
National Strategic Commissioning Group minutes: June 2024

Minutes of the National Strategic Commissioning Group meeting in June 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Margaret Orr, Independent Chair
  • Craighalbert Centre, representing grant-aided special schools
  • CALL Scotland, representing CALL, Scottish Sensory Centre and Enquire
  • Scottish Council for Independent Schools
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
  • Association of the Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
  • Social Work Scotland (SWS)
  • Scottish Government (SG)


  • Education Scotland (ES)
  • Association of Scottish Principal Education Psychologists (ASPEP)
  • Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland
  • Coalition of Care & Support Providers in Scotland and Educating Through Care Scotland

Items and actions

Welcomes and introductions

The Chair welcomed members of the National Strategic Commissioning Group (NSCG) to the meeting. Apologies were noted from the following organisations:

Note of last meeting & action log (22 February 2024)

A copy of the note from the previous meeting was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. Following updates to reflect written comments received on the meeting note, members were in agreement the note accurately reflected the discussion and were content for it to be published on the group’s webpage. The Chair then provided updates on the actions taken from the previous meeting:

The Scottish Government were to update the draft strategic commissioning operational plan and present to the NSGC in June 2024. The plan has been updated and will be discussed during item 3 in today’s agenda.

The Scottish Government were to develop a detailed proposal for an evaluation of the capacity of enhanced support provision and services that are in use across local authorities in the provision of support for pupils with complex additional support needs for members’ consideration. This will be covered during item 3 in the agenda. A formal update will be due in September 2024.

The Scottish Government are to work with Education Scotland on the review and update of their Into Headship module content on the legislative role of being a headteacher. An update will be provided during item 5 in the agenda.

NSCG members were to consider whether they would like to be part of the Trial Placements Design Group and inform the SG secretariat accordingly. No notes of interest were received to join the design group.

Education Scotland were to consider the professional learning opportunities available to promote an understanding of complex additional support needs to a broader range of the education workforce. This would link with work underway by Education Scotland on the development of a professional learning framework for inclusion. Colleagues are engaging with Education Scotland to receive an update on this action.

The Scottish Government were to update the webpages for the group and review the publication of minutes before April 2021. This action is ongoing.

Operational commissioning plan

The Scottish Government introduced the draft operational commissioning plan. The plan has been updated to reconsider its purpose, including the agreed services to be commissioned. The plan also sets out projected budget considerations; once the budget is confirmed, it can be considered in more detail. The importance of keeping the plan under review was emphasised. The following points were raised in discussion:

  • It was proposed the plan focusses on the period from 2024 – 2029, as we work toward the end of the transition period in 2028-29 where it is also expected that services will start being commissioned.
  • Some members queried the overall budget within scope of the Doran Project as set out in the operational commissioning plan, raising concerns that as it has not increased since 2012, its value has reduced in real terms. The Scottish Government will keep members updated once the 2024-25 budget has been confirmed.
  • Members noted the importance of having clear parameters on the prioritisation of services to be commissioned.
  • The NHS national commissioning model could be considered when updating the commissioning plan.
  • The Needs analysis report was published in 2015, and it is still clear that the needs set out in the report are needed moving forward. Although it was also noted that this work needs to reflect the latest position and the developments in local commissioning of services since 2019.
  • The purpose of this work is to consider what additionality SG can offer in this area with the budget available.

Members were thanked for their comments. Scottish Government will continue to review the plan as the commissioning process develops.


  • Scottish Government to confirm the 2024-25 budget to members for strategic commissioning once available

Enhanced provision research PID

The Scottish Government introduced a draft project initiation document (PID) to prepare for the specification of research with the aim of building upon our evidence base of:

  • which services have the greatest possible positive impact on children and young people with complex additional support needs in LA mainstream and enhanced provision; and
  • where there is capacity for improvement in the services that support children and young people with complex additional support needs in LA mainstream and enhanced provision.

The scope of this research includes all 32 Scottish local authorities with various methodologies being considered including a desk-based mapping exercise and an evidence review.

Timescales for this project are still subject to revision, but it is proposed that tender is developed by the end of September, and that the time leading up to that point is used to engage with the commissioning group and SG researchers. The proposed date for the final report to be signed off by is June 2025.

The following key points were raised in discussions:

  • Changes following commencement of the UNCRC on the 16th July must be considered.
  • Timescales proposed will be difficult to meet as we approach the school summer holiday period. An extension will be required to ensure the right people can respond and provide strong returns.
  • It was highlighted that this project would require a lot of work given the broad definition of services, (especially on capacity and resourcing, which have already been raised as challenges). It was requested that more details are passed on to the group at the earliest opportunity.

Members were thanked for their contributions. Regarding the concerns raised around timescales, it was noted that the specification will be developed for agreement by September, and that, subject to ministerial approval, an invitation to tender would be issued  in autumn with the findings due in summer 2025.


  • Scottish Government to engage with ADES and COSLA in the development of the research specification and draft invitation to tender.

Leadership Pathways

The Chair introduced a paper produced by ES on the leadership pathways proposal. Work has continued around the proposal to undertake a trial of week-long placements in special schools for six depute heads from mainstream provisions (working in collaboration with the special school heads) in 2024-25. It was indicated in the scoping exercise that participants would require different placement options dependent on their personal circumstances. It is therefore proposed that 2 options are presented:

  • Option 1: 5 consecutive school days
  • Option 2: 5 school days spread over six months

ADES and ES will engage in discussion to identify which schools the six school leaders could be placed in. It is proposed that some example areas of focus to be included in the pilot programme would be:

  • vision and values
  • curriculum design
  • legislation and policy context
  • CLPL and professional standards

It was noted that being placed in schools with different learning experiences would be beneficial in order to get the most out of the learning and development opportunity. The Chair noted that a 5 day consecutive placement would provide the most immersive experience for participants.

SG met ES and the NSCG Chair in May to discuss taking work on the into headship module forward. ES has shared a copy of their module content for members’ awareness. ES advised that module updates are undertaken in autumn ahead of the new cohort the following year. Cohort 10 (2024-25 is already in place), therefore an autumn 2024 review and update is planned, to allow new content to be in place for cohort 11 (2025-26). This is a year later than originally advised (in February 2024). Work on this will involve a half-day workshop with ES, the Chair, SG, Universities and any member of the commissioning group who wishes to take part.

Concern about the delays to undertaking the module update were raised.


  • ADES and ES to liaise with the Chair to identify potential schools to host participants in the placement trial programme.
  • NSCG members to confirm with SG secretariat whether they are interested in joining the trial placement design group.

Any other business

Scottish Government are working on re-establishing the Doran Project Board and will be in touch with meeting invites in due course.

No further business was raised. The Chair thanked members for their attendance and contributions.

Date of next meeting

The Chair updated members on the date and nature of their next meeting:

  • Thursday 10 Septmeber 2024

Scottish Government



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