
National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group.


The purpose of the National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group (the NSPAG) is to champion and drive suicide prevention in Scotland by: 

  • advising the Scottish Government and COSLA on the progress, direction and priorities of Creating Hope Together, Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032)
  • advising Scotland’s Suicide Prevention National Delivery Lead and Delivery Collective on strategic issues affecting delivery
  • advising, including at their request, Scottish Government and COSLA on any broader issues connected with suicide prevention


  • the NSPAG will have up to 12 members, including an independent Chair appointed by the Scottish Government and COSLA and a Vice Chair selected annually by and from amongst NSPAG members
  • members will be selected by agreement of the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport and COSLA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care
  • members will include representatives from organisations focused on poverty, those representing minority groups and organisations working in key sectors such as criminal justice and education
  • members will have their own lived experiences and understanding of, and value the voices of all people with lived experience of, the impacts of suicide
  • membership will be kept under review by the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Chair to ensure that it continues to reflect strategic direction and priorities

Independent Chair

Rose Fitzpatrick CBE QPM (appointed to August 2024)

Vice Chair

As agreed


As agreed


The NSPAG will meet four times a year, other than in exceptional circumstances, including one engagement event.


The Co-Chairs of the Suicide Prevention Academic Advisory Group will be invited to attend every meeting of the NSPAG.  Other attendees will be invited at the discretion of the Chair as required by specific agenda items.


The NSPAG will be quorate by a simple majority of NSPAG members (including the Chair and/or Vice Chair) who must be present for the duration of the meeting.

Decision maker

The NSPAG Chair, following member discussion. 


The NSPAG will report annually in writing to the Scottish Government and COSLA on the progress of the delivery of Creating Hope Together, Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032, and its reports will be published.

The cycle of routine reporting will be in line with the published reporting framework agreed by Scottish Government and COSLA.


The Scottish Government will provide Secretariat support to the NSPAG and work with the Chair to agree any funding requirements for the Group.

Remit and Responsibilities

To support the purpose of the NSPAG, its remit and responsibilities will be as follows:

Overall remit


  • determine and set priorities for the NSPAG itself which align with the outcomes of Creating Hope Together, Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032 (the Strategy) and the role it sets out for the Group in championing and driving suicide prevention in Scotland
  • contribute to collective leadership on suicide prevention in Scotland, including by individual members raising awareness, sharing insights, promoting effective practice and encouraging leadership action within their areas of influence and networks



  • provide independent impartial advice, including any necessary constructive challenge, to the Scottish Government and COSLA on policy, practice and delivery of the Strategy, including any new and emerging priorities
  • provide independent impartial advice, including any necessary constructive challenge, to the National Delivery Lead for Suicide Prevention and to the Suicide Prevention Delivery Collective on the annual delivery plan and delivery of the Strategy 
  • provide an independent and impartial written annual report to the Scottish Government and COSLA on progress of the delivery of Creating Hope Together, Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032.  That report will be published
  • provide proactive advice to and ensure constructive engagement with the Scottish Government and COSLA, the National Delivery Lead and the Delivery Collective
  • respond to requests for advice from the Scottish Government and COSLA, from the National Delivery Lead and from the Delivery Collective on emerging strategic and operational issues
  • inform its work by maintaining a knowledge of Scottish and international developments, research and good practice in suicide prevention
  • establish a supportive working relationship with the National Delivery Lead and with the Suicide Prevention Delivery Collective, including the four strategic outcome lead partners
  • maintain strong working relationships with the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Panel, the Youth Advisory Group and the Academic Advisory Group, ensuring that the work of the NSPAG is informed in equal measure by evidence by experience, practice insights and academic research
  • maintain the integrity and impartiality of the Group, including maintaining confidentiality on issues regarding personal information, national policy development, commissioning and implementation as appropriate
  • develop and maintain productive working relationships with wider policy and governance groups across Scotland with the aim of promoting suicide prevention

​​​Working arrangements

The NSPAG will meet four times a year, other than in exceptional circumstances, including one engagement event.

The work of the Group will be supported by a Secretariat provided by the Scottish Government.


The Chair, with the assistance of the Vice Chair, will maintain strategic oversight of the Group and its effectiveness.

The Chair, in consultation with members and with the assistance of the Secretariat, will set the agenda for NSPAG meetings and agree relevant material to be provided to Group members.  Where relevant and appropriate, the Chair will request the attendance at NSPAG meetings of individuals able to assist the Group in its work.

The Secretariat will manage all the administrative and communications requirements of the Group, including servicing meetings, minutes, actions and recommendations.

The Secretariat will circulate the agenda and papers for NSPAG meetings no less than five working days in advance of the date of each meeting.

Members and the Secretariat will maintain confidentiality in respect of the work of the NSPAG and any information to which they have access in connection with its work.

Members will claim business expenses via the Secretariat.

The Chair, Scottish Government and COSLA will meet annually to discuss the progress and effectiveness of the NSPAG.

The Group will receive and may via the Chair request reports from the National Delivery Lead and the Delivery Collective in relation to delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan(s).  

The Group will as necessary seek via the Chair informal feedback on any aspect of the Strategy, Action Plan(s) and their delivery from the National Delivery Lead and/or members of the Delivery Collective.

The Group will be provided with contextual reports by the horizon scanning function of the Delivery Collective.

The Group will have access to material, documents and data requested via the Chair from the Suicide Prevention National Delivery Lead, Delivery Collective, Lived Experience Panel, Youth Advisory Group, Academic Advisory Group and any other sources in line with legislation including GDPR.  Documents will be provided to members in advance of meetings where practicable or will be made available at meetings.

Key updates and documents may be provided to Group members on an ad hoc basis between meetings at the direction of the Chair or at the request of Group members.

It is envisaged that Group members will be required to devote approximately 4 days each year to performing their role. This will include time spent at Group meetings and time spent preparing as required. The Chair may require additional preparation time.

Additional meetings, activities or engagement by Group members in connection with their NSPAG role will be agreed by individual members in advance with the Chair.

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