
National Strategy for Economic Transformation: second annual progress report

Second annual progress report on the delivery of the 10 year National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET).


1. Census 2022 Religion and ethnic group results published | National Records of Scotland (

2. As identified by ‘Pathways: A New Approach for Women in Entrepreneurship (2023)’

1. New action added March 2022

2. In his response to the Covid-19 Recovery Committee’s inquiry into the impact of the pandemic on Scotland’s labour market, The Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work set out the Government’s decision not to open a dedicated new Centre given the tight fiscal environment and the existence of a number of institutions and programmes which are dedicated to improving workplace productivity and wellbeing, and which are already effectively engaging with businesses at scale Scottish Government Response, Road to recovery impact of the pandemic on the Scottish labour market | Scottish Parliament Website

3. A governance review has been undertaken and there is a proposal for a new Cabinet Sub-Committee on the Scottish Economy co-chaired by FM and DFM be established. This committee would supersede the need for an Economic Leadership Group.

4. Errata published on 25 June 2024. A correction has been made to update Action 70 from 'paused' to 'in progress'.

5. New action added March 2023




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