
National Strategy for Community Justice - delivery plan: update 1 - December 2023

Sets out deliverables which detail the work that will be undertaken to drive improvement nationally towards the aims of the National Strategy for Community Justice.

Updating process

The delivery plan is continually monitored and updated twice each year. This is the first update to the delivery plan following its publication and covers the period from June to December 2023. An update outlining the work completed or underway for each of the deliverables is provided for this period. The status of each deliverable is also included and is indicated by one of four options. These are:

  • Complete – where the deliverable has been completed.
  • In progress – where work on achieving the deliverable is ongoing and within the originally stated timescale.
  • In progress (with revised timescale) – where work on achieving the deliverable is ongoing and the timescale has been revised from its original date.
  • Outstanding – where stated timescale has passed but work is ongoing with the aim of completing the deliverable as soon as possible and before the next update to the delivery plan.

Where a deliverable has the status of ‘In progress (with revised timescale)’, revisions are clearly marked and an accompanying explanation for the change is provided. This could, for example, be due to a material change in circumstances that has adversely affected the ability to achieve a deliverable to time or follow a reassessment of the scope or complexity of the work.

Progress towards the deliverables is monitored by a Community Justice Programme Board which brings together community justice partners at a national level. The Board provides the delivery and accountability mechanism for a transformational change programme (TCP), for which the delivery plan is a key element.



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