National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy - statement of intent: engagement summary - easy read

Easy read summary report on analysis of feedback received on the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy: statement of intent.

Most Common Answers

Some of the same things were said in people’s answers. These were:

Some people thought there should be more in the strategy about parents, carers and guardians. They felt this is important for young people who might need help to make decisions.

Some people said that reaching the goals of the strategy would depend on access to the right information, support and services across Scotland.

Some people felt the statement of intent did not say enough about the hopes of young people with ‘complex needs.’

‘Complex needs’ was used to describe young people with different health and care needs.

Some people said moving between children’s and adult services was hard. Some said there was often a big drop in support when they moved to adult services.



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