
Suicide prevention leadership group: second annual report

The second annual report of the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG).

Appendix A: Members of the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group

Ms Rose Fitzpatrick CBE QPM - Chair

Ms Rachel Cackett - Executive Director, Samaritans Scotland

Mr George Dodds - Director of Health Equity and Director of Health and Work, Public Health Scotland

Dr Alistair Cook - Principal Medical Officer, Scottish Government

Ms Fiona Drouet - Emilytest

Chief Superintendent David Duncan - Police Scotland

Mr Toni Giugliano - Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Mental Health Foundation

Dr David Hall - Royal College of Psychiatrists

Mr Nigel Henderson - Chief Executive, Penumbra

Dr Amy Knighton - Royal College of General Practitioners

Ms Lara McDonald - Young Person Representative, nominated via Young Scot 

Ms Jane O’Donnell - Head of Service Policy, COSLA

Ms Nicky Reid - Chief Executive, SPFL Trust

Ms Angela Scott - Chief Executive, Aberdeen City Council

Dr Michael Smith - Lead Associate Medical Director, NHS Greater Glasgow Clyde CE and IJB representative

Mr Alan Thornburrow - Country Director Scotland, Business In the Community

Mr Billy Watson - Chief Executive, SAMH

Academic Advisors:

Professor Rory O’Connor, University of Glasgow 

Emeritus Professor Steve Platt, University of Edinburgh



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