National Trauma Transformation Programme: workforce survey 2024

This report presents the main findings from a survey carried out with the workforce in Scotland exploring awareness and attitudes to psychological trauma and trauma-informed practice. The survey was carried out by the Improvement Service as part of the National Trauma Transformation Programme.

Annex A – Survey Questions

Section 1. About You

Question 1. Within which local authority area is your usual place of work? If you work across several areas, please select all that apply. *

1. Scotland-wide

2. Aberdeen City

3. Aberdeenshire

4. Angus

5. Argyll & Bute

6. Clackmannanshire

7. Dumfries & Galloway

8. Dundee City

9. East Ayrshire

10. East Dunbartonshire

11. East Lothian

12. East Renfrewshire

13. Edinburgh, City of

14. Eilean Siar

15. Falkirk

16. Fife

17. Glasgow City

18. Highland

19. Inverclyde

20. Midlothian

21. Moray

22. North Ayrshire

23. North Lanarkshire

24. Orkney Islands

25. Perth & Kinross

26. Renfrewshire

27. Scottish Borders

28. Shetland Islands

29. Stirling

30. South Ayrshire

31. South Lanarkshire

32. West Dunbartonshire

33. West Lothian

34. Don't know

Question 2. Which of these sectors do you currently work in? *

1. Public

2. Third/voluntary

3. Private/independent

4. Don’t know

5. Other (please specify):

Question 3. What best describes the service area(s) in which you work? Please use more than one description if that is required. *

1. Alcohol and drugs

2. Children & families

3. Communications

4. Community safety

5. Justice

6. Digital/Data

7. Early years and childcare

8. Primary or Secondary Education

9. Further or Higher Education

10. Economic development

11. Emergency Services

12. Employability

13. Finance & administration

14. Higher education

15. Housing and homelessness

16. Human Resources

17. Learning, development & training

18. Mental health

19. Planning/Building Standards

20. Physical health

21. Social care and social work

22. Transport/Roads

23. Violence against women & equalities

24. Don’t know

25. Other (please specify):

Question 4. What is your job role?

1. Elected official

2. Senior management, such as a chief executive or director

3. Middle management, such as a service head

4. Frontline manager/supervisor/team leader

5. Practitioner/frontline service delivery/officer with no management responsibilities, for example teacher, support worker, social worker, analyst

6. Volunteer with no management responsibilities

7. Other (please specify):

Section 2. Your experience

Being ‘Trauma-informed’ means being able to recognise when someone may be affected by trauma, collaboratively adjusting how we work to take this into account, and responding in a way that supports recovery, does no harm, and recognises and supports people's resilience.

Everyone has a role to play in responding to trauma but having a trauma-informed workforce does not mean everyone needs to be a trauma expert. Sometimes expertise is required, but everyone can build trusted relationships which help many people to overcome adverse and traumatic experiences.

Question 5. How would you assess your own (Options: Extremely confident, Very confident, Somewhat confident, Not so confident, Not at all confident, Don't know)

1. Understanding of the concept of psychological trauma

2. Understanding of the impact of psychological trauma

3. Understanding of the principles of trauma-informed practice

4. Confidence in applying the principles of trauma-informed practice in your work

Trauma-Informed Practice Within Your Organisation or Service An organisation or service is trauma-informed if its culture reflects each of the values of safety, choice, trust, collaboration, and empowerment in each contact, physical setting, relationship and activity.

Question 6. Thinking specifically about the above definition of a trauma-informed organisation or service, to what extent would you agree that each of the following statements form part of your organisation or service's culture? (Options: Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree, or Don’t know)

1. Staff wellbeing is valued and prioritised

2. We routinely create safe and meaningful opportunities to share power with people with lived experience of trauma

3. Leaders at all levels understand, drive and inspire working in a trauma-informed and responsive way

4. All staff have the knowledge, skills, confidence and capacity to recognise and respond to people affected by trauma, through training and implementation support relevant to their job role and service remit.

5. Our policies and processes reflect an understanding of the prevalence and impact of trauma

6. We continually use feedback to improve how we design and deliver our services

7. Our organisation’s budget includes a long-term commitment to embedding a trauma-informed and responsive approach

8. Whatever our organisation’s remit, our services are designed and delivered to resist re-traumatisation, recognise people’s resilience and support people’s recovery

Question 7. Are there any barriers to you or your organisation or service adopting trauma-informed practices?

1. Limited time to undertake training

2. Limited time to put training into practice

3. Lack of senior buy-in

4. Organisational capacity/ prioritisation

5. No or limited access to training resources

6. Lack of knowledge or awareness

7. Stigma or resistance to change

8. Other (please specify):

Question 8. Thinking about any barriers, is there any support you and/or your organisation need to help embed or improve trauma-informed practice?

Section 3. Training

The National Trauma Transformation Programme has produced a wide range of free resources, including a leadership development component, to support all sectors of the workforce to upskill staff to the appropriate level of trauma informed practice and to embed and sustain this model of working. More information on the programme and resources is available here.

Question 9. Prior to completing this survey were you aware of the National Trauma Training Programme? *

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don't know

Question 10. Have you ever completed any of the following training/info sessions offered by the National Trauma Training Programme? Please select all that apply.

1. Trauma informed: for example "Opening doors" and "Sowing seeds" animations.

2. Trauma skilled e-modules: for example "Developing Your Trauma Skilled Practice" E-Module

3. Trauma skilled full day "Transforming Connections" training

4. "Transforming Connections" Training for Trainers

5. Trauma enhanced: "Safety and Stabilisation" and/or "Survive and Thrive"

6. Trauma specialist for example Trauma Focussed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy training

7. STILT (Scottish Trauma Informed Leaders Training) webinars and workshops

8. Training, consultation, or support offered by your area's local transforming psychological trauma implementation coordinator (TPTIC) or trauma lead officer.

9. None of these

10. Other (please specify):

Question 11. To what extent do you agree that you would be likely to recommend any training you undertook to a colleague?

1. Strongly agree

2. Agree

3. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Disagree

5. Strongly disagree

6. Don't know/NA

Question 12. Have you ever accessed training around developing trauma-informed practice by another provider or organisation?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don't know

If you answered "yes" and would like to provide details, please do this here

Section 4. Further Information

Question 13. If there is anything else you would like to add about any of the topics raised in this survey, please use this space to do so. Please note that we are unable to respond to individual comments.



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