
Suicide prevention leadership group: annual report 2019

The first annual report of the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group.


As the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group, we make observations and recommendations to Scottish Government and to COSLA in this, our first annual report which reflect the strength of commitment across Scotland to the vision and aims of the Suicide Prevention Action Plan, Every Life Matters.

We have made recommendations which are intended to encourage, enhance and amplify the remarkable work being done by dedicated and passionate people involved in suicide prevention in Scotland. We share their ambition to create an inclusive movement for suicide prevention, in which stigma is reduced and effective help and support is provided to everyone who is thinking about or affected by suicide. We thank them for making a difference in their communities and to the people who need their help every day.

It is critical that suicide prevention is prioritised by national and local government, and we welcome the clear leadership commitments given by Scottish Government and COSLA in the Suicide Prevention Action Plan. Leadership is absolutely necessary to saving lives from suicide, and there is a role beyond that for all of us to play. Suicide prevention is everyone's business.

Because every life matters.



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