
A National Telehealth and Telecare Delivery Plan for Scotland to 2016: Driving Improvement, Integration and Innovation

A joint National Delivery Plan from the Scottish Government, CoSLA and NHS Scotland, it sets out the vision and direction for a Scotland in which the use of technology, which plays an increasing role in our everyday lives, will be integrated into service development and delivery, transforming access to and availability of services in our homes and communities and more acute settings.

This Delivery Plan sets out 6 workstreams, each with specific actions to be delivered by 2015.

Appendix One: Definitions

"Telehealth" is the provision of health services at a distance using a range of digital and mobile technologies. This includes the capture and relay of physiological measurements from the home/community for clinical review and early intervention, often in support of self management; and "teleconsultations" where technology such as email, telephone, telemetry, video conferencing, digital imaging, web and digital television are used to support consultations between professional to professional, clinicians and patients, or between groups of clinicians.

"Telecare" is the provision of care services at a distance using a range of analogue, digital and mobile technologies. These range from simple personal alarms, devices and sensors in the home, through to more complex technologies such as those which monitor daily activity patterns, home care activity, enable 'safer walking' in the community for people with cognitive impairments/physical frailties, detect falls and epilepsy seizures, facilitate medication prompting, and provide enhanced environmental safety.

"Telehealthcare" is used as an overarching term to describe both telehealth and telecare together.


Email: Alistair Hodgson

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