
Negative Emissions Technologies (NETS): Feasibility Study

This study estimates the maximum Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) potential achievable in Scotland, 2030 - 2050.

Table of tables

Table 1: Pathway Assumptions

Table 2: NETs potential, selected years including lifetime stored MtCO2

Table 3: CAPEX per pathway, selected years and total lifetime CAPEX

Table 4: Technologies considered in this study

Table 5: Categorisation of technologies by technology readiness level (TRL)

Table 6: Bioresource availability, adapted from CXC report

Table 7: Penetration rates for future sites

Table 8: Summary of data sources used to inform the CO2 capture calculations

Table 9: Capture potential breakdown for key BECCS sites in the Power and Industrial sectors

Table 10: A breakdown in capture potential for key BECCS sites within the existing EfW sector

Table 11: A breakdown in capture potential for key BECCS sites within the existing Fermentation sector

Table 12: A breakdown in capture potential for key BECCS sites within the existing Biomethane sector

Table 13: A breakdown in capture potential for key BECCS sites within the future EfW sector

Table 14: A breakdown in capture potential for all BECCS sites within the future Power sector

Table 15: Cost benchmarks used within the LCOC analysis

Table 16: CO2 injection points along the Feeder 10 pipeline and their respective distances

Table 17: Site inclusion per pathway

Table 18: Potential sector specific funding and impact for existing sites

Table 19: Pathway 1 – No Action, policy quantification estimates

Table 20: Pathway 2 – Scottish Government Action, policy quantification estimates

Table 21: Pathway 3 – UK Government & Scottish Government Action, policy quantification estimates

Table 22: OPEX per pathway, selected years and total lifetime OPEX

Table 23: Existing Sites in pathway 1

Table 24: Pathway 1- No Action. Volumetric split of CO2 stored by technology type

Table 25: Pathway 1- No Action. Percentage split of CO2 stored by technology type

Table 26: Existing sites in pathway 2

Table 27: Pathway 2- SG Action. Volumetric split of CO2 stored by technology type

Table 28: Pathway 2- SG Action. Percentage split of CO2 stored by technology type

Table 29: Existing Sites in pathway 3

Table 30: Pathway 3- UKG & SG Action. Volumetric split of CO2 stored by technology type

Table 31: Pathway 3- UKG & SG Action. Percentage split of CO2 stored by technology type

Table 32: Pathway sensitivity analysis and the resulting impact on NETs potential and costs



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