
A National Telehealth and Telecare Delivery Plan for Scotland to 2016: Driving Improvement, Integration and Innovation

A joint National Delivery Plan from the Scottish Government, CoSLA and NHS Scotland, it sets out the vision and direction for a Scotland in which the use of technology, which plays an increasing role in our everyday lives, will be integrated into service development and delivery, transforming access to and availability of services in our homes and communities and more acute settings.

This Delivery Plan sets out 6 workstreams, each with specific actions to be delivered by 2015.

5.0 National Delivery Plan: Actions to 2015

NATIONAL WORKSTREAMS Objective Priority Activities Recommended Action Areas/Timescales Lead Role
Help people with long-term conditions to live independently at home, by supporting them to manage their own health and care
Implement European United4Health Project to support the management of Long Term Health Conditions (CHF, COPD and diabetes) Complete implementation by December 2015 SCTT/JIT with local health and social care partnerships (location to be confirmed)
Expand Home Health Monitoring solutions across Scotland Identify a minimum of three priority areas for service redesign,
Implement and review by end March 2015
Health Boards
Identify at least two further 'at scale' programmes of activity Identify focus of scaleable programmes and funding opportunities - Dec 2013
Embed telehealth and telecare within whole system pathway redesign to enable people to move smoothly through transitions between services
Participate in EIPAHA Action Groups to inform transformational care service redesign in Scotland, and develop opportunities for industry Complete Action Plans - Oct 2012

Action Plans with formal sign off by European Commission - Nov 2012

Identify specific programme opportunities and engage with Scottish stakeholders - May 2013
Implement the 'at scale' European SmartCare Project to support the redesign of integrated care pathways An additional 10,000 people supported by Dec 2015 as outlined in European submission SCTT/JIT with health and social care partnerships in Lanarkshire, Ayrshire & Arran, East & Renfrewshire
Maximise and increase the use of telehealth and telecare to improve access for citizens to planned and unplanned care Paediatric Unscheduled Care/ Critical Decision Support in North of Scotland - Study evaluated April 2013

Expand 24/7 access to Stroke Thrombolysis Decision Support by Feb 2013

Embed telehealthcare social care assessment, care planning and review processes for all client groups and ages by end Mar 2014
Grampian, Orkney, Highland, Western Isles and Shetland Health Boards

Highland and Grampian Health Boards

All Local Authorities
Use telehealth and telecare within preventative care approaches
Implement Commitment 6 of the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland 2012-15 By March 2015:

Improve access to psychological therapies and specialist child and adolescent services

Improve first contact services

Improve public mental health as well as delivering treatment and support services
SG, SCTT and Health Boards
Expand use of telehealthcare within Dementia Care & Falls Prevention in the community Expand by a minimum of 10% the use of technology within integrated care approaches to effectively support people to remain at home and avoid the need for unplanned emergency hospital and care home admission. Health and social care partnerships, Housing Associations
Ensure appropriate synergies with the technical architecture identified within the national eHealth Strategy, including standards, principles and access to enabling technologies
Maximise and expand the use of improved video conferencing facilities Develop and implement sustainable business model to provide shared services such as technical support, multi-site bridging, and central infrastructure management

Develop an infrastructure that supports outbound dialling to both external organisations and the service user's home by Dec 2012

Develop scalable and cost-effective platform developed to provide secure video and service links between health, social care, the third sector, and service users' homes by September 2013
NSS and Health Boards
Establish robust and regular progress meetings between the telehealthcare and eHealth communities to identify and develop opportunities for effective collaboration e.g. data integration and analysis. By March 2013 SG & SCTT
Expand innovative service models for community-based support and wellbeing
Develop and implement the Scottish Government and Technology Strategy Board's DALLAS Programme in Scotland 'Living it Up' Deliver a community of 55,000 people who are able (and motivated) to look after and improve their health and wellbeing by May 2015 as outlined within Technology Strategy Board competition process NHS 24/SCTT/JIT with health and social care partnerships in Forth Valley, Grampian, Highland, Lothian and Western Isles
Engage more effectively with the housing and care home community to expand the use of telehealthcare for tenants and residents Housing and Care Home providers to review and extend their use of telehealthcare as part of service development, redesign and new build opportunities Local Authorities, Housing Associations, Third and Independent sector providers, JIT
Support people to be active participants in the design and delivery of their technology- enabled services
Co-design and co-produce telehealth and telecare solutions with users, patients and carers which enable access to information, support, products and services Undertake Community Engagement in all key projects and programmes.
Ensure telehealthcare services can be accessed and made available via Self Directed Support
Project and programme leads
Health and social care partnerships
Raise awareness, evidence and share benefits for users and patients
Develop tools and materials which enable people with disabilities and long-term health and care issues to comfortably and confidently use telehealthcare to support their lifestyles Development of a range of user- and patient-focused information sources by end Mar 2015

Refresh definitions/terminology and undertake national media coverage to improve understanding, potential and take up
Recognise the crucial role provided by unpaid carers and develop solutions to meet their needs and wellbeing
Identify sustainable delivery mechanisms to ensure that carers have ready access to appropriate, up-to-date information about telehealthcare services and support Work with national Carer Organisations to develop and implement carers support/telehealthcare annual work plan by end Mar each year SCTT and Carer Organisations
Establish a baseline, and develop consistent impact and outcomes measures on efficient working practices, productivity and resource use
Establish a robust baseline of existing projects and service provision Identify a single point of contact with strategic responsibility for telehealth and telecare service development by December 2012
Develop a national database of telehealth and telecare services in Scotland to map progress, effectively share learning and identify shared service opportunities by May 2013
SCTT, Health Boards and Local Authorities
Develop a national approach to evaluation in telehealth and telecare enabled services Establish a national approach to the measurement and evaluation of telehealth and telecare in collaboration with Health Boards, local authorities and other key stakeholders by September 2013 SCTT/JIT/CoSLA
Realise greater efficiencies in procurement, contact centre/responder services, and specialist advisory resources
Procurement Expand existing Scotland Excel procurement framework to support improvements in efficiency, quality and integration of Telehealth and Telecare data, equipment and services Scotland Excel/NSS
Contact Centre/Responder Services Where a contact centre service is required for new Long Term Conditions monitoring services, NHS 24 should be considered as an option to realise economies of scale and care consistency

Local areas to identify opportunities for appropriate shared service provision for ARCs for telecare/community alarms to rationalise provision, maximise efficiencies and improve standards

Local areas should explore with third and independent sector if capacity to provide local 'on the ground' response services in areas with poor coverage
Health Boards

Local Authorities and Housing Associations

Local Authorities
Strengthening partnerships between users, practitioners, service providers, industry and academia to meet the needs and aspirations of our citizens and help grow the economy through targeted innovation and development
Develop a 10-year work plan which identifies a roadmap for innovation and development within digital health, enabling technologies and telehealthcare. This will also articulate understanding of the main ways in which such innovation can contribute to sustainable economic development in Scotland SALPB work plan in place by July 2013

Review remit of SALPB and consider transformation into Health Innovation Partnership model by Feb 2013
Establish a Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre in support of technology-enabled integrated care Centre established by March 2015 Scottish Science Advisory Council/ SCTT/Scottish Enterprise/ Highlands & Islands Enterprise
Enhancing our work on the Step Change 2015 Broadband Infrastructure Project by ensuring the full benefits for health and social care are realised Identify solutions for the delivery of telehealth and telecare services to people who live in areas with limited or no mobile or broadband connectivity by 2015 SCTT
Recognise and meet the needs of health, housing, social care, independent and third sector providers for new skills, education and training
Work with HEIs and professional bodies to embed telehealth and telecare competencies

Work with HEIs to embed Telehealth and Telecare into health, care and housing undergraduate curriculum, and develop accredited CPD modules for qualified staff

Work with key stakeholders to ensure that Education and Training opportunities and areas of good practice are accessible for health, care and housing workforce
Progress UK-wide 'Supporting Employers with the Workforce Implications of Assistive Technologies' Project and associated implementation plan

Define national strategic roadmap for remote delivery of education (Tele-education), technical skills, intra professional communication, education and clinical support

Work with the SQA to develop new accredited awards in telehealth and telecare, and provide support to SQA approved centres to deliver and assess


Support leadership capacity and capability
NTTAB with NES and SSSC how best to build Leadership for Innovation into their activity

Link with academic leaders in telehealth and telecare research and evaluation to develop the evidence around the effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability of interventions in telehealth and telecare
By May 2013

Round table discussions by end May 2013

Raise awareness, independently publish and promote innovative approaches, good practice and illustrative user/patient experiences
Organise and deliver an annual programme of Learning Network activities to support workforce development, knowledge transfer and shared learning of good practice from Scotland, UK and beyond

Identify and develop a range of web-based resources to support awareness raising, good practice and education activities
Programme for each year to be developed and published by end March, with evaluation of previous year

Review potential for further good practice guidelines in: Use of technology to support medication management; Pulmonary Rehabilitation; Home Access for care, support and emergency response services

Develop guidelines, standards and integrated protocols between telecare services and national emergency services, e.g. Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS 24 Telecare Services Association, SAS, NHS 24
Develop guidelines and standards for asset management - including storage, maintenance/repair, battery replacement SCTT, Local Authorities


Email: Alistair Hodgson

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