
Negative Emissions Technologies (NETS): Feasibility Study - Technical Appendices

Technical annex for study that estimates the maximum Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) potential achievable in Scotland, 2030 - 2050.

Appendix 12. BECCS hydrogen additional schematics

Figure 22: Hydrogen produced via SMR of biomethane with VSPA CO2 capture
This is a flowchart demonstrating the process of producing hydrogen via steam methane reforming of biomethane with carbon capture.
Figure 23: Hydrogen produced via ATR of biomethane with MDEA CO2 capture
This is a flowchart demonstrating the process of producing hydrogen via Auto thermal reforming of biomethane with carbon capture.
Figure 24: Hydrogen produced via ATR of biomethane with VSPA CO2 capture
This is a flowchart demonstrating the process of producing hydrogen via Auto thermal reforming of biomethane with carbon capture.
Figure 25: Hydrogen production via gasification and subsequent reformation of the syngas
This is a flowchart demonstrating the process of producing hydrogen via gasification and subsequent reformation of the syngas with carbon capture.



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