National Trauma Transformation Programme: workforce survey 2024

This report presents the main findings from a survey carried out with the workforce in Scotland exploring awareness and attitudes to psychological trauma and trauma-informed practice. The survey was carried out by the Improvement Service as part of the National Trauma Transformation Programme.


1 Available at:

2 nationaltraumatrainingframework-final.pdf (

3 The Scottish psychological trauma training plan | Turas | Learn (

4 Note that percentages reported here and throughout this report include “don’t know” responses unless stated otherwise as these provide a useful measure of knowledge.

5 Don’t know responses 2021: Third/Voluntary 1%, Private/independent 2%, Public 1%, Other 1%

Don’t know responses 2024: Third/Voluntary 0%, Private/independent 1%, Public 1%, Other 4%

6 Confident responses: Finance & administration 5%, Transport/Roads 5%

Don’t know responses: VAW & equalities 2%, Housing & homelessness 1%, Justice 1%, Prim. Or Sec. Educ. 1%, Community Safety 3%, Emergency services 5%, Physical health 1%, Economic Development 3%, Finance & administration 1%

7 Not confident responses: VAW & equalities 5%

Don’t know responses: Justice 1%, Community Safety 1%, Housing & homelessness 2%, Prim. or Sec. Educ. 1%, Further or Higher Educ. 1%, Human Resources 2%, Social care & social work 2%, Emergency services 2%, Transport/Roads 5%, Digital/Data 4%, Don’t know 6%, Economic Development 5%, Finance & administration 6%, Planning/Building Stds. 2%

8 Understanding the concept of psych. trauma – Not confident responses: Senior management 3%, Middle management 6%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 10%, Pract./front. /officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 11%, Other 15%, Elected official 9%

Understanding the concept of psych. trauma – Don’t know responses: Front. mgr./supv./team leader 1%, Pract./front. /officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 1%, Other 3%

Understanding the impact of psych. trauma – Not confident responses: Senior management 3%, Middle management 7%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 10%, Pract./front. /officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 10%, Other 14%, Elected official 14%

Understanding the impact of psych. trauma – Don’t know responses: Front. mgr./supv./team leader 1%, Pract./front. /officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 1%, Other 3%, Elected officer 3%

9 Confidence applying principles of TIP – Not confident responses: Senior management 12%.

Confidence applying principles of TIP – Don’t know responses: Middle management 1%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 1%, Pract./front. /officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 2%, Other 5%

Understanding the principles of TIP – Not confident responses: Senior management 9%, Middle management 16%

Understanding the principles of TIP – Don’t know responses: Front. mgr./supv./team leader 1%, Pract./front. /officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 2%, Other 4%, Elected official 3%

10 Don’t know responses: Third/voluntary 2%

11 Don’t know responses: Employability 4%, L&D & training 2%, Human Resources 2%, Early years & childcare 2%, Further or higher educ. 4%, VAW & equalities 2%, Children & families 3%, Economic development 5%, Social care and social work 6%, Alcohol & drugs 2%, Housing & homelessness 3%, Prim. or Sec. Educ. 5%, Mental health 4%, Justice 3%, Community safety 7%, Physical health 4%, Emergency services 3%

12 2021 – Neither agree nor disagree responses – Senior management 8%, Middle management 15%, Elected official 10%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 16%

2021 – Disagreement responses - Senior management 3%, Middle management 13%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 16%, Other 9%, Volunteer w/ no mgmt. respons. 3%

2021 – Don’t know responses - Middle management 1%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 1%, Other 2%, Volunteer w/ no mgmt. respons. 9%, Pract./front./ officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 1%

2024 – Neither agree nor disagree responses – Senior management 6%, Middle management 12%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 17%

2024 – Disagreement responses - Senior management 4%, Middle management 12%, Elected official 6%, Other 16%, Volunteer w/ no mgmt. respons. 13%

2024 – Don’t know responses – Elected official 3%, Other 3%, Pract./front./ officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 1%

13 2021 – Disagreement responses: Senior management 15%, Elected official 10%

2021 – Don’t know responses: Senior management 2%, Other 11%, Middle management 6%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 6%, Pract./front./ officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 13%

2024 – Disagreement responses: Senior management 16%

2024 – Don’t know responses: Other 9%, Volunteer w/no mgmt. respons. 13%, Middle management 2%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 4%, Pract./front./ officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 6%, Elected official 9%

14 2021 – Neither agree nor disagree responses: Volunteer w/no mgmt. respons. 12%

2021 – Don’t know responses: Senior management 6%, Middle management 12%, Other 14%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 11%

2024 – Neither agree nor disagree responses: Senior management 10%

2024 – Disagreement responses: Senior management 6%, Middle management 15%, Volunteer w/no mgmt. respons. 13%, Other 15%

2024 – Don’t know responses: Middle management 1%, Volunteer w/no mgmt. respons. 4%, Other 9%, Front. mgr./supv./team leader 3%, Pract./front./ officer w/ no mgmt. respons. 6%, Elected official 6%

15 Don’t know responses: 2021 2%, 2024 3%

16 Yes responses: Transport/Roads 5%

17 Yes responses: Don’t know 6%

18 2021 – Yes responses: Elected Official 10%

19 Confidence applying principles of TIP – Don’t know responses: No 3%

Understanding the principles of TIP – Don’t know responses: No 2%

20 Understanding the concept of pscyh. Trauma – Don’t know responses: No 2%

Understanding the impact of pscyh. Trauma – Don’t know responses: No 2%

21 Staff have knowledge, skills, confidence and capacity – Don’t know responses: Yes 2%

Staff wellbeing prioritised – Don’t know responses: No 2%

22 Feedback used – Don’t know responses: Yes 3%

Opportunities to share power with lived experience – Don’t know responses: Yes 2%

23 Policies & processes reflective – Don’t know responses: Yes 2%

Services designed to resist re-traumatisation, support recover – Don’t know responses: Yes 3%

24 Leaders drive and inspire - Don’t know responses: Yes 2%



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