National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy - statement of intent: engagement summary - easy read

Easy read summary report on analysis of feedback received on the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy: statement of intent.

Question 2: Is the meaning ‘disabled young people’ correct in the strategy?

Almost all people agreed with the meaning given to ‘disabled young people’. Only a very small number of people disagreed.

When asked to explain their answers, some people said:

Young people need to be able to access support and services which help them. Sometimes waiting lists can be long.

The strategy needs to work with other plans, guidance and laws which already support disabled young people.

Parents and carers play an important part in young people’s transitions, especially in supporting young people with complex needs.

People might not view themselves as disabled. Disabled young people can also have other characteristics that affect their life such as their sexuality, race and gender.

Some felt there needs to be better mental health support for disabled young people.

Language used to describe disabled young people across different services can be confusing. It needs to be easier for young people and their parents and carers to understand.



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