National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy - statement of intent: engagement analysis summary

This is the summary report on analysis on feedback received on the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy: statement of intent.

We asked

Respondents across all engagement platforms were invited to answer the following four closed questions by selecting one of five response options[1]:

  • Do you agree that the meaning we have given to ‘transition to adulthood’ is the correct one for the strategy?
  • Do you agree that the meaning we have given to ‘disabled young people’ is the correct one for the strategy?
  • Do you agree that the vision is correct for the strategy?
  • Do you agree that the priorities are the correct ones for the strategy?

Following each of the questions above, respondents had the option to explain their answer. For the online survey, this was via an open text response. Some respondents used the open text box to reaffirm their response to the preceding closed question, for example, by writing ‘agree’. Other respondents used the open text box to expand on their answer to the preceding closed question.

Respondents across all engagement platforms were also invited to answer an additional open text box question:

  • Do you have any other comments on the statement of intent?



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