Neighbourhoods and communities 2023: Scottish Household Survey findings
This report provides insights into neighbourhoods and communities in Scotland. It draws on key data from the Scottish Household Survey (2023) to explore neighbourhoods and communities both at a national level in Scotland and for different subgroups and different places.
Annex C: Questions on Neighbourhoods and Communities in the Scottish Household Survey
The 2023 SHS asked participants the following questions about neighbourhoods and communities:
- Thinking now about the neighbourhood you live in, how would you rate it as a place to live? [very good/fairly good/fairly poor/very poor]
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your neighbourhood [strongly agree/tend to agree/neither agree nor disagree/tend to disagree/strongly disagree]
- This is a neighbourhood where people are kind to each other
- This is a neighbourhood where most people can be trusted
- There are welcoming places and opportunities to meet new people
- There are places where people can meet up and socialise
- This is a neighbourhood where people from different backgrounds get on well together
- This is a neighbourhood where local people take action to help improve the neighbourhood
- How strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood? [very strongly/fairly strongly/not very strongly/not at all strongly]
- I would now like to ask about how involved you are with other people living in this neighbourhood. How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements [strongly agree/tend to agree/neither agree nor disagree/tend to disagree/strongly agree]
- If I was alone and needed help, I could rely on someone in this neighbourhood to help me
- If my home was empty, I could count on someone in this neighbourhood to keep an eye on my home
- I feel I could turn to someone in this neighbourhood for advice or support
- In an emergency, such as a flood, I would offer to help people in my neighbourhood who might not be able to cope well.
- How common would you say the following things are in this neighbourhood? [very common/fairly common/not very common/not at all common]
- Noisy neighbours or regular loud parties
- Vandalism, graffiti or other deliberate damage to property
- Rubbish or litter lying around
- Neighbour disputes
- Groups or individuals intimidating or harassing others
- Drug misuse or dealing
- Rowdy behaviour e.g. drunkenness, hooliganism or loutish behaviour
- Abandoned or burnt out vehicles
- Animal nuisance such as noise or dog fouling
- Which of these have you personally experienced in this neighbourhood in the past 12 months? [yes/no]
- Noisy neighbours or regular loud parties
- Vandalism, graffiti or other deliberate damage to your property
- Rubbish or litter lying around
- Neighbour disputes
- Groups or individuals intimidating or harassing you
- Seen any instances of drug misuse or dealing
- Rowdy behaviour e.g. drunkenness, hooliganism or loutish behaviour
- Abandoned or burnt out vehicles
- Animal nuisance such as noise or dog fouling
- *None of these
- How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighbourhood after dark? Would you say you feel…? [very safe/fairly safe/a bit unsafe/very unsafe/don’t know/not applicable]
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback