gus luach roinn-seòrsa ainmichte a lorg agus ag aithneachadh bhuinn suas gu £2.
Cuanal 3
A’ cleachdadh co-fhreagairt aon ri aon gus cunntadh gu 10 agus os a chionn. Ag aithneachadh àireamh a tha a dhìth a’ cunntadh air ais bho 10 agus os a chionn. A’ tuigsinn a’ chànain aig às dèidh airson àireamh aithneachadh. A’ tuigsinn cànan air a chleachdadh gus soitheach falamh no làn aithneachadh, agus ag aithneachadh dè am buidheann anns a bheil barrachd nithean. Ag aithneachadh leth de rudeigin agus ag aithneachadh chumaidhean cumanta leithid triantan no ceart-cheàrnach. Ag aithneachadh an latha den t-seachdain a tha a dhìth ann an òrdugh.
Cuanal 2
A’ ceangal ainmean àireamhan, na h-uireadan aca agus na figearan suas gu 10. A’ dèanamh cheistean sìmplidh cuir-ris suas gu 10 le dealbhan mar thaic agus a’ tuigsinn gu bheil ’neoni’ a’ ciallachadh nach eil gin ann de rud. A’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh ann an clàr-dhealbhan sìmplidh. Ag aithneachadh leth de chumadh sìmplidh agus ag aithneachadh bhuinn suas gu £1. A’ tuigsinn briathrachas eòlach air a chleachdadh gus àirde no faid nithean aithneachadh, me àrd, goirid, fada msaa.
Cuanal 1 agus nas ìsle
A’ cleachdadh co-fhreagairt aon ri aon gus cunntadh suas gu 5. Ag aithneachadh àireamh a dhìth ann an òrdugh cunntaidh air adhart suas gu 10 agus os a chionn. A’ tuigsinn briathrachas sìmplidh gus buidheann mòr no beag aithneachadh. A’ seòrsachadh nithean a’ cleachdadh slat-thomhais ainmichte.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C4 Àireamhachd
Cuanal 9 agus nas àirde
Ag aithneachadh obrachadh ceart gus ceist-fhaclan sìmplidh fhuasgladh. A’ fuasgladh ceist-fhaclan sìmplidh gus bloigh aonaid de àireamh le figear singilte a lorg. A’ cruinneachadh chun an 10 agus a’ 100 as fhaisge ann an àireamhan 3 figearan agus barrachd. Ag aithneachadh farsaingeachd cumadh duibhrichte air cliath agus a’ leughadh tomhas-lìonaidh bho sgèile. A’ mìneachadh graf-dhealbhan far a bheil na samhlan a’ riochdachadh barrachd air aon. Ag aithneachadh aonadan tomhais iomchaidh, agus ag atharrachadh eadar aonadan. Ag obrachadh a-mach cosgais iomlan agus iomlaid gu £10 agus barrachd. A’ fuasgladh cheistean ioma-cheum le àireamhan slàna le trì figearan agus barrachd. A’ cleachdadh briathrachas gu mionaideach gus cunntas a thoirt air coltachd agus a’ mìneachadh prìomh fhiosrachadh à diofar sheataichean dàta. Cleachd tuairmse agus cruinneachadh ann an dòigh iomchaidh gus ceistean àireamhan fhuasgladh.
Cuanal 8
Ag aithneachadh agus a’ cur àireamhan slàna ann an òrdugh gu 1,000. A’ fuasgladh cheistean a tha a’ dèanamh ceangal eadar cur-ris a-rithist agus a-rithist agus iomadachadh agus roinneadh agus a’ dearbhadh tuigse bhunaiteach air an lagh cho-iomlaideach agus obrachadh inbhearsach. A’ cleachdadh tuigse air luach-àite àireamhan 3 figearan agus barrachd. Ag iomadachadh agus a’ roinn àireamhan slàna le 10 agus 100. Ag aithneachadh àireamh nithean mar bhloigh de bhuidheann agus/no àireamh nithean. Ag aithneachadh uair gu mionaideach gu cairteal na h-uarach a’ cleachdadh cloc analog agus cloc didseatach 12-uarach. A’ dèanamh coimeas eadar farsaingeachd chumaidhean air cliath agus ag atharrachadh eadar diofar aonadan. A’ mìneachadh agus a’ tarraing fiosrachadh nas fillte à seataichean dàta. A’ fuasgladh cheistean anns a bheil àireamhan le 2 fhigear agus 3 figearan a’ gabhail a-steach obrachadh a-mach dà-cheum.
Cuanal 7
A’ taghadh obrachadh ceart gus ceist shìmplidh fhuasgladh, a’ gabhail a-steach iomadachadh agus roinneadh le àireamhan sìmplidh. Ag aithneachadh aon nì mar bhloigh sìmplidh de buidheann nithean agus ag obrachadh a-mach an diofair (ann an uairean) eadar dà uair air cloc analog. A’ mìneachadh graf-cholbhan gus aithneachadh agus coimeas a dhèanamh eadar triceadan ann an roinnean-seòrsa. A’ cruinneachadh chun an 10 agus a’ 100 as fhaisge ann an àireamhan 3 figearan. Ag obrachadh a-mach gu mionaideach cur-ris agus toirt-air-falbh le airgead gu £10. A’ dèanamh atharrachaidhean sìmplidh eadar aonadan tomhais, mar eisimpleir meatairean agus ceudameatairean. A’ mìneachadh mìosachan gu mionaideach.
Cuanal 6
A’ fuasgladh ceistean fhaclan sìmplidh a dh’fheumas cur-ris agus/no toirt-air-falbh agus a’ cleachdadh cur-ris a-rithist agus a-rithist airson cuid de cheistean iomadachaidh. Ag iomadachadh agus a’ roinn àireamhan slàna sìmplidh le 10 agus na h-uiread le 100. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air ’neoni’ mar ghleidheadair-àite. Ag innse na h-uair gu cairteal na h-uarach a’ cleachdadh chlocaichean analog agus ag aithneachadh an aonad tomhais as iomchaidhe airson co-theacsa eòlach. A’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh ann an clàr-cearcaill agus a’ cur bhloighean cumanta ann an òrdugh. A’ fuasgladh cheistean-fhacail sìmplidh a’ cleachdadh bhloighean. A’ cruinneachadh na mòr-chuid de àireamhan slàna suas gu 3 figearan chun an 10 as fhaisge agus cuid chun a’ 100 as fhaisge.
Cuanal 5
A’ tuigsinn luach àite suas gu àireamhan le 3 figearan agus a’ fuasgladh cheistean le faclan sìmplidh mu àireamhan slàna suas gu trì figearan. A’ leughadh na h-uair air an uair agus air an leth-uair air clocaichean analog agus didseatach agus a’ tarraing agus a’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh bho chlàran agus seataichean dàta sìmplidh eile. Ag aithneachadh agus a’ cleachdadh bhuinn suas gu £20 agus ag obrachadh a-mach iomlaid suas gu £10. A’ coimeas bhloighean sìmplidh gus an nì as motha agus as lugha ann am buidheann aithneachadh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cur-ris sìmplidh a-rithist agus a-rithist.
Cuanal 4 agus nas ìsle
A’ leantainn le leughadh agus òrdachadh àireamhan slàna ann an òrdugh, a’ cunntadh ann an 2an, 5an agus 10an, mar eisimpleir. A’ fuasgladh cheistean cuir-ris sìmplidh le trì figearan le 100an nan lùib. Ag aithneachadh bhloighean sìmplidh cumanta, le dealbh mar thaic. Air chomas fiosrachadh sìmplidh bho chlàran agus grafan a mhìneachadh, mar ag aithneachadh na roinn-seòrsa as còrdte bho ghraf-cholbhan no clàr sìmplidh. A’ dearbhadh beagan tuigse air luach àite agus ag obrachadh a-mach ùine shìmplidh ann an uairean. Ag aithneachadh aonadan tomhais cumanta agus a’ dèanamh thomhasan sìmplidh a’ cleachdadh aonadan cumanta.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C7 Àireamhachd
Cuanal 11 agus nas àirde
A’ mìneachadh cheistean agus a’ cleachdadh nan obrachaidhean ceart gus obrachadh a-mach a dhèanamh anns a bheil tuairmse agus iomadachadh agus roinneadh àireamhan le 2 fhigear agus barrachd. A’ fuasgladh cheistean anns a bheil bloighean cumanta, bloighean deicheach agus ag obrachadh a-mach ceudad de luach ainmichte. A’ fuasgladh cheistean anns a bheil tomhas farsaingeachd cheàrnagan, ceart-cheàrnachan agus triantain cheart-cheàrnachail agus ag atharrachadh eadar diofar aonadan. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air an dàimh eadar aonadan ùine cumanta agus ag obrachadh a-mach le uairean a thìde agus mionaidean.
Cuanal 10
A’ cur àireamhan ann an òrdugh gu 1,000,000 agus bloighean deicheach suas gu trì ionadan deicheach, agus a’ dèanamh obrachadh a-mach, agus cruinneachadh, a thaobh àireamhan slàna agus bloighean deicheach gu dà ionad deicheach. A’ fuasgladh ceist-fhaclan anns a bheil reusanachadh co-chuideil gus bloighean de bhuidheann a lorg agus cur-ris bloighean agus bloighean deicheach. Ag obrachadh a-mach ùine agus ag atharrachadh eadar aonadan tomhais, me airson faid no tomhas-lìonaidh. A’ fuasgladh cheistean sìmplidh mu thomhas-lìonaidh. A’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh à diofar seataichean dàta. A’ cleachdadh cànan coltachd ann a bhith a’ comharrachadh toradh.
Cuanal 9
A’ cur an gnìomh nan ceithir obraichean gu lèir gus ceistean fhuasgladh a thaobh àireamhan slàna suas gu 1,000,000 agus le airgead. A’ cleachdadh bhloighean agus bloighean deicheach agus ag atharrachadh ùine ann am bloighean de uair gu mionaidean. A’ fuasgladh cheistean sìmplidh anns a bheil tomhas a’ gabhail a-steach na h-uiread mu chuairt-thomhas, farsaingeachd agus tomhas-lìonaidh. A’ dèanamh obrachadh a-mach air airgead a’ gabhail a-steach nan ceithir obraichean. A’ fuasgladh obrachaidhean a-mach le àireamhan slàna agus bloighean deicheach gu dà ionad deicheach. A’ leughadh sgèilean airson luachan eadar comharran leubailte.
Cuanal 8
A’ cur ann an òrdugh agus ag aithneachadh àireamhan gu 1,000,000 agus a’ mhòr-chuid de bhloighean deicheach suas gu dà ionad deicheach. A’ fuasgladh ceist-fhaclan ioma-cheum, a’ cleachdadh luach àite ann an àireamhan suas gu 6 figearan agus ag aithneachadh agus a’ cur àireamhan 3 figearan ann an òrdugh air an riochdachadh le faclan. A’ cruinneachadh àireamhan slàn chun a’ 1,000 as fhaisge agus os a chionn. A’ fuasgladh cheistean sìmplidh a thaobh tomhas a’ gabhail a-steach cuid air cuairt-thomhas. Ag obrachadh a-mach ùine a’ dol thairis air uairean agus pàirt de uairean, mionaidean agus diogan ann an latha agus a’ mìneachadh agus a’ tighinn gu co-dhùnadh bho mheasgachadh dàta.
Cuanal 7
A’ fuasgladh cheistean-fhaclan aon-cheum a’ gabhail a-steach fear sam bith de na ceithir obrachaidhean agus a’ tuigsinn gu bheil iontaidsear àicheil nas lugha na neoni. Ag atharrachadh eadar uair 24 uairean agus 12 uair agus a’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh ann an clàr-ama. A’ mìneachadh graf-loidhne sìmplidh agus a’ taghadh a’ chlàir-shràcan a tha a’ maidseadh graf-cholbhan ainmichte. Ag aithneachadh luach àite fhigearan ann an àireamhan slàna gu 1,000,000. A’ fuasgladh na h-uiread de cheistean anns a bheil tomhas agus ag atharrachadh eadar aonadan cumanta. Ag aithneachadh an toraidh cheart a’ cleachdadh dàta sìmplidh.
Cuanal 6 agus nas ìsle
Ag aithneachadh figear nan ceudan ann an àireamh 3 figearan. A’ cur-ris agus a’ toirt-air-falbh àireamhan slàn agus cuid de bhloighean deicheach gu dà ionad deicheach. A’ cur mòr-chuid de àireamhan gu 1,000 ann an òrdugh, agus a’ cruinneachadh bhloighean deicheach chun na h-àireimh shlàin as fhaisge. Ag innse na h-uair gu cairteal na h-uarach a’ cleachdadh chlocaichean analog agus ag obrachadh a-mach ùineachan sìmplidh. A’ dèanamh coimeas eadar meudan sheigmeantan ann an graf-cearcaill agus a’ mìneachadh clàran-shràcan agus grafaichean.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan ÀS3 Àireamhachd
Cuanal 12 agus nas àirde
A’ cleachdadh obrachadh ceart gus ceist obrachadh a-mach anns a bheil àireamhan le 3 figearan, bloighean agus co-mheasan. A’ fuasgladh cheistean air luaths astar ùine a’ gabhail a-steach atharrachadh aonadan ùine agus faid. A’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh nas fillte bho raon dàta, a’ toirt cunntas air gluasadan a’ cleachdadh cànan iomchaidh. Ag obrachadh a-mach coltachd gun tachair tachartas sìmplidh agus a’ cur seo an cèill mar bhloigh, bloigh deicheach no ceudad.
Cuanal 11
A’ mìneachadh cheistean agus a’ cleachdadh nan obrachaidhean ceart gus an t-obrachadh a-mach a dhèanamh. Ag atharrachadh eadar cha mhòr a h-uile bloigh co-ionann, bloighean deicheach agus ceudadan gus ceistean fillte fhuasgladh. A’ mìneachadh ìre agus co-chuid gus ceistean fhuasgladh agus a’ fuasgladh cheistean le bhith a’ lorg farsaingeachd agus cuairt-thomhas diofar chumaidhean. A’ dearbhadh tuigse eadar luach as fheàrr agus ag atharrachadh eadar airgeadan. A’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh nas fillte bho raon dàta agus ag obrachadh a-mach coltachd thachartasan co-phàirteach agus gan cur seo an cèill iad mar bhloighean deicheach.
Cuanal 10
A’ fuasgladh cheistean anns a bheil àireamhan àicheil ann an co-theacsa agus a’ toirt-air-falbh agus ag iomadachadh bhloighean deicheach. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan gus an luach as fheàrr ann an co-theacsa airgid a dhearbhadh agus a’ dèanamh atharrachaidhean sìmplidh eadar diofar airgeadan. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air co-chuid tro bhith a’ fuasgladh cheistean-fhaclan. A’ fuasgladh cheistean anns a bheil ùine agus ag atharrachadh aonadan ùine. A’ mìneachadh raon de sheataichean dàta gus luachan a lorg air nach fios agus a’ mìneachadh ghluasadan sìmplidh.
Cuanal 9
A’ cruinneachadh àireamhan slàna agus bloighean deicheach gu ìre mhionaideach ainmichte agus a’ dèanamh obrachadh a-mach anns a bheil bloighean, bloighean deicheach agus ceudadan. A’ fuasgladh mòr-chuid de ceistean anns a bheil na ceithir obrachaidhean. A’ fuasgladh cheistean a thaobh tomhas-lìonaidh. A’ cleachdadh eòlas air an dàimh eadar astar, luaths agus ùine gus ceistean sìmplidh fhuasgladh. A’ fuasgladh cheistean a thaobh co-mheas agus ag obrachadh a-mach an luach ris an robh dùil a’ cleachdadh coltachd ceudad de thachartas.
Cuanal 8
A’ fuasgladh cheistean anns a bheil na ceithir obrachaidhean le àireamhan slàna agus bloighean deicheach gu aon ionad deicheach agus barrachd. Ag aithneachadh seantans àireamhan iomchaidh gus ceist a riochdachadh. Ag obrachadh a-mach ùine thairis air làithean, uairean, mionaidean agus diogan, agus ag obrachadh a-mach coltachd tachartais, ga sgrìobhadh mar bhloigh dheicheach. A’ dearbhadh beagan tuigse air an luach as fheàrr bho fhiosrachadh sìmplidh ann an co-theacsa airgid. A’ freagairt cheistean gu mionaideach a thaobh a bhith a’ tarraing fiosrachadh à diofar sheataichean dàta sìmplidh agus ga mhìneachadh.
Cuanal 7 agus nas ìsle
A’ fuasgladh cheistean-fhaclan sìmplidh anns a bheil gin de sam bith de na ceithir obrachaidhean. Ag atharrachadh eadar uair 24 uairean agus 12 uair agus ag atharrachadh eadar cuid de na bloighean co-ionann, bloighean deicheach agus ceudadan. A’ cleachdadh agus a’ mìneachadh fiosrachadh à diofar seataichean sìmplidh dàta. A’ mìneachadh aithisg a tha a’ toirt cunntas air coltachd agus gam maidseadh seo gu cuid de na coltachdan air an cur an cèill mar cheudadan. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan gus breithneachadh air an luach as fheàrr agus a’ dèanamh atharrachaidhean sìmplidh eadar diofar airgeadan.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan Leughadh MCNG (a' gabhail a-steach C1 Litearrachd) (Gàidhlig)
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C1 Litearrachd
Cuanal 6 agus nas àirde
Ag aithneachadh coimeasgadh fhuaimreagan nach eil cho eòlach agus a’ cleachdadh eòlas fonaigs gus tòiseachadh a’ fuaimeachadh agus a’ leughadh fhaclan a tha nas fillte agus nach eil cho eòlach. A’ leughadh fhaclan cumanta, a bhios a’ nochdadh tric, le tuigse. A’ freagairt cheistean litireil agus a’ lorg fiosrachadh sìmplidh ann an dealbh. A’ dearbhadh puingeachadh sìmplidh ann an seantans, mar phuing-stad, litir mhòr agus comharra-ceiste.
Cuanal 5
Ag aithneachadh dà-ghraf ann am facal, le taic fuaime. A’ cleachdadh eòlas fonaigs gus faclan eòlach CFC agus faclan eile le trì litrichen a leughadh agus a thuigsinn. Ag aithneachadh na litir a tha a dhìth ann am faclan le barrachd litrichean. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air ainmearan, gnìomhairean agus buadhairean nach eil cho eòlach ann an seantansan nas fhaide.
Cuanal 4
Ag aithneachadh dà-ghraf cumanta. A’ leughadh facal eòlach le dà litir, ga mhaidseadh ri dealbh co-fhreagrach agus, beagan fhaclan sìmplidh. A’ mìneachadh ìomhaigh agus ag aithneachadh na litir a tha a dhìth ann am facal CFC. A’ dearbhadh barrachd tuigse air ainmearan, gnìomhairean agus buadhairean ann an seantansan nas fhaide. Ag aithneachadh puingeachadh bunaiteach ann an seantans goirid, leithid puing-stad agus litir mhòr.
Cuanal 3
Ag aithneachadh an fhuaim sa mheadhan agus aig deireadh facail, le taic fuaime. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air ainmearan, gnìomhairean agus buadhairean nas fhillte ann an seantansan goirid, a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa, dealbhan agus fuaim mar thaic do thuigse. Ag aithneachadh puing-stad aig deireadh seantans.
Cuanal 2
Ag aithneachadh an fhuaim thùsail ann am facal agus a’ maidseadh litir bheag ri litir mhòr cho-fhreagrach. A’ cur tachartas sìmplidh ann an òrdugh le dealbhan. A’ maidseadh sheantansan goirid, anns a bheil ainmearan cumanta, gnìomhairean sìmplidh agus buadhairean, ri dealbh co-fhreagrach, le taic fuaime.
Cuanal 1 agus nas ìsle
Ag aithneachadh a’ mhòr-chuid de fhuaimean air leth agus cruth nan litrichean aca. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air ainmearan cumanta agus cuid de bhuadairean le bhith gam maidseadh ri dealbh co-fhreagrach, le taic fuaime.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C4 Leughadh
Cuanal 9 agus nas àirde
A’ leughadh le tuigse farsaingeachd theacsaichean air nach eil iad eòlach. Ag aithneachadh nam prìomh bheachdan agus adhbhar diofar sheòrsaichean theacsaichean. A’ lorg agus a’ ceangal bheachdan air nach eil iad eòlach agus a’ toirt luaidh air mion-fhiosrachadh, a tha fighte a-steach gu freagarrach. A’ toirt freagairt iomchaidh do cheistean litireil, co-dhùnaidheil agus measaidh mu charactaran agus suidheachaidhean. Ag aithneachadh an eadar-dhealachaidh eadar fiosrachadh fìor agus beachd agus gnè an teacsa.
Cuanal 8
A’ tuigsinn farsaingeachd theacsaichean air nach eil iad eòlach, ag aithneachadh nam prìomh bheachdan agus adhbhar diofar sheòrsaichean theacsaichean. Ag aithneachadh feartan bunaiteach theacsaichean ficsein agus neo-fhicsean. A’ lorg prìomh phìosan fiosrachaidh agus mion-fhiosrachadh ann am faclan eile. A’ ceangal bheachdan ann an seantansan agus thar sheantansan agus tro pharagrafan. A’ toirt freagairt iomchaidh do cheistean litireil, co-dhùnaidheil agus measaidh. Ag aithneachadh an eadar-dhealachaidh eadar fiosrachadh fìor agus beachd.
Cuanal 7
A’ tuigsinn farsaingeachd de theacsaichean nas fhaide air nach eil iad eòlach a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa. A’ lorg fiosrachadh ann am faclan eile ann an seantansan agus a’ dearbh-aithneachadh feartan theacsaichean ficsein agus neo-fhicsean. A’ dèanamh mholaidhean freagarrach mu na prìomh bheachdan agus adhbhar teacsa. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan leughaidh gus obrachadh a-mach ciall fhaclan agus abairtean air nach eil iad eòlach. Ag aithneachadh beachd an sgrìobhadair. A’ toirt freagairt iomchaidh do cheistean litireil agus do cheistean co-dhùnaidheil agus measaidh.
Cuanal 6
A’ tuigsinn theacsaichean nas fhaide air nach eil iad eòlach a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa. A’ lorg fiosrachadh agus ag aithneachadh feartan theacsaichean ficsein agus neo-fhicsean. A’ mìneachadh adhbhar agus prìomh bheachdan an teacsa. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan leughaidh gus obrachadh a-mach ciall fhaclan agus abairtean air nach eil iad eòlach. A’ toirt freagairt iomchaidh do cheistean litireil agus do cheistean co-dhùnaidheil.
Cuanal 5
A’ tuigsinn theacsaichean goirid air nach eil iad eòlach. A’ lorg fiosrachadh dìreach a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa agus dealbhan airson taic le tuigse. A’ mìneachadh adhbhar agus prìomh bheachdan an teacsa. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan leughaidh gus tuigsinn ciall fhaclan air nach eil iad cho eòlach. A’ toirt freagairt iomchaidh do cheistean litireil agus do cheistean co-dhùnaidheil.
Cuanal 4 agus nas ìsle
A’ tuigsinn theacsaichean goirid air nach eil iad eòlach. A’ lorg fiosrachadh dìreach a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa agus dealbhan airson taic le tuigse. A’ mìneachadh adhbhar agus prìomh bheachdan ann an teacsa. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan leughaidh gus tuigsinn ciall fhaclan cumanta agus abairtean air nach eil iad cho eòlach. A’ freagairt cheistean litireil.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C7 Leughadh
Cuanal 11 agus nas àirde
A’ tuigsinn raon farsaing de theacsaichean air nach eil iad eòlach le tuigse fhollaiseach. Ag aithneachadh agus a’ mìneachadh nithean eadar-dhealaichte agus a’ ceangal bheachdan nas fillte thairis air paragrafan. A’ cleachdadh fiosrachadh mu chànan gus ceistean litireil, buadhach agus luachaidh a fhreagairt, a’ toirt beachd iomchaidh air fiosrachadh ann an seantansan nas fillte. A’ ceangal fiosrachadh thairis air paragrafan agus ag aithneachadh beachd sgrìobhadair teacsa ìmpidheil, fhillte. A’ tòiseachadh air cuid de stoidhlean agus modhan sgrìobhaidh aithneachadh agus a thuigsinn.
Cuanal 10
A’ cleachdadh farsaingeachd ro-innleachdan gus raon farsaing de theacsaichean, air nach eil iad eòlach, a leughadh le tuigse. Ag aithneachadh agus a’ mìneachadh adhbhar agus prìomh fhiosrachadh ann an seantansan nas fillte ann an teacsa. A’ cleachdadh fiosrachadh cànain gus raon cheistean litireil, buadhach agus measaidh a fhreagairt, a’ dearbhadh tuigse fhollaiseach air teacsa. A’ ceangal fiosrachadh thar pharagrafan agus ag aithneachadh beachd sgrìobhadair teacsa ìmpidheach nas fillte.
Cuanal 9
A’ tuigsinn farsaingeachd theacsaichean air nach eil iad eòlach, a’ cleachdadh fiosrachadh co-theacsa agus ro-innleachd leughaidh. A’ freagairt farsaingeachd de cheistean litireil, co-dhùnaidheil agus measaidh mu fhaireachdainn agus brosnachadh charactaran, suidheachadh agus plota. A’ mìneachadh ciall cuid de na feartan cànain, mar taghadh-fhaclan agus structar seantans. A’ ceangal fiosrachadh ann am paragrafan agus thairis orra agus ag aithneachadh a’ bheachd a bha fainear do sgrìobhadair teacsa sìmplidh ìmpidheach.
Cuanal 8
A’ cleachdadh eòlas mu cho-theacsa agus ro-innleachd leughaidh agus a’ lorg agus a’ tuigsinn farsaingeachd fiosrachaidh ann an teacsaichean air nach eil iad eòlach. A’ lorg agus a’ seòrsachadh fiosrachadh buntainneach agus a’ ceangal bheachdan ann am paragrafan agus thairis orra. A’ toirt geàrr-chunntas air beachd an sgrìobhadair agus a’ freagairt le barrachd mionaideachd do raon cheistean litireil, co-dhùnaidheil agus ceistean measaidh mu charactaran, suideachadh agus plota.
Cuanal 7
A’ tuigsinn theacsaichean sìmplidh air nach eil iad eòlach, a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa gus na prìomh bheachdan agus adhbharan a lorg. A’ mìneachadh ciall fhaclan agus abairtean nach eil cho cumanta. A’ lorg fiosrachadh dìreach agus mion-fhiosrachadh ann an teacsaichean aithriseil, fiosrachail, ìmpidheach agus ionnsachail. A’ freagairt cheistean litireil, sìmplidh agus feadhainn a tha co-dhùnaidheil mu charactaran agus suidheachaidhean.
Cuanal 6 agus nas ìsle
A’ tuigsinn theacsaichean sìmplidh air nach eil iad eòlach, a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa agus co-dhealbhachd. A’ lorg agus a’ seòrsachadh mion-fhiosrachadh dìreach agus a’ freagairt cheistean litireil agus feadhainn a tha co-dhùnaidheil. A’ mìneachadh ciall fhaclan agus abairtean nach eil cho cumanta, agus fiosrachadh sìmplidh a tha ann an àite follaiseach ann an teacsa.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan ÀS3 Leughadh
Cuanal 12 agus nas àirde
A’ leughadh raon farsaing de theacsaichean fillte air nach eil iad eòlach le ìre mhath de thuigse. A’ leughadh raon farsaing de bhriathrachas fillte agus speisealta. Ag aithneachadh gu mionaideach, adhbhar, prìomh chuspairean agus bun-bheachdan teacsa. A’ freagairt le cinnt raon farsaing de cheistean. Ag aithneachadh agus a’ dearbhadh tuigse mhionaideach air raon farsaing de stoidhlichean agus dòighean sgrìobhaidh, a’ dèanamh mion-sgrùdadh air feartan a bheir piseach air teacsa. A’ toirt ciall chinnteach, le dearbhadh iomchaidh, à teacsa agus a’ ceangal bheachdan fillte thairis air iomadach paragraf ann an teacsa. A’ bruidhinn air taghadh cànain.
Cuanal 11
A’ leughadh raon theacsaichean fillte air nach eil iad eòlach le ìre mhath de thuigse. A’ leughadh barrachd briathrachas fillte. Ag aithneachadh le cinnt prìomh bheachd, prìomh chuspairean agus bun-bheachdan teacsa. A’ freagairt le cinnt farsaingeachd de cheistean agus a’ dèanamh oidheam bho phrìomh abairtean. A’ dearbhadh tuigse mhionaideach air farsaingeachd de stoidhlichean agus dòighean sgrìobhaidh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse mhionaideach air cànan ìmpidheach agus buaireasach. A’ tuigsinn agus a’ ceangal bheachdan fillte thairis air iomadach paragraf ann an teacsa.
Cuanal 10
A’ leughadh raon theacsaichean iom-fhillte air nach eil iad eòlach le ìre mhath de thuigse. A’ leughadh raon de bhriathrachas iom-fhillte. A’ lorg phuingean ann an seantansan an ìre mhath iom-fhillte, far a bheil tòrr fiosrachaidh eile bho iomadh stòr. Ag aithneachadh adbhar, prìomh chuspairean agus bun-bheachdan teacsa. A’ freagairt le cinnt farsaingeachd de cheistean litireil agus measaidh, agus a’ dèanamh oidheam bho phrìomh abairtean. A’ togail air aithneachadh agus a’ dearbhadh tuigse mhionaideach air raon farsaing de stoidhlichean sgrìobhaidh, a’ gabhail a-steach dòighean-obrach ìmpidheach agus beachd an sgrìobhadair. A’ mìneachadh cànan a’ gabhail a-steach ghnàthasan-cainnte, ga chur ann an dòigh eile, agus an luchd-leughaidh san amharc airson teacsa.
Cuanal 9
A’ leughadh raon theacsaichean air nach eil iad eòlach a tha nas iom-fhillte, le tuigse reusanta. A’ leughadh farsaingeachd de bhriathrachas nas iom-fhillte, gun a bhith cho mòr an eisimeil co-theacsa. A’ lorg fiosrachadh agus a’ mìneachadh sunnd, tòna agus rùn sgrìobhadair nan dòighean-aithris. A’ freagairt cheistean litireil, co-dhùnaidheil agus measaidh gu mionaideach a thaobh theacsaichean. Ag aithneachadh prìomh adhbhar theacsaichean agus ag aithneachadh nam prìomh bheachdan. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air barrachd stoidhlichean agus dòighean sgrìobhaidh, a’ mìneachadh cànan a’ gabhail a-steach ghnàthasan-cainnte sìmplidh agus doighean eile air an cur an cèill. Ag aithneachadh an luchd-leughaidh a bhiodh coltach airson teacsa.
Cuanal 8
A’ tuigsinn an ìre mhath raon de theacsaichean sìmplidh air nach eil iad eòlach. A’ leughadh briathrachas speisealta a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa. A’ lorg iomadh pìos fiosrachaidh agus a’ mìneachadh ciall bho iomadh gnè sgrìobhaidh. A’ moladh adhbhar agus prìomh amasan teacsa. A’ freagairt gu cinnteach raon cheistean litireil a’ dèanamh oidheam bho phrìomh abairtean. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air barrachd stoidhlichean agus dòighean sgrìobhaidh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cànan a tha gu follaiseach ìmpidheach agus buaireasach. A’ mìneachadh cànan, a’ gabhail a-steach ghnàthasan-cainnte agus dòighean eile air a ràdh.
Cuanal 7 agus nas ìsle
A’ leughadh theacsaichean sìmplidh air nach eil iad eòlach le ìre mhath de thuigse. A’ leughadh briathrachas speisealta a’ cleachdadh co-theacsa. A’ lorg fiosrachadh agus a’ mìneachadh ciall bho iomadh seòrsa gnè sgrìobhaidh. A’ moladh adhbhar agus prìomh amasan teacsa. A’ freagairt gu cinnteach raon cheistean litireil agus a’ tòiseachadh air oidheam a thogail bho phrìomh abairtean. Ag aithneachadh agus a’ dearbhadh tuigse air raon cumhang de stoidhlichean agus dòighean sgrìobhaidh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cànan a tha gu follaiseach ìmpidheach agus buaireasach. Ag aithneachadh an luchd-leughaidh a bhiodh coltach airson teacsa.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan Sgrìobhadh MCNG (Gàidhlig)
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C4 Sgrìobhadh
Cuanal 9 agus nas àirde
A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh thràthan gus ciall a chur an cèill. Ag aithneachadh barrachd chruthan ghnìomhairean gus an cleachdadh ann an seantansan agus a’ cleachdadh bhuadhairean gu h-iomchaidh. A’ cleachdadh farsaingeachd de phuingeachadh gu pongail a’ gabhail a-steach chomharran-ceiste, clisg-phuingean agus cromagan. A’ cleachdadh raon farsaing de naisgearan cumanta gus seantansan nas fhaide a cheangal, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a’ chiall aca soilleir. A’ litreachadh raon nas motha de dh’fhaclan cumanta le cinnt agus a’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan agus riaghailtean gus barrachd fhaclan nach eil cho cumanta agus briathrachas sònraichte a litreachadh gu ceart.
Cuanal 8
A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh thràthan sìmplidh. Ag aithneachadh cruth ceart gnìomhair gus a chleachdadh ann an seantansan agus a’ cleachdadh bhuadhairean gu h-iomchaidh. A’ cleachdadh barrachd farsaingeachd sa phuingeachadh a’ gabhail a-steach comharran-ceiste, clisg-puingean agus cromagan sìmplidh. Ag aithneachadh gum feum ainmear sònrachaidh litir mhòr. A’ cleachdadh farsaingeachd de naisgearan cumanta gus seantansan a cheangal a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a’ chiall aca soilleir. A’ litreachadh farsaingeachd de dh’fhaclan cumanta gu mionaideach agus a’ cleachdadh ro-inleachdan agus riaghailtean gus faclan nach eil cho cumanta agus briathrachas sònraichte a litreachadh gu ceart.
Cuanal 7
A’ dearbhadh tuigse air seantansan san tràth chaithte. Ag aithneachadh cruth ceart gnìomhair gus a chleachdadh ann an seantansan sìmplidh agus a’ cleachdadh bhuadhairean gu h-iomchaidh. A’ cleachdadh barrachd farsaingeachd sa phuingeachadh a’ gabhail a-steach chomharran-ceiste agus cromagan sìmplidh. A’ ceangal sheantansan a’ cleachdadh farsaingeachd naisgearan cumanta. A’ litreachadh fhaclan cumanta gu mionaideach, agus a’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan agus riaghailtean litreachaidh gus faclan nach eil cho cumanta agus briathrachas sònraichte a litreachadh gu ceart.
Cuanal 6
Ag aithneachadh a’ chruth cheart aig gnìomhair gus a chleachdadh anns an tràth làthaireach shìmplidh agus leantalach agus cuid de thràthan caithte. A’ cleachdadh chomharran-ceiste agus clisg-puingean gu ceart ann an seantansan sìmplidh. A’ ceangal sheantansan le naisgearan cumanta a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil iad a’ dèanamh ciall. A’ litreachadh fhaclan cumanta le mionaideachd a’ fàs agus a’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan litreachaidh agus riaghailtean gus faclan nach eil cho cumanta agus briathrachas sònraichte a litreachadh gu ceart
Cuanal 5
Ag aithneachadh nan roimhearan agus riochdairean ceart gus an cleachdadh ann an seantansan sìmplidh, agus ag aithneachadh bhuadhairean. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh ceart nan litirichean mòra, puingean-stad, agus adhbhar airson comharra-ceiste. Ag aithneachadh cho-fhaclan airson abairtean sìmplidh. A’ cleachdadh tuigse air fonaigs gus faclan goirid air a bheil iad eòlach, agus air nach eil iad eòlach a litreachadh, le mionaideachd a’ fàs.
Cuanal 4 agus nas ìsle
A’ tuigsinn fhaclan air an cruinneachadh còmhla gus seantans a chruthachadh. Ag aithneachadh nan riochdairean sìmplidh ceart gus an cleachdadh ann an seantansan. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air a’ chleachdadh cheart aig litrichean mòra agus am feum air puingean-stad. A’ cleachdadh naisgear sìmplidh agus a’ ceangal dà sheantans ghoirid. A’ litreachadh fhaclan air a bheil iad eòlach a’ cleachdadh tuigse air fonaigs.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan C7 Sgrìobhadh
Cuanal 11 agus nas àirde
A’ dearbhadh tuigse fhollaiseach air cleachdadh ceart de raon farsaing puingeachaidh a’ gabhail a-steach litrichean mòra, puingean-stad, comharran-ceiste, clisg-phuingean, cromagan, cromagan turrach agus asgairean. A’ cleachdadh farsaingeachd de chruthan ghnìomhairean gu ceart agus ag aithneachadh mionaideachd ghramataigeach ann an seantansan a tha nas iom-fhillte. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air briathrachas speisealta agus a’ cleachdadh raon ro-innleachdan gus faclan nach eil cho cumanta agus faclan anns a bheil sèimheachadh a litreachadh gu ceart.
Cuanal 10
A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh ceart raon de phuingeachadh a’ gabhail a-steach litrichean mòra, puingean-stad, comharran-ceiste, clisg-phuingean, cromagan agus cromagan turrach. A’ cleachdadh grunn de chruthan gnìomhair sìmplidh gu ceart agus ag aithneachadh mionaideachd ghramataigeach ann am barrachd sheantansan iom-fhillte. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air briathrachas speisealta. A’ cur an gnìomh raon farsaing de ro-innleachdan gus a’ mhòr-chuid de dh’fhaclan a litreachadh gu ceart.
Cuanal 9
A’ cleachdadh chruthan iomchaidh ghnìomhairean ann an seantansan le beagan iom-fhillteachd structarail. Ag aithneachadh naisgearan iomchaidh gus sentansan nas fillte a cheangal ri chèile. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh phuingean puingeachaidh a’ gabhail a-steach litrichean mòra, puingean-stad, cromagan, comharran-ceiste agus clisg-phuingean, ag aithneachadh sheantansan a tha ceart gu gramataigeach. A’ litreachadh barrachd fhaclan cumanta agus cuid a dh’fhaclan le sèimheachadh gu ceart.
Cuanal 8
Ag aithneachadh an naisgeir cheirt airson a chleachdadh gus seantansan a cheangal còmhla. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh corra phuing puingeachaidh a’ gabhail a-steach litrichean mòra, puingean-stad, cromagan, comharran-ceiste agus clisg-phuingean, ag aithneachadh sheantansan a tha ceart gu gramataigeach. A’ litreachadh fhaclan cumanta gu ceart agus feadhainn air a bheil iad eòlach nach eil a’ leantainn riaghailt shònraichte. A’ dearbhadh cleachdadh ceart thràthan gus brìgh a chur an cèill.
Cuanal 7
Ag aithneachadh naisgearan sìmplidh gus seantansan a cheangal ri chèile. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh corra phuing puingeachaidh mar litrichean mòra, puingean-stad, comharran-ceiste cromagan agus clisg-phuingean. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan, tuigse air pàtrain litreachaidh agus riaghailtean, mar coimeasgadh de chonnrag agus fuaimreag, buaidh litrichean sàmhach gus faclan cumanta a tha nas fillte a litreachadh gu ceart, a’ gabhail a-steach fhaclan suas gu trì lidean. A’ cleachdadh le mionaideachd riochdairean sìmplidh ann an seantansan.
Cuanal 6 agus nas ìsle
Ag aithneachadh naisgearan sìmplidh gus dà sheantans a cheangal ri chèile. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cleachdadh corra phuing puingeachaidh mar litrichean mòra, puingean-stad agus comharran-ceiste. Ag aithneachadh an roimheir cheirt ri chleachdadh agus a’ taghadh cruth gnìomhair sìmplidh gus seantans a chrìochnachadh. A’ cleachdadh ro-innleachdan, tuigse pàtran litreachaidh agus cuid de riaghailtean, mar coimeasgadh de chonnrag agus fuaimreag gus faclan cumanta nas fillte a litreachadh gu ceart.
Tuairisgeulan Cuanalan ÀS3 Sgrìobhadh
Cuanal 12 agus nas àirde
A’ litreachadh fhaclan air nach eil iad buileach eòlach agus briathrachas speisealta le mionaideachd. A’ cur an gnìomh gu ceart raon farsaing de chleachdaidhean gramataigeach, agus a’ taghadh puingeachadh iomchaidh, a’ gabhail a-steach còilean agus leth-chòilean, airson raon de sheantansan iom-fhillte. A’ cleachdadh chruthan singilte agus iolra gu ceart, agus ag aithneachadh cànan gnàthasach.
Cuanal 11
A’ litreachadh fhaclan nach eil cho cumanta agus barrachd de bhriathrachas speisealta le grunn fheartan dùbhlanach. A’ dearbhadh mionaideachd ann an cleachadh chlàsan agus naisgearan. A’ cleachdadh, gu ceart, cruthan singilte agus iomadh cruth iolra, agus a’ taghadh puingeachadh ceart gus seantans a bhriseadh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cuid a dh’fheartan cànain mar labhairt dhìreach, eadar-ràdh, trì-phuingean agus mar a chleachdas tu asgairean.
Cuanal 10
A’ litreachadh fhaclan cumanta agus briathrachas air nach eil iad eòlach a’ gabhail a-steach cuid a tha speisealta, le feart litreachaidh dùbhlanach. Ag aithneachadh naisgear ceart airson a chleachdadh ann an seantansan iom-fhillte agus ag aithneachadh farsaingeachd sheantansan air an sgrìobhadh gu ceart a thaobh gràmair. Ag aithneachadh an àite iomchaidh aig cromagan gus clàsan goirid a sgaradh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cuid a dh’fheartan cànain eile mar labhairt dhìreach, eadar-ràdh agus trì-phuingean.
Cuanal 9
A’ litreachadh fhaclan cumanta far a bheil fuaim litir air fhuaimeachadh ann an dòigh eadar-dhealaichte bhon litreachadh. A’ dearbhadh tuigse air cuid de cho-ainmearan agus a’ cleachdadh na stràc throm gu ceart. A’ cleachdadh farsaingeachd de chruthan gnìomhair, a’ gabhail a-steach cleachdadh ceart nan cruthan cumhach ann an seantansan a tha a’ fàs nas iom-fhillte. A’ puingeachadh labhairt dhìreach ann an seantans shìmplidh agus a’ cleachdadh eadar-ràdh gu ceart.
Cuanal 8
A’ litreachadh fhaclan cumanta gu ceart, a’ gabhail a-steach briathrachas air nach eil iad eòlach, le farsaingeachd de choimeasgadh chonnragan agus dà-ghrafan, agus deiridhean cumanta. Ag aithneachadh nan co-ghnìomhairean, riochdairean agus cruthan ghnìomhairean gus an cleachdadh ann an seantansan nas fhaide. Ag aithneachadh an àite cheirt aig cromagan ann an seantansan iom-fhillte agus ag aithneachadh cleachdadh ceart cuid a dh’asgairean. Ag aithneachadh cuid a sheantansan a tha air an sgrìobhadh ann an dòigh a tha ceart gu gramataigeach agus ag aithneachadh beagan fheartan pungachaidh.
Cuanal 7 agus nas ìsle
A’ litreachadh cuid de na faclan cumanta gu ceart, a’ gabhail a-steach briathrachas air nach eil iad eòlach, le raon de choimeasgadh chonnragan agus dà-ghrafan, agus deiridhean cumanta. Ag aithneachadh nan co-ghnìomhairean, riochdairean agus cruthan ghnìomhairean gus an cleachdadh ann an seantansan sìmplidh. A’ tuigsinn adhbhar chromagan agus ag aithneachadh cleachdadh ceart cuid de dh’asgairean.
Interpretation of band descriptions
For each assessment, the band descriptions above were provided in the first section of each learner's individual report. In the other two school-level reports – the Group Diagnostic Report and the Group Aggregate Report – the band number was included.
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