National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy - statement of intent: engagement analysis summary

This is the summary report on analysis on feedback received on the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy: statement of intent.


Table 1: Respondent profile
Type of respondent Number
Disabled young person 8
Parents/carers of a disabled young person 49
Individual with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people's transition to adulthood 40
Organisation with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 51
None of the above 3
All respondents to survey 151
Table 2: Event profile
Type of event (by audience) Number
Disabled young person 2
Parents/carers of a disabled young person 2
Individual with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 1
Professionals with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 4
Total number of events attended 9
Table 3: Level of agreement on whether the meaning given to ‘transitions to adulthood’ is the correct one for the strategy.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Disabled young person 5 3 - - -
Parents/carers of a disabled young person 20 28 1 - -
Individual with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people's transition to adulthood 21 17 1 1 -
Organisation with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 13 35 1 1 -
None of the above - 3 - - -
All respondents to question 59 86 3 2 -
% of all respondents to question 39% 57% 2% 1% -
Table 4: Level of agreement on whether the meaning given to ‘disabled young people’ is the correct one for the strategy.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Disabled young person 5 3 - - -
Parents/carers of a disabled young person 20 27 1 - 1
Individual with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people's transition to adulthood 17 19 3 1 -
Organisation with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 14 28 6 1 1
None of the above 1 1 - 1
All respondents to question 57 78 10 3 2
% of all respondents to question 38% 52% 7% 2% 1%
Table 5: Level of agreement on whether the vision is correct for the strategy
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Disabled young person 5 3 - - -
Parents/carers of a disabled young person 22 20 4 1 2
Individual with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people's transition to adulthood 13 20 5 2 -
Organisation with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 18 25 6 1 -
None of the above 1 2 - - -
All respondents to question 59 70 15 4 2
% of all respondents to question 39% 47% 10% 3% 1%
Table 6: Level of agreement on whether the priorities are the correct ones for the strategy
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Disabled young person 4 - - - -
Parents/carers of a disabled young person 20 22 5 - 2
Individual with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people's transition to adulthood 15 20 3 2 -
Organisation with a role or interest in supporting disabled young people’s transition to adulthood 17 27 3 3 -
None of the above - 2 1 - -
All respondents to question 56 71 12 5 2
% of all respondents to question 38% 49% 8% 3% 1%



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