National Standardised Assessments for Scotland: national report - academic year 2023-2024
Summary of outcomes at a national level on the 'Scottish National Standardised Assessments' (SNSA) and ‘Measaidhean Coitcheann Nàiseanta airson Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig’ (MCNG) (collectively known as NSA) in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.
4 Writing
4.1 The scope of the writing assessment
In the 2023 to 2024 academic year, National Standardised Assessments in writing were available for P4, P7 and S3. At P1, learners were presented with a single assessment combining elements of reading and writing. This is referred to as the P1 literacy assessment. For more information on the P1 literacy assessment, please see Section 3: Reading/Literacy.
The assessments of writing were based on elements of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), as articulated in the Benchmarks: Literacy and Gàidhlig, published in March 2017 and the Benchmarks: Literacy and English, published in June 2017.
4.2 Coverage of the Curriculum for Excellence
NSA is just one part of the range of assessments that teachers use in making their evaluations of children's and young people's learning. As a standardised assessment to be completed within a limited time, using items capable of being scored automatically, only some parts of the writing Benchmarks could be addressed. It was agreed that the writing assessments should be based on the assessment organisers Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, which all fall under the curriculum organiser Tools for writing. Each of the items selected for inclusion in NSA writing assessments for the 2023 to 2024 academic year reflect the knowledge, skills understanding, and standards embedded within the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes for writing across the CfE Levels.
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation were all substantially represented in the writing assessments for P4, P7 and S3, with Spelling having a slightly higher weighting in comparison with Grammar and Punctuation. This reflected the importance placed on this area of Tools for writing by the Scottish education experts involved in defining the basis of the assessment. The weighting across the three organisers for each stage in the NSA was roughly the same, and all three assessment organisers were addressed by at least five items in the stage's full set, and in each learner's assessment, regardless of which path they took through the adaptive system. As such, in the school-level reports, teachers received information about the relationship between the learner's overall outcome and organiser level outcome for each of these areas at an individual learner level. In the rest of this section, features of the assessments of Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation for the three stages are described, with examples of items for illustration.
The information in sections 4.2.1 - 4.2.3 apply to the SNSA. MCNG examples and descriptions can be found in sections 4.2.4 - 4.2.6 of this report.
4.2.1 SNSA Spelling
The writing assessment in the 2023 to 2024 academic year was designed to assess spelling words and strategies, covering the range of skills and the progression articulated in the Experiences and Outcomes – 'I can use a range of strategies and resources and spell most of the words I need to use, including specialist vocabulary, and ensure that my spelling is accurate. LIT 3-21a'; 'I can spell the most commonly-used words, using my knowledge of letter patterns and spelling rules and use resources to help me spell tricky or unfamiliar words. LIT 1-21a.’. At the lower levels, learners were assessed on their ability to spell relatively simple and commonly used vocabulary. As the difficulty of the spelling items increased, and in the upper stage assessments, children and young people were also asked questions to assess their knowledge of less familiar words. To answer the questions correctly, learners may have needed to rely on strategies, such as their knowledge of phonics, spelling patterns and rules, and at the highest level may have been asked to spell specialised vocabulary.
Throughout, spelling was assessed in context, using a range of formats. One format was the cloze style, in which learners had to select the correct spelling from a range of options, either in a single sentence or in a short passage. In another, learners had to identify the incorrectly spelt word in a sentence.
Figure 31 shows an exemplar Spelling item which could be used in the P4 writing assessment.
Figure 31. Example of a P4 Spelling item, ‘Choose the correct spelling of a word’
The item presented here requires learners to identify the correctly spelt word in a sentence, from a range of options. This item draws on the writing strategy of proofing and editing, which models for learners the importance of checking their writing to identify errors.
As can be seen in this P4 item, the context provided is a familiar activity and all the words in the stem are grammatically simple, common and relatively short. To answer this item correctly, the learner must know the correct spelling of the common word or know that the other options given are all spelt incorrectly. This item is in the middle (band 7) of the item difficulty range for P4.
4.2.2 SNSA Grammar
This organiser focuses on general grammar points, addressing the skills, knowledge and understanding articulated in the Experiences and Outcomes. At P4, for example, it assessed children's ability to link sentences using common conjunctions, such as 'and', 'because' or 'but', while at the higher stages, a fuller and more complex range of conjunctions was assessed. Items addressing the Grammar organiser also assessed usage of prepositions, verb forms, adjectives and pronouns. At P4, the items tended to relate to simple sentences.
At P7 and S3, the challenge was increased by introducing longer, more complex language structures, such as compound sentences, conditionals and negative clauses; or by asking questions for which the child or young person needed to identify the relationship between two pronouns, where there was some ambiguity. In summary, as well as the grammar itself becoming more challenging, the contexts in which learners were asked to demonstrate their skills became more complex in the higher stage assessments.
Figure 32 presents an example of an S3 Grammar item, a typical example of the cloze (or gap fill) writing items. As in the reading assessments, SNSA writing items were often presented as 'units' – a group of items based on a single piece of stimulus. These units enabled more sustained context to be provided, and were used to assess all three writing assessment organisers. This stimulus text uses quite commonplace, simple vocabulary, but the sentence structures are relatively complex, allowing for a range of grammatical forms to be addressed.
Figure 32. Example of a potential S3 writing unit with a Grammar item, 'Snow, item 1'
In this item, learners would be asked to identify the correct word to introduce the noun in a sentence, from a given range of options. This item would be rated as coming from the low end of the item difficulty range.
The item in Figure 33 is based on the same text as that in Figure 32 and asks about the second space in the given paragraph. This second item would ask the learner to identify the correct collective noun to complete a sentence.
Figure 33. Example of a potential S3 writing unit with a Grammar item, ‘Snow item 2'
This item comes from the top of the item difficulty range for the S3 writing assessment.
4.2.3 SNSA Punctuation
The 2023 to 2024 SNSA assessed the skill Punctuation in a variety of ways. These included asking learners to identify the location of a given punctuation mark, to choose between sentences to identify the correctly punctuated example, and to choose the missing punctuation in a sentence from a range of options.
In the P4 assessment, items from this organiser focused on the full stop, question mark and exclamation mark, and the correct use of capital letters. This punctuation was assessed in relatively simple sentences. At P7, the range of punctuation was extended to include commas, parentheses and the uses of inverted commas and punctuation within speech, in more complex sentences. At S3, colons and semi-colons were added to the range of punctuation marks addressed, and learners were asked to identify correct usage of punctuation marks in increasingly complex sentences. There was some variation across stages, with more demanding items at each stage drawing on some content from the stage above.
As with the other writing organisers, items targeting the Punctuation organiser were presented either using stand-alone sentences or in items that used a passage of text with several items attached to it.
Figure 34 presents an example of a P7 writing item from the Punctuation organiser. It is a typical example of an item in which children were asked to choose the sentence with the correct punctuation from a range of options.
Figure 34. Example of a potential P7 Punctuation item, 'Choose the sentence with the correct use of commas'
This item comes from the top of the item difficulty range for the P7 writing assessment. In this item, learners would be asked to identify the correct punctuation, where a single sentence is broken up by commas. To answer this item correctly, learners would have to work through each version of the sentence and choose the one with the correct punctuation structure.
Figure 35 shows another example of an item from the Punctuation organiser. In this item type, learners were presented with a sentence and asked to identify the correct location of the missing punctuation: in this case, parentheses. The item is an example which could be included in the S3 writing assessment.
Figure 35. Example of an S3 Punctuation item, ‘Identify a sentence that correctly uses commas to indicate additional non-essential information (parentheses)'
This item would be above average difficulty for the S3 writing assessment. In the item, a complex sentence uses the context of a major event in Scottish history. To answer this item correctly, learners would have to identify that they can use commas to offset a parenthesis (non-essential information).
3.2.4 – MCNG Spelling
The writing assessment in the 2023 to 2024 academic year was designed to assess spelling words and strategies, covering the range of skills and the progression articulated in the Experiences and Outcomes. At the lower levels, learners were assessed on their ability to spell relatively simple and commonly used vocabulary. As the difficulty of the spelling items increased, and in the upper stage assessments, children and young people were also asked questions to assess their knowledge of less familiar words. To answer the questions correctly, learners may have needed to rely on strategies, such as their knowledge of phonics, spelling patterns and rules, and at the highest level may have been asked to spell specialised vocabulary.
Throughout, spelling was assessed in context, using a range of formats. One format was the cloze style, in which learners had to select the correct spelling from a range of options, either in a single sentence or in a short passage. Another type of item required learners to select the incorrectly spelled word in a sentence.
Figure 36 is an example of a P4 spelling item.
Figure 36. Example of a P4 Spelling item: Knowledge of vowel blends
This item assesses learners’ knowledge of vowel blends to complete a common word and would be an easier item for P4. This item has audio support for the question stem, but no audio support for the answer options.
Figure 37 is an example of a P7 spelling item that assesses the learner’s knowledge of the plural spelling of a common word.
Figure 37. Example of a P7 Spelling item: Pluralisation
This item would be an easy to mid difficulty item for P7 learners which assesses their knowledge of the plural version of the word ‘peansail’ (‘pencil’). This requires the learner to know the correct spelling of the root word, and pair it with the correct word ending in order to make it plural.
3.2.5 – MCNG Grammar
This organiser focuses on general grammar points, addressing the skills, knowledge and understanding articulated in the Benchmarks. At P4, for example, it assessed children's ability to link sentences using common conjunctions, such as 'and', 'because' or 'but', while at the higher stages, a fuller and more complex range of conjunctions was assessed. Items addressing the Grammar organiser also assessed usage of prepositions, verb forms, adjectives and pronouns. At P4, the items tended to relate to simple sentences.
At P7 and S3, the challenge was increased by introducing longer, more complex language structures, such as compound sentences, conditionals and negative clauses; or by asking questions for which the child or young person needed to identify the relationship between two pronouns, where there was some ambiguity. In summary, as well as the grammar itself becoming more challenging, the contexts in which learners were asked to demonstrate their skills became more complex in the higher stage assessments.
Figure 38 show an example of an S3 Grammar item.
Figure 38. Example of an S3 Grammar item: Prepositional pronouns
This item assesses learners’ knowledge of singular prepositional pronouns. This would be an easier item for S3; some common plural prepositional pronouns would also be classed towards the easier end of S3, however some less common plural prepositional pronouns are deemed to be harder for S3 learners.
3.2.6 – MCNG Punctuation
The 2023 to 2024 MCNG assessed the organiser Punctuation in a variety of ways. These included asking learners to identify the location of a given punctuation mark, to choose between sentences to identify the correctly punctuated example, and to choose the missing punctuation in a sentence from a range of options.
In the P4 assessment, items from this organiser focused mainly on the full stop, question mark and exclamation mark, and the correct use of capital letters. This punctuation was assessed in relatively simple sentences. At P7, the range of punctuation was extended to include commas, parentheses and the uses of inverted commas and punctuation within speech, in more complex sentences. At S3, colons and semi-colons were added to the range of punctuation marks addressed, and learners were asked to identify correct usage of punctuation marks in increasingly complex sentences. There was some variation across stages, with more demanding items at each stage drawing on some content from the stage above.
As for the other writing organisers, items targeting the Punctuation organiser were presented either using stand-alone sentences or in units that used a passage of text with several items attached to it.
Figure 39 show an example of a P4 Punctuation item.
Figure 39. Example of a P4 Punctuation item: Question marks
This item asks learners to identify the sentence that requires a question mark. This item requires the learners to read (or listen to) each answer option and through their knowledge of common Gaelic phrases, identify the sentence which requires a question mark.
4.3 SNSA National outcomes for writing[9]
4.3.1 Overall outcome
Charts 26a to 26c show the percentages of learners with outcomes in each band for writing across all three stages (P4, P7, and S3), both overall and when considering each of the three organisers Spelling (S), Grammar (G) and Punctuation (P) separately. The bar charts indicate the proportions of learners with outcomes in each of the six bands, in line with SNSA reports for the 2023 to 2024 academic year, which are specific to each stage.
Please note that for all charts, a notable difference refers to a difference of 10 percent or more, a small difference refers to any difference between 5 percent and 10 percent.
In line with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) guidelines data is not available for any assessments where there are fewer than 10 learners in any category or band. These cases are indicated where appropriate in this section of the report.
For P4 and P7, the majority of learners achieved outcomes in the mid to upper bands, and for S3 learners, the middle bands were the most frequently achieved by learners. There were relatively smaller proportions of learners with outcomes in the two lowest bands; however, among P4 learners, the proportions in the lowest band were somewhat larger.
Chart 26a. SNSA Writing outcomes for P4
Overall for P4, the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners was band 8, with 20.3 percent of learners achieving this band. The second most common band achieved by learners was band 7 and the band achieved by the smallest proportion of participants was band 5 with only 9.0 percent of learners scoring in this band. Approximately 59.2 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 9 and 81.7 percent of learners achieved bands 5 to 9.
For the 'Grammar' organiser, 61.7 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 9 and 79.4 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 9.
For the 'Punctuation' organiser, 64.6 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 9 and 81.1 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 7.
For the 'Spelling' organiser, 63.8 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 9 and 79 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 9.
Chart 26b. SNSA Writing outcomes for P7
Overall, for P7, the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners was band 9, with 24.7 percent of learners achieving this band. The second most common band achieved by learners was band 10 and the band achieved by the smallest proportion of participants was band 7, with only 8.8 percent of learners scoring in this band. Approximately 63.9 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 10 and 89.8 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 11.
As with the overall summary, each of the organisers had the largest proportion of learners achieving outcomes in band 9. For the 'Grammar' organiser, 62.2 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 10 and 94.4 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 11. For the 'Punctuation' organiser, 66.1 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 10 and 91.4 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 11. For the 'Spelling' organiser, 67.2 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 10 and 96.3 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 11.
Chart 26c. SNSA Writing outcomes for S3
Overall, for S3, the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners was band 10, with 23.6 percent of learners achieving this. The second most common band achieved by learners was band 9 and the band achieved by the smallest proportion of participants was band 7 with only 10.3 percent of learners scoring in this band. Approximately 62.3 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11 and 89.7 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12.
For the 'Grammar' organiser, 58.9 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11 and 88.7 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 11.
For the 'Punctuation' organiser, 69.3 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11 and 92.9 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12. As with the overall summary, the 'Punctuation' organiser had the largest proportion of learners achieving outcomes in band 10.
For the 'Spelling' organiser, 59.6 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11 and 94.2 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 12.
4.3.2 Sex
Charts 27a to 27c show outcomes for male and female learners for each stage (P4, P7 and S3). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
Across all stages, the majority of learners achieved outcomes in the mid to upper bands. For each stage, the proportion of female learners achieving outcomes in the two highest capacity bands was greater than that of male learners, with the reverse holding true for the lowest capacity bands. The differences in the outcomes of the two groups were least pronounced at P4, and less pronounced in the Spelling and Grammar organisers compared to the Punctation organiser.
For both male and female learners, the proportion achieving the lowest bands were far greater in P4 compared to stages P7 and S3.
Chart 27a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by sex for P4
Overall, there were no notable or small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band overall.
There were no differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band for the 'Grammar' and 'Spelling' organisers. For the 'Punctuation' organiser there were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 9.
Chart 27b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by sex for P7
Overall, there were no notable differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band overall and for each organiser. There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in bands 6, 10 and 11.
There were no differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band for the 'Grammar' and 'Spelling' organisers. There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in bands 6, 7, 10 and 11 for the 'Punctuation' organiser.
Chart 27c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by sex for S3
Overall, there were no notable differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band overall and for each organiser. There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 7.
There were no differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band for the 'Grammar' and 'Spelling' organisers.
There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in bands 8, 11 and 12 for the 'Punctuation' organiser.
4.3.3 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
This section reviews the distribution of learners for all stages across categories that reflect the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). To simplify the display of outcomes and aid their interpretation, we have divided the original 20 categories (vigintiles) into three combined categories of socio-economic background. These combined categories are: SIMD 1-4, indicating the lowest socio-economic quintile (that is, the most deprived children and young people, those in vigintiles 1 to 4); SIMD 5-16, indicating the three middle quintiles (vigintiles 5 to 16); and SIMD 17-20, indicating the highest socio-economic quintile (that is the least deprived children and young people, those in vigintiles 17 to 20).
Charts 28a to 28c show for each stage (P4, P7 and S3), the proportions of learners achieving each capacity band for learners within these SIMD categories, for both overall outcomes and outcomes in each organiser.
At each stage, the proportions of learners with outcomes corresponding to the upper capacity bands was larger in the least deprived group (SIMD 17–20). Likewise, there were also relatively higher proportions of learners who achieved outcomes in the two lower bands among learners classified in the most deprived group (SIMD 1–4). This pattern was present across all stages, both for writing overall and by organiser, but was more pronounced in stages P4 and P7.
Chart 28a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by SIMD for P4
Overall, there was a notable difference between the proportions of learners in SIMD vigintiles 1-4 and 17-20 in bands 4 and 9. There was no notable difference between the proportions of learners with other SIMD values or in other bands.
Chart 28b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by SIMD for P7
Overall, there was a notable difference between the proportions of learners in SIMD vigintiles 1-4 and 17-20 in bands 6 and 11. There was no notable difference between the proportions of learners with other SIMD values or in other bands.
There was a small difference between the proportions of learners in SIMD vigintiles 1-4 and 17-20 in bands 7, 8 and 10. There was no difference between the proportions of learners with other SIMD values or in other bands.
Chart 28c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by SIMD for S3
Overall, there was a notable difference between the proportions of learners in SIMD vigintiles 1-4 and 17-20 in band 12. There was no notable difference between the proportions of learners with other SIMD values or in other bands.
There was a small difference between the proportions of learners in SIMD vigintiles 1-4 and 17-20 in bands 7, 8, 9 and 11, and there was a small difference between the proportions of learners in SIMD vigintiles 1-4 and 5-16 in band 7. There was no difference between the proportions of learners with other SIMD values or in other bands.
4.3.4 Ethnic background
This section looks at differences in outcomes between learners from different ethnic backgrounds. Charts 29a to 29d show the percentages of learners in each of the major ethnic groups for P4. Outcomes for learners with missing or undisclosed ethnicity data are not included in the charts. A more granular breakdown of the number and percentages of learners in different ethnic groups who completed each assessment is available in Tables 21 to 23 in Appendix 6.
For the ethnicity outcomes, to allow for the presentation of data the MCNG ethnicity groupings differ from those used in SNSA where more granularity can be provided without identification of completers.
The outcomes show that, generally, there were only relatively small differences across the groups, both in terms of overall writing outcomes and when considering assessment outcomes regarding each of the organisers. For P4, overall, the mid to upper bands were generally the outcome achieved by the greatest proportion of learners for each ethnic background.
At P4, among learners from Mixed and multiple ethnic groups, African and Asian backgrounds, there were higher proportions of learners with outcomes in the upper bands than the other major ethnic backgrounds. For the lower capacity bands, there were greater proportions of learners from both White background groups and Other backgrounds achieving these outcomes.
Amongst White Scottish learners, the most frequently achieved outcome was one of the middle bands, and the least common outcome was the second lowest band.
In line with ONS guidelines the data for P7 and S3 is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
Chart 29a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ethnic background for P4 - overall outcomes
Overall, there were notable differences between the proportions of learners from different ethnic backgrounds in bands 4 and 9 and small differences between outcomes in bands 5 and 8.
There were proportionally more learners from Mixed or multiple ethnic groups backgrounds, African and Asian backgrounds achieving outcomes in the highest capacity band compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
There were proportionally more learners from each of the White backgrounds and the Other ethnic group achieving outcomes in the lowest capacity bands compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
Chart 29b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ethnic background for P4 - Spelling
For the 'Spelling' organiser, there was a notable difference between the proportions of learners from different ethnic backgrounds in band 9. There was no notable difference between the proportions of learners in other bands
There were proportionally more learners from Mixed or multiple ethnic groups backgrounds, African, Asian and Caribbean or Black backgrounds achieving outcomes in the highest capacity band compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
There were proportionally more learners from the Other ethnic group achieving outcomes in the lower two capacity bands compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
Chart 29c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ethnic background for P4 - Punctuation
For the 'Punctuation' organiser, there was a notable difference between the proportions of learners from different ethnic backgrounds in band 9.
There were proportionally more learners from Mixed or multiple ethnic groups backgrounds and Asian backgrounds achieving outcomes in the highest capacity band compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
There were proportionally more learners from the Other ethnic group achieving outcomes in the lower two capacity bands compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
Chart 29d. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ethnic background for P4 - Grammar
For the 'Grammar' organiser, there was a notable difference between the proportions of learners from different ethnic backgrounds in band 9.
There were proportionally more learners from all White backgrounds, Mixed or multiple ethic groups backgrounds, African and Asian backgrounds achieving outcomes in the highest capacity band compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
There were proportionally more learners from the Other ethnic group achieving outcomes in the lower two capacity bands compared to the other ethnic groups presented.
4.3.5 Free School Meal Entitlement
Charts 30a to 30d show writing outcomes of learners according to entitlement to free school meals (FME), distinguishing those with entitlement from all other learners, for each stage (P4, P7 and S3). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
Across all stages, there were noticeably larger proportions with outcomes in the upper two capacity bands among learners not entitled to free school meals than among those with FME. Correspondingly, there were higher proportions of outcomes in the lowest capacity band among learners with FME. This pattern was evident across all stages, both for writing overall and by organiser.
For P7 and S3, for learners with FME, the majority of outcomes were in the middle bands whereas the greatest proportion of learners not entitled to free school meals had outcomes in the mid to upper bands. For P4, for learners with FME, the majority (around of 30%) of outcomes were in the lowest band, whereas for learners not entitled to free school meals it was approximately 15% of learners who achieved this band, with the majority instead attaining the second highest capacity band.
Chart 30a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by FME for P4
Chart 30b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by FME for P7
Chart 30c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by FME for S3
4.3.6 Additional Support Needs
Charts 31a to 31c show writing outcomes of learners according to whether or not learners were registered as learners with Additional Support Needs (ASN), distinguishing those registered as learners with ASN from all other learners, for each stage (P4, P7 and S3). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
For all stages, the proportions of learners in the two upper bands were notably larger among learners without ASN. Similarly, there were relatively larger proportions of learners with ASN in the two lower bands. These differences were similar for writing overall as well as when considering each organiser separately.
For all stages, the proportion of learners with ASN in the two lower bands tended to be at least double the proportion of learners without ASN, whereas the differences in the upper capacity bands were not as extreme.
Chart 31a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ASN for P4
Chart 31b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ASN for P7
Chart 31c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by ASN for S3
4.3.7 Looked After Children
Charts 32a to 32c show writing outcomes of learners according to whether or not learners were learners who were classified as Looked After Children (LAC) either at Home or Away from Home. The information was taken from the national database, SEEMiS, and compares LAC with all other learners, for each stage (P4, P7 and S3). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
Across all stages, among learners classified as Looked After Children, smaller proportions achieved outcomes in the two upper capacity bands, compared to learners without these classifications. Similarly, for the lower capacity bands, there was a higher proportion of learners classified as Looked After Children achieving these outcomes compared to all other learners. These patterns can be seen across stages and generally hold for organiser outcomes in addition to the overall summaries.
Differences in outcomes for the two groups of learners are largest in the lowest capacity bands at all stages, with the lowest band being achieved by the greatest proportion of LAC learners in each year group, whereas at most 10 percent of learners without this classification achieved the lowest band overall. The non-LAC learners instead have the mid to upper bands as their most common outcomes overall.
Chart 32a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by LAC for P4
Chart 32b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by LAC for P7
Chart 32c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by LAC for S3
4.3.8 English as an Additional Language
Charts 33a to 33c show writing outcomes of learners according to language background and compares English as an Additional Language (EAL) with all other learners, for each stage (P4, P7 and S3). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
For all stages, a greater proportion of learners for whom English is an Additional Language achieved outcomes in the highest bands compared to the learners for whom English is their first language. This pattern was most pronounced in S3, with the differences being minimal in P4.
For P4 and P7, there was a slightly larger proportion of learners for whom English is an Additional Language achieving outcomes in the lowest band than for learners for whom English is their first language. When comparing at S3, we observed a relatively small differences in the proportion of learners achieving outcomes in the lowest two bands, with a smaller proportion of learners for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) achieving these outcomes.
Chart 33a. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by EAL for P4
Chart 33b. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by EAL for P7
Chart 33c. SNSA Writing outcomes distributed by EAL for S3
4.4 MCNG National outcomes for writing
4.4.1 Overall outcome
Charts 34a to 34c, show for each stage (P4, P7 and S3) the overall outcomes of learners for writing. Where learners are presented with more than 5 items per organiser, they additionally show the outcomes of learners according to the knowledge organisers: Spelling (S), Grammar (G) and Punctuation (P). The bars show outcomes across the six capacity bands that are specific to each stage, in line with MCNG reports for the academic year 2023 to 2024.
For P4, the bands achieved by the greatest proportion of learners were mid to upper bands, for P7, it was the upper bands that were most frequently achieved and for S3 learners, the middle bands were the most common outcomes achieved by learners. There were comparatively smaller proportions of learners with outcomes in the two lowest bands for P7 than in P4 and S3.
Please note that for all charts, a notable difference refers to a difference of 10 percent or more, a small difference refers to any difference between 5 percent and 10 percent.
In line with the Office for National Statistics (ONS guidelines) data is not available for any assessments where there are fewer than 10 learners in any category or band. These cases are indicated where appropriate in this section of the report.
Chart 34a. MCNG Writing outcomes for P4
Overall for P4, the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners was band 9, with 23.4 percent of learners achieving this band. The second most common band achieved by learners was band 7 and the band achieved by the smallest proportion of participants was band 5 with only 9.8 percent of learners scoring in this band. Approximately 60.9 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 9 and 79.5 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9.
As with the overall summary, the 'Grammar' and 'Punctuation' organisers had the largest proportion of learners achieving outcomes in band 9. The modal band for the 'Spelling' organiser differed, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 8.
For the 'Grammar' organiser, 50.2 percent of learners achieved bands 8 and 9 and 86.9 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9. For the 'Punctuation' organiser, 59.8 percent of learners achieved bands 8 and 9 and 84.5 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9. For the 'Spelling' organiser, 64 percent of learners achieved bands 7 to 9 and 80.6 percent of learners achieved bands 6 to 9.
Chart 34b. MCNG Writing outcomes for P7
Overall for P7, the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners was band 11, with 27.6 percent of learners achieving this band. The second most common band achieved by learners was band 10. The band achieved by the smallest proportion of learners was band 6 with only 3.26 percent of learners scoring in this band. Approximately 52 percent of learners achieved bands 10 or 11 and 75.4 percent of learners achieved bands 9, 10 and 11.
For the 'Grammar' organiser, 68 percent of learners achieved bands 10 and 11 and 83.3 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 10.
For the 'Punctuation' organiser, 63.7 percent of learners achieved bands 10 and 11 and 85 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11. As with the overall summary, the 'Punctuation' organiser had the largest proportion of learners achieving outcomes in band 11.
For the 'Spelling' organiser, 57.4 percent of learners achieved bands 10 and 11 and 83.5 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 10.
Chart 34c. MCNG Writing outcomes for S3
Overall, for S3, the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners was band 10, with 24.5 percent of learners achieving this. The second most common band achieved by learners was band 9. The band achieved by the smallest proportion of participants was band 11 with only 11.7 percent of learners scoring in this band. Approximately 60.2 percent of learners achieved bands 9, 10 or 11 and 85.5 percent of learners achieved bands 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
For the 'Grammar' organiser, 81.1 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 8.
For the 'Punctuation' organiser, 54.2 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11 and 88.4 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 8.
For the 'Spelling' organiser, 67.5 percent of learners achieved bands 9 to 11 and 94 percent of learners achieved bands 8 to 12. The modal band for this organiser differed from the Overall summary, with the band achieved by the largest proportion of learners instead being band 9.
4.4.2 Sex
Charts 35a and 35b, show outcomes for male and female learners for each stage (P4 and S3). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
For P4, the majority of learners achieved outcomes in the mid to upper bands. For S3, the middle bands were the outcomes achieved by the greatest proportion of learners.
For each stage, the proportion of female learners achieving outcomes in the two lowest capacity bands was smaller than that of male learners, with the reverse holding true for the highest capacity bands at S3. The differences in the outcomes of the two groups were least pronounced at P4.
In line with ONS guidelines the data for P7 is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
Chart 35a. MCNG Writing outcomes distributed by sex for P4
Overall, there were no notable differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band overall and for each organiser. There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 7 with a greater proportion of female learners achieving outcomes in this band.
For the 'Grammar' organiser there were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 8.
There were no notable or small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in each band for the 'Punctuation' organiser.
For the 'Spelling' organiser there were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 7.
Chart 35b. MCNG Writing outcomes distributed by sex for S3
Overall, there were notable differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 10 with a greater proportion of female learners achieving outcomes in this band. There were small differences in all other bands.
There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in bands 8 and 12 for the 'Grammar' organiser.
For the 'Punctuation' organiser, there were notable differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in band 11. There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in bands 7 and 9.
There were small differences between the proportion of females and males achieving outcomes in bands 8 and 10 for the 'Spelling' organiser. There was no difference for all other bands.
4.3 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
In line with ONS guidelines the data for all stages is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
4.4.4 Ethnic background
In line with ONS guidelines the data for all stages is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
4.4.5 Free School Meal Entitlement
Chart 36, show writing outcomes of learners according to entitlement to free school meals (FME), distinguishing those with entitlement from all other learners, for each stage (P4). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
For P4, there were noticeably larger proportions with outcomes in the upper two capacity bands among learners entitled to free school meals than among those not entitled to FME. Correspondingly, there were lower proportions of outcomes in the lowest capacity band among learners with FME. This pattern was evident for writing overall and by organiser.
In line with ONS guidelines the data for P7 and S3 is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
Chart 36. MCNG Writing outcomes distributed by FME for P4
Overall, there were notable differences between the proportion of all other learners and learners that are entitled to FME achieving outcomes in band 9 with a greater proportion of learners achieving outcomes in this band and small differences in band 4.
4.4.6 Additional Support Needs
Chart 37 shows writing outcomes of learners according to whether or not learners were registered as learners with Additional Support Needs (ASN), distinguishing those registered as learners with ASN from all other learners, for each stage (P4). Outcomes are given for the overall outcomes and by organiser.
For P4, the proportions of learners in the highest capacity band were notably larger among learners without ASN. Similarly, there were relatively larger proportions of learners with ASN in the two lower bands. These differences were similar for writing overall as well as when considering each organiser separately.
At an organiser level, the proportion of learners with ASN in the second highest capacity band was greater than for all other learners for the Grammar and Punctuation organisers, whereas the reverse was true for the Spelling organiser and overall summary.
In line with ONS guidelines the data for P7 and S3 is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
Chart 37. MCNG Writing outcomes distributed by ASN for P4
Overall, there were notable differences between the proportion of learners that have ASN and all other learners achieving outcomes in bands 4, 8 and 9. There was a small difference in band 5 and no difference for all other bands.
4.4.7 Looked After Children
In line with ONS guidelines the data for all stages is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
4.4.8 English as an Additional Language
In line with ONS guidelines the data for all stages is not reported in order to avoid identifying individual learners.
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