National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy - statement of intent: engagement analysis

Full report on analysis of feedback received on the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy: statement of intent.

You said

All responses have been reviewed in full. The responses to the closed questions were analysed by calculating the total counts for each response option. A thematic analysis has been carried out for each open text response, with responses allocated to common themes.

In reporting on the analysis of open questions, the following descriptors have been used to report on the number of respondents to each question raising a particular issue or theme:

  • ‘A small number’ - up to 5 respondents
  • ‘A few’ - between 6 and 9 respondents
  • ‘A small minority’ - more than 9 respondents but less than 10%
  • ‘A significant minority’ - between approximately 10-24% of respondents
  • ‘A large minority’ - more than a quarter of respondents but less than half
  • ‘A majority’ - more than half

This document reports on responses to each of the questions in turn, beginning with quantitative analysis of the closed questions, followed by any themes identified through analysis of open text responses.



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