
National Taskforce for Human Rights: leadership report

The report and recommendations of the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership.


1. All 11 of the NPF's outcomes have human rights relevance and the majority can be mapped directly to international treaty obligations.

2. A Nation with Ambition, Sept 2017,

3. First Minister's Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership -

4. News release -

5. Delivering for Today; Investing for Tomorrow, Sept 2018

6. In conjunction with any related order or orders made under the Scotland Act 1998, if relevant.


8. UN Framework Principles

9. UN Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment A/HRC/37/59

10. UN Framework Principles

11. This innovative feature was recognised by all international actors that participated in the Environmental Roundtables: former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment John Knox; current Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment David Boyd; former UN Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights Baskut Tuncak; and human rights officers of the UN Environment Programme.

12. Angeliki Papantoniou, Children and the Environment 2021

13. Placing children (0-18yo) at the centre of SDGs for lifelong, inter-generational & economic benefits for society as a whole (& strong foundation for monitoring progress): H Clark et al, "A Future for the world's children? A WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission


15. Note that the ECCLR Committee made the following recommendation in their Green Recover Report: The Committee recommends the Scottish Government further embed a human rights-based approach to recovery, underpinned by the key principles of participation, accountability, non-discrimination, empowerment and law.

16. Morgera, FACT SHEET NO 5: Why a human right to a healthy environment matters for the human right to health? (16 April 2020). World Health Organization (WHO), Report by the Director-General - Health, environment and climate change - Human health and biodiversity, A71/11, 2018; WHO, Report by the Director-General - Health, environment and climate change - Human health and biodiversity, A71/11, 2018; CBD, Dec. XIII/6, 2016CBD, Dec. XIV/4, 2018.

17. Morgera, FACT SHEET No 2: FACT SHEET NO 5: Why a human right to a healthy environment matters for children's rights? (DRAFT 11 June 2020

18. The Constitution of El Salvador is the only constitutional provision directly referring to children and the environment in the same article, and courts in El Salvador have used this and other constitutional provisions to determine that everyone has the right to a healthy environment.
(ART 34: "Every child has the right to live in familial and environmental conditions that permit his integral development, for which he shall have the protection of the State.") The novelty of the proposed key feature is making children explicit right-holders as a central tenet of a general right to a healthy environment and thus putting children at the centre of protection that the right entails for everyone.

19. Report of UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, John Knox on the rights of the child and the environment (A/HRC/37/58).

20. UN DOC A/HRC/43/53.

21. Angeliki Papantoniou,Children and the Environment 2021 and FACTSHEETS No. 2-4.

22. The model of protection, treatment and accountability is proposed in relation to children's protection from environmental threats in Angeliki Papantoniou, Children and the Environment 2021 (Brill, forthcoming 2021).

23. Morgera, FACT SHEET NO 5: Why a human right to a healthy environment matters for the human right to health? (16 April 2020).

24. Angeliki Papantoniou, Children and the Environment 2021

25. See also Human Rights Council Report of the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes, 2 August 2016, A/HRC/33/41.

26. World Health Organisation Inheriting a sustainable world: Atlas on children's health and the environment 2017, xi, Elisa Morgera Why a Human right to a healthy Environment matters for children's rights (Factsheet no 2 DRAFT 11 June 2020) and in Papantoniou, Children and the Environment 2021.

27. Morgera Factsheet no 2.

28. Angeliki Papantoniou, Children and the Environment 2021

29. ibid

30. ibid

31. ibid



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