
National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group - Academic Advisory Group: terms of reference

Remit and terms of reference for the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group’s (NSPLG) Academic Advisory Group.

1. Purpose

The Academic Advisory Group (AAG) has been established in order to provide expertise, advice and support to the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (NSPLG) in respect of research evidence and evaluation methodology relevant to the successful implementation of the Suicide Prevention Action Plan (Every Life Matters).

2. Remit

The AAG will:

  • keep the NSPLG informed of cumulative and recent research findings relevant to each Action within the Suicide Prevention Action Plan
  • work with co-sponsors to build monitoring and evaluation into the frameworks of the Action Plan and its underpinning Delivery Plan
  • be responsive to requests from the NSPLG as it progresses its Delivery Plan
  • contribute to the development and implementation of an appropriate methodology for assessing progress towards the strategic aims* guiding the Action Plan
  • take account of the current Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027 and the vision, goal and strategic aims of the Suicide Prevention Action Plan (Every Life Matters) when providing open and honest advice
  • support NSPLG co-sponsors in relation to the implementation of Actions 8 and 9 of the Action Plan
  • work closely with its NSPLG sponsor and report regularly on progress to the NSPLG.
  • Work with the NSPLG on production of its annual report.

3. Accountability and reporting

The Group has been established in order to support the work of the NSPLG. Its terms of reference (including purpose, remit and membership) have been approved by the NSPLG.

All members of the Group and those asked to participate in work involving the Group will be asked to declare any conflicts of interest. Action to be taken on the basis of these declarations will be at the discretion of the co-Chairs. If both co-Chairs have a conflict of interest, they will ask another member of the Group to lead in determining the appropriate course of action.

The Group will work closely with its NSPLG sponsor and report regularly on progress to the NSPLG. Co-Chairs will be invited to join the NSPLG, although only one co-Chair will be expected to attend each meeting.

4. Values

The work of the AAG will embody the set of values adopted by the NSPLG in its Terms of Reference (q.v.)

5. Frequency of meetings and locations

The frequency of meetings may vary across the life of the AAG, but the Group will not meet more than four times a year. Meetings will be a combination of face-to-face and via teleconference.

Any matters which need to be decided outside the schedule of meetings may be dealt with by correspondence.

Meetings will take place in accessible locations. Members are encouraged to offer suitable accommodation within their own organisations.

6. Role of co-Chairs

The co-Chairs of the AAG are responsible for leading meetings of the Group and for agreeing the Group’s strategic direction and business, in discussion with its NSPLG sponsor (and NSPLG chair, as necessary).

7. Role of members

Members are appointed individually and personally and are expected to make every effort to attend all meetings of the AAG. Deputies will not be accepted. Members should actively engage with the work of the Group, taking responsibility for and progressing actions, as agreed by the Group.

8. Code of conduct

All members will be expected to abide by the Code of Conduct adopted by the NSPLG in its Terms of Reference (q.v.). 9. Remuneration Members of the AAG will not be remunerated for their time. Travel and subsistence will be paid at normal Scottish Government rates, where necessary.






* - People at risk of suicide feel able to ask for help and have access to skilled staff and wellcoordinated support; people affected by suicide are not alone; suicide is no longer stigmatised; better support is provided to those bereaved by suicide; and through learning and improvement, the risk of suicide is minimized by delivering better services and building stronger, more connected communities (Every Life Matters, p. 3).

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